An OOC Note
The broad categories used for character creation are not typically the terms used in character by any but the most obscure of scholars. Most supernaturals identify more as their subtypes in character.
For example, a character is more likely to identify as a vampire than the broader revenant category. Indeed, some vampires might be rightfully offended in character over being lumped in with zombies, ghouls and other undead.
There are no inherent abilities tied to any of the typologies. It is simply to help narrow the scope of your character creation and help others understand the vibe of the character you are going for, especially for more esoteric supernatural creatures.
You should pick the typology that makes sense for YOUR concept. We do not have any restrictions on concepts needing to be specific typologies. For example, your fae character could easily be mythoi or naturae or even mortal depending on the intent you have for their character.

Not inherently magical
Often human childhood and background.
Learned magic often
Occasionally gifted halfbreeds that identify with their mortal side
Can be empowered mortals by supernaturals (renfields, marked humans, fae enchanted)
Sapient but unnatural
Animating force and intellectual built alongside vessel.
Golems, automatons, gargoyles and even animate corpses ala Frankenstein's monster.
Magic tends to be inherent rather than learned.
Mythic semi-immortals.
Ancient folklore and belief based.
Tend to be ancient but can also be newly awakened or recent developing myths (urban mythoi).
Divine and demonic as well as mythic heroes and monsters.
High court fae may be mythoi while hearth fae might be more naturae
Natural and animalistic tied creatures.
Ferals (were / shifter),
Anamist (nature sprits, such as dryads, satyrs), etc.)
Magics tend to be either purely physical or tied to nature / animal realms.
Can certainly learn magic but is often less common than other archetypes.
'Natural' undead
Usually no longer alive, still ambulatory and with coherency and usually some degree of memories of life before undeath
Vampires, ghosts, risen, revenants, ghouls
Magic is often inherent but some study schools of magic