Island History
Callisto is not a natural island. Rather, it is an artificial one, dredged up from the ocean to serve as a base to harvest the aetherite that settles on the shallow sea floor. Located in the Pacific Ocean, Callisto is actually the largest of a small chain sitting on top of a natural ridge below the ocean floor.
It was officially founded in 1853 as a joint Japanese-British venture as Japan was beginning to relax their closed borders policy. As pretty as cooperation looked on paper, the Harbor is fairly sharply divided between the Japanese side of the harbor and the British rather than a true fusion.​

The Harbor
The harbor remains the heart of Callisto. In addition to all the shops that support day to day life, there are still lovely businesses and homes, even if the glory is fading.
The Japanese side of town is more 'middle class' and has survived better than the British residents as the wealthy have begun to abandon the town on the ground, sending servants down to pick up imports through the docks rather than investing in the crumbling neighborhood.
Most of the staples are located in the Japanese half of town such as the general market and the public baths.
On the hill, the Sanatorium overlooks the entire town, stretching high above its stone walls. Eumenides Sanatorium provides excellent medical care although the long term residents tend to turn many away from seeking their help unless its truly dire... or mandated.

Other Locations
The Clockwork Market
While many Callistani will never see the private sky islands of the rich or the vaunted soaring halls of the academy, the Clockwork Markets are open to all.
Part flea market, part food market - and occasional sky racing track much to some stall owners dismay - the Clockwork Markets float over the harbor proper, belching steam in a perpetual cloud over that part of the sky.
The Wilds
Much of Callisto Island remains untamed natural beauty. Though there SHOULD be no large predators on the artificial island, rumors remain that some wealth Englishman released his pack of dogs to go rabid and wild.
It is not unheard of for people to go missing if they wander too far outside of town.