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Traditional Magic

Traditional magic is defined as magic that can be taught rather than that which some supernaturals are born into. Anyone is technically capable of learning tradition magic though few have the faculties to do so with meaningful success.

There are seven broad traditions of magic, within each there may be schools and techniques that developed independently but each tradition shares within it an approach to the channeling and manipulation of Aether though they may call it by another name.​

Until roughly a century ago the magic workers of the world struggled to pull their traditions from the shadows of the veil that hid the supernatural world from the mundane world.


The End of Death and its aftermath has largely left the traditional magicians to practice in the open though the techniques are still oft jealousy guarded and in many places mistrusted.

NOTE: If you begin play as a human without a character sheet and learn magic in play, you will need to create a character sheet and spend the points to represent having learned that magic. 

Traditional Magic  vs. Magical Abilities

The crux of the difference between Traditional Magic and magical or supernatural abilities is the difference of inherent vs learned. While a supernatural being may train and hone their skill with a magical ability they can not teach it or pass it on to another.


Beyond this central difference however Traditional Magic is far broader in application compared to any given supernatural ability though perhaps less potent at the extremes. Restrictions are the other major difference between Traditional Magic and magical abilities.


Each Traditional practice has its own requirements for focusing Aether regardless of what they may call it. These requirements may place limits on breadth or depth of power that can be channeled specific to the Tradition and even the schools of thought within a given tradition.

Traditional Magic Capabilities and Restrictions

Listed within each Traditional Practice are a set of techniques and restrictions. Each Tradition is governed by its Restrictions. No Traditional Practice effect can be generated without meeting the restrictions. All restrictions must be met in order to utilize the practices' effects as follows:

Note: When applying, some magic schools may require a box to be filled in for more information. In those cases, we are requesting a short description for your specific character. For example, a school that requires tells, please explain how the magic manifests around your character when it is active.

  • Requires Speech: Must be able to vocalize words of power to shape their effect

  • Requires Gesture: Must have Freedom of Movement and make the correct movements to trigger their effect.

  • Requires Tools: Must have access to specific items to activate and effect

  • Requires Time: New effects require time to generate and perhaps store for later use

  • Requires Sacrifice: Must make an exchange, often of living Aether, to generate an effect

  • Strain: Channeling the Aether of the Effect places strain on the user

  • Tell: An obvious sign of the use of an effect perhaps lasting that can trace to the caster

  • Bound By Tenets: Effects and the caster behavior must abide by the structures of the tenets

By meeting the restrictions of their tradition a practitioner can create a magical/supernatural ability effect equivalent to the same level of mastery as they possess. This could be an exact duplication of an equivalent rank ability or an effect of similar potency. 


In cases of extreme need, a magic user can push themselves to their absolute limits using certain techniques. In this case, the magic school can produce a result one rank above their ability. This is an extraordinary situation, with significant costs to the practitioner or those around them and should never be taken lightly. Think of as ‘season finale’ kind of magic to punctuate climactic moments in your story not just for day to day usage.

  • Ritual Caster: A difficult and time consuming ritual involving one or more practitioners

  • Overburn: Channel personal Aether into an effect exhausting or even harming oneself.

  • Experimental: Push the boundaries to create a limited reuse item with failure potential.

Magic Schools 




Requires Sacrifice, Tell

Ritual Caster, Overburn

The much maligned art of Necromancy evokes fearful images of sacrifice, blight, corruption, and fell rites to raise the dead.  This is not an inaccurate portrayal.  The fundamental practice of Necromancy is that of energy transference, particularly vital sympathetic Aether.  All necromantic rites and ritual require sacrifice, it may be as small as a few drops of the casters blood or as much as the life force of several sentient beings.  In some cases effects MAY be achieved with the destruction of material objects of great importance to the Necromancer or their subject but such a link is far weaker than blood and vital Aether.  Such dark arts leave a mark upon flesh and spirit both of the user and the areas where they practice.  These Tells are as varied and unique as the Necromancer may be but all leave an indelible mark that reveals the caster and the nature of their magic.  The rites and rituals of necromancy can be harnessed with greater sacrifice to grant power beyond the Necromancer's usual power joining with others or enacting grander sacrifices to feed ever growing needs of the rites.  Even without such means Necromancers may catabolize their own Vital Aether to feed mighty necromantic workings at the cost of their own energy and very life force.


Apprentice Necromancers attune their Aether to the necrotic forces of decay that permeate the world.  This grants them the ability to commune with the dead restless or otherwise so long as their spirit lingers still or the death remains sufficiently fresh.  They begin to practice the arts of energy transference and may siphon the Aether from their surroundings or even some living things.  Of course even an Apprentice necromancer can raise the dead animating a sufficiently fresh corpse to shamble with the strength if not the grace of a mortal.  Since the End of Death even apprentice necromancers have discovered the ability to free willing souls to their destined afterlife should they choose.


Journeyman Necromancers grow in skill and dark power allowing them to harness the deathly aether around them to command even older spirits and pull them briefly from their rightful rest to answer the necromancer's demands.  Their mastery of Aetheric transference grows and they may harvest the Aether from wider areas and multiple targets both to power their own abilities and to drain the vital energies of their foes.  A journeyman may maintain a handful of corpus servants or even imbue a single servant with greater power.  They may also now send unwilling spirits lingering in this world on to the next.


Master Necromancers are the stuff of nightmares able to siphon the vital force from wide areas and numerous living targets alike.  They can pull spirits of the dead from their rest and bind spirits to this world or their own service with equal ease.  Their blights are potent almost living things spreading long after the Necromancer stops feeding it themselves.  They can raise mobs of corpses to rampage across their demesne or create even more potent singular undead creatures.  Master Necromancers possess the terrible power to rend asunder the spirits of the dead, sending them to oblivion as they extract the very Aether from the soul to power their dark magics.




Strain, Tell


Psychics sit nearly outside the traditional definition of magical school.  These potent minds use neither ritual nor rote, prayer nor kata nor maneuver.  Psychic phenomenon can come upon the untrained mind under stress, alteration, or manipulation.  The school of Psychic Techniques as taught in the schools that accept it among traditions however refine and prepare the mind for unlocking the unimaginable might of the mortal mind.  These techniques and training leave a mark upon the body and Aether; all Psychics wear the mark of the source of their powers revealing the use of the powers with a signature effect on body or environs.  The mortal mind was also not made for such energies and there is a price paid for each use of power as personal reserves of Aether are tapped to manifest phenomena.  Psychics can push themselves to their limits and beyond but at great cost to the mind and body, but a psychic with nothing left to lose can unleash daunting manifestations of the mind.


Apprentice psychics are new to their powers having only recently unleashed their potential.  First comes the unrelenting onslaught of expanded senses.  Learning to filter the new inputs and not become overwhelmed is a key stage for apprentices who then may learn to apply their expanded minds to minor tasks manipulating small objects or slight adjustments to temperatures.  They have fragile mental shields that may cause disruption in concentration if ruptured as their senses are overwhelmed.


Journeymen psychics have mastered their senses and take far less effort to restrain them or to more acutely apply them to a given task. Their technique is refined allowing a more subtle use of power as well as bringing their mind to bear on more difficult tasks and concerted manipulations of their environments.  Their mental shields are competently maintained and compartmentalized allowing them to restrain their senses even if their minds are attacked.


Master psychics mental might is without match.  Their mental shields are a fortress requiring extended effort from similarly potent individuals to penetrate and often fraught with traps to lure the unwary into mental traps themselves.  The subtle touch of a master psychic can remove and rewrite memory or weave emotions that seem real and reasonable.  When turned to physical phenomenon they can bring to bear terrible psychic forces unleashed with the exacting precision of a well trained mind.

Faith Magic



Requires Tools, Bound By Tenets

Ritual Caster

Faith magic has long been one of the most contentious forms of traditional magic. It contains within it worshipers of gods and demons and those who would call one the other.  But despite such contention it remains among the oldest. After all, for as long as humanity has wandered the earth they have yearned to be noticed and blessed by powers beyond their own, or at the least to avoid their wrath. Such beings of course are not of unified purpose where they even deign to acknowledge others existence they often treat other figures as opponents, demons or foul spirits, invariably lesser. All however hold their followers to strict guidance of how to serve and worship, these tenets are not uniform even among similar faiths no less between divergent structures of belief. However all Faithful must abide by their own tenets and utilize some sort of foci, an idol or symbol or scroll of prayer or relic in order to call upon the power of their chosen power. More involved prayer among the faithful and observance of ritual worship allows even greater miracles or acts to be performed.


Novitiates of the Faith perform the most minor of miracles. Often so small as to be attributed to the whims of chance but the believers know the truth. They may be granted fleeting glimpses of their patrons' greater plan or warnings of other beings' plots. Most notable among such invocations, particularly in the aftermath of the End of Death, are final rights, the ability to consign the soul of a willing follower of the same faith to the afterlife releasing them from earthly fetters. Other acts of faith will be in line with the tenets and beliefs of the faithful and their patron.


Journeymen of Faith magic can harness their bond with their patron to invoke acts and miracles beyond explanation by traditional means. Healing the sick, acts of creation, or infliction of illness and blight upon the enemies of the faith. Dreams and visions when in communion with the patron are possible offering ever greater insight into the patrons will. Journeymen may also consign unwilling members of the faith to the afterlife, sending their souls to the domain of their shared patron.


Bastions of Faith or Chosen servants, the Masters of this school have formed a deeply personal bond with their patron and act as their hand in this world. They can invoke grand acts and miracles in service of their patron of frightening potency and reach. Such saints and diabolists are extensions of their patrons' will and are granted great power in their name to heal or harm, quell or incite. Masters are able to consign unwilling souls of other faiths to the service of their patron in the afterlife.




Requires Gesture, Tell

Ritual Caster, Overburn

Witchcraft is an intuitive form of sorcery matching the raw will of the practitioner against the fickle winds of Aether. The Witch learns to master the self as much as the Aether they command, herb and crystal or wand and sickle, the tools of the trade are but foci of that will and easy sources of sympathetic Aether. Witchcraft channels the Aether of the world around the witch coaxing and guiding it to the effect the witch desires allowing the witch a wide variety of capabilities should their will be the match of the power they call upon. Guiding their will through motions to focus that aether where they intend the flow of Aether from the world through them leaves a personalized mark on the self or their surroundings. These tells are as unique as a witch's practice. Intricate rituals can allow skilled witches and covens to meld their powers to work grandiose workings on scales outside the reach of most solitaries, more dangerous paths allow the Witch to pour their very essence onto great works exhausting their personal Aether and health in the pursuit of powerful spells perhaps even unto the witches death.


Apprentice Witches begin with sensing the Aether resident in the world around them and proceed to develop the focus to coax or focus that Aether into simple effects on that most common around them such as revitalizing wilted plant life or releasing the healing or harming power inside assorted herbs. Divinations by reading the flows of Aether or omens and similar phenomena are common as are the rudiments of sympathetic magic.


More advanced Witchcraft grants the practitioner access to grander effects, commanding the natural world around them through application of the will and begin developing the ability to ply that will directly against others through charms and hexes of increasing potency. To heal or harm they can focus the Aether of the world around them in increasingly specific and varied manners personalized to the witches’ own practice.


Master Witches wield a potent will turning the very flows of Aether through the world to their arcane ends. They can hex entire communities or grant potent blessings on entire domains. Peerless healers of harm both physical as well as mental or Aetheric few can compare to a master of Witchcraft in the arts of the body or natural world.




Requires Tools, Requires Time


The Aetheric Sciences or technomancy as it is more commonly known is the youngest of the magical traditions as an outgrowth of the Hermetic Traditions applying the scientific method to the study of Aether and its use. Despite its youth, Technomancy has largely reshaped the world over the last century or so as its wide adoption and use has touched nearly every aspect of society. The technomancer channels Aether though strictly constructed devices melding Aetheric power sources and materials with traditional mechanical and electrical machines. As such there is little a technomancer without sufficient tools and time can not create. Tools and Time being the operative conditions. Technomantic devices, particularly prototypes, are complex and often fragile machines requiring exacting construction and built for singular purpose (though several devices MAY be housed in a single form factor). Some advanced technomancers may be able to jury rig simple devices with limited time and material (In a CAVE from a box of SCRAPS) but even such endeavors are on the order of minutes or hours not the seconds with which other magicians may cast a spell. Experimental devices pushing the limits of the builder’s skill, less reliable and likely good for a single or small number of uses, are possible but still will require the time and tooling to construct.


Apprentice Technomancers build simple single task devices of limited potency and have few working models at any given time. Their complexity and power requirements generally mean only the builder or at the least a similarly skilled technomancer is likely to operate the device successfully. Often working from and customizing others' designs apprentices are learning the basics of how to channel Aether into measurable phenomena.


Journeymen of Aetheric studies have developed a suite of custom gear they may carry to aid their endeavors day to day. More reliable and less power hungry than the works of apprentices, these custom devices still require extensive knowledge to operate successfully. Building more complex devices of greater potency has also taught the Journeyman how to construct devices of more varied purpose and utility.


Master builders of the technomantic arts and sciences construct truly amazing marvels of modern design and utility. Generating potent effects from small Aetheric batteries or even ambient Aether and manipulating that Aether in novel and powerful ways to create a myriad of effects the Master Technomancer has a large number of devices at their disposal to suit many differing situations and can build custom devices for the harshest of purposes given the time to design and test.




Requires Gesture, Strain


Elementalists are the most physical of the Traditional Magic Schools honing their body, mind, and soul to harness and channel raw elemental Aether into spectacular displays of prowess and aetheric might. The wide array of orders within the broader school of Elementalism may concentrate on a single element or approach the art and study of magic more holistically but all fundamentally use the elementalist’s body as a conduit to guide and command elemental forces. The gestures shaping these elemental forces often resemble martial arts and it is not uncommon for practitioners to also be formidable hand to hand combatants. Acting as a conduit to such energies is taxing on the body of course so most elementalists are by necessity prime physical specimens even into old age. The practitioner may push beyond their bodies normal limits to produce even more extreme effects at great personal costs the aether burning its way through their body as they bend the chaotic elemental energies to their will though nearly every order within the tradition warns against such risky use of the art.


Beginner Elementalists first learn to expand their senses to detect the unique aetheric signature of the elemental energies their order focuses upon. Most practitioners at this level will focus on a single element though some orders take a more balanced approach building a foundation of multi element practicum from the beginning. Unable to create elements from Aether, most Apprentice Elementalist will carry with them their chosen element(s) or means to generate them, a lighter, a small flask, a fan, etc.


Journeymen expand their control of the elements and begin to personalize their style. They may begin to combine multiple elements or explore the Aetheric resonance of elemental Aether to achieve more subtle effects using their chosen element. Journeymen are able to convert their internal Aether directly into their chosen elements and no longer are required to bring or create it otherwise though they may still do so for elements they are less confident with or Aetheric forces they personally struggle more to harness.


Masters of Elementalism are truly fearful to behold. Able to weave many elements into a wide variety of effects and command elemental energies with even the most subtle gestures, these paragons of Elemental forces can create devastating attacks and defenses and bend the elements to complex purposes well outside the obvious applications of elemental forces channeling healing waters and purifying flame, calling upon the subtle whispers of wind to affect the mind or stalwart earth to ward off attack.

Hermetic Magic



Requires Gesture, Requires Speech

Ritual Caster

Originating cults of Hermes and Thoth but continuing in the traditions of mystery cults and secret societies throughout the ages Hermetic magic applies a rigorous study of Aetheric power through the secrets of Arcane Language, Gesture, Alchemy, and Astrology. The systemic approach allows a great breadth of potential effects to be harnessed but an inflexible application of any given effect. Without the words and motions to shape the Aether precisely into the specific form desired a hermetic spell will fizzle uselessly. With study and preparation or extensive experimentation nearly anything is possible to a knowledgeable hermetic but working on the fly they have only those incantations they may have committed to memory. The structure of Hermetic thought allows exceptional works to be achieved through careful application of ritual. High rituals allow channeling of great power and combination of several magi but the requirements are exacting and failure with such power can be disastrous. The most common Hermetic texts involve control of fundamental matter and energies, more complex texts may expand into metamagical effects while esoteric texts and research expand into the study of the mind and body.


The Apprentice learns first how to use language and gesture to gather and shape Aether into magical effects. Basic Conjurations or Transmutations of singular matter and energies or crude Wards are the common apprentice tasks.  They will learn how to store and access Aether for use and basic rotes to detect and observe Aetheric effects as well though common ritual.


Journeymen Hermetics have begun to expand beyond the rote teachings of their forebearers and begun to develop their own more unique style and techniques. Melding fundamental energies and forging more complex conjurations and creating more subtle and precise wards all are within the journeyman's bailiwick. They begin to work with more esoteric energies tapping into complex aether currents for a wider variety of effects in pursuit of their studies and a more complex understanding of fundamental Aetheric behaviors.


Master Hermetics are mighty vaults of Aetheric knowledge having absorbed complex techniques from centuries of study by their orders or personal research. Masters have crafted complex rites and ritual of their own design to achieve dramatic effects across a wide swath of aetheric studies and effects. Near invisible wards, intricate transmutations and conjurations as well as areas of extensive personal specialization with more esoteric effects are all the hallmarks of the Master of Hermetic studies.

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