Eumenides Sanatorium
Eumenides Sanatorium, or the asylum, has existed since the Harbor was officially founded although it has grown in size and stature over the years.
These days it is a massive edifice that looms over the British side of town. It does provide top of the line (for Victorian medicine) care for those willing to seek aid inside its walls.
Rumors of experiments both cruel and inhumane, however, tend to drive away those that are not truly desperate.
It doesn't help that the mad howls and cries of the long term residents are generally unsettling to those seeking more short term care.
Certainly, no one wants to become a permanent resident of the Sanatorium despite their considerable successes in treatment.
The Sanatorium provides the best in modern medical care for all of your needs, from bloodletting to the most current treatments of hysteria and mania. Our surgical theater is top of the line and even students from the Academy have been known to come down to observe procedures.

Surgical Theater
Our surgical theater has an excellent success rate. We use all the most modern techniques; tools and theater are regularly doused in lye and bleach between surgical operations, and we are equipped to handle all modern procedures.

Long Term Care
If your loved one has become an embarrassment to you and your family, we are happy to house them for you on our second floor while helping them recover from whatever mania has gripped them. Or perhaps they have been an unfortunate victim of the consumption and need a quiet place to spend their final days. We allow regular weekend visits on our lovely - and secure - grounds.

Medical Ward
Our sanatorium is proud to have served on the frontlines of every outbreak. We are well equipped to house anyone suspected of plague or pestilence while our skilled doctors determine the nature of their disease.
Our illness ward has most recently recovered from the outbreak of Typhus, containing all the afflicted and limiting its spread in the wider city.
The Supernatural Side
The Asylum doubles as a prison for supernatural creatures too dangerous to let roam free - or a convenient dumping ground for one's enemy.
There are powerful Wards on the third floor of the Asylum, capable of containing even the most powerful of entities and the entire property is ringed in magical work designed to befuddle and fog the brains of normal humans visiting their loved ones so there is no masquerade in effect on the grounds.
Anyone talking about monsters, after all, is likely to become a full time resident of the Sanatorium's second floor.
Nuts and Bolts
We do not have mandated 'crimes and punishments', although the playerbase is welcome to institute them, should they desire. The Asylum is designed to be used as a prison for people's role play but it should be something that enhances your role play, not limits it. Although it is 'impossible' to escape from, you are welcome to have scenes doing just that. The flavor above is to make it clear that it should not be EASY, or something done often.
We have players who would enjoy capture, torture and punishment. The third floor of the asylum is for exactly that kind of play. Your characters do not have to be willing participants but it should always be something the players of both captor and victim desire for their scene. Respect limits. Play fair. Have fun!