Magical Abilities
Magical Abilities are used to represent inherent abilities to the supernatural. They have no required drawbacks for use although you are more than welcome to decide on drawbacks that suit your character and their story. There is certainly some overlap between abilities and schools of magic although abilities are, by design, more focused in scope.
Both abilities and schools have been written to provide as much creative room as possible for your concept.
You are welcome to utilize your ability in ways not specifically listed as long as it makes sense for the ability and remains at a power level appropriate for what you have chosen for your character's abilities.
Body Control
The human body is strange and flawed and unpredictable. The human body has many secrets, and it does not divulge them to anyone, except those who have learned to wait.
- Paul Aster
The ability to Temporarily drain, decrease, or otherwise lessen Physical Powers. Atrophy allows the manipulation of the fundamentals of a physical body draining strength or mobility through supernatural illness, creeping paralysis, curse, or more alien means such as petrification.
This can be performed at visual range but generally is limited by some means; a ghouls rotting touch or a gorgons gaze or a toxic bite or claw for instance.
(At a player's prerogative they may be limited to a single type of physical power; for example, a paralyzing kiss that only strips speed)
Any ability reduced below a normal humans 0 rank results in immobility and/or unconsciousness. Atrophy can not be reapplied for increased effect. The effects last for the duration of a scene.
Remove One Rank of a Single type of physical power from a single target selected selected at the time of activation.
Remove up to Two Ranks total from up to Two physical powers from a single target selected at the time of activation.
Remove up to Three Ranks total from up to Three physical powers from a single target selected at the time of activation.
Remove up to Four Ranks per target from up to Four physical powers from a group meeting your activation requirements Powers selected at the time of activation.
The ability to Temporarily enhance or grant Physical Powers. Augment allows the wielder to grant enhanced physical capabilities upon an ally. Whether through a blessing or direct transference the target gains capabilities beyond their bodies normal limits.
(Using this ability on someone with a rank 3 supernatural physical ability will push them beyond their normal limits thematically but caps out at +1 to their ability for purpose of dice rolling scenes for a total of +4. This is the only ability that can push past the hard cap of physical abilities and only a single rank.)
The effects last for the duration of a scene.
Add One Rank of a Single type of physical power from a single target selected selected at the time of activation.
Add up to Two Ranks total from up to Two physical powers from a single target selected at the time of activation.
Add up to Three Ranks total from up to Three physical powers from a single target selected at the time of activation.
Add up to Four Ranks per target from up to Four physical powers from a group meeting your activation requirements Powers selected at the time of activation.
The ability to alter and command living flesh. Sculpt flesh and bone into new and alien forms. Unlike metamorphosis, this ability takes time to shape and mold the changes BUT it can be performed on others and usually is.
Fleshcrafting is permanent and lasts until it has been repaired by comparable healing/rejuvenation techniques or reverted by fleshcrafting.
The ability to change one part of a subject's body. Turn arms to wings or hands to claws.
Requires touch and time to shape the alterations manually. Allows for assorted minor cosmetic changes such as tattoos or hair color changes as well but only localized to a small area and not mimicry. Can be repaired or reverted by healing rank 1 or regen rank 1, or another use of fleshcrafting.
Takes time and concentration so must be used before combat rounds begin.
Can change the whole body. This allows for things like a combat form with claws/horns/teeth/carapace, etc. or other weapons and armor.
Can also be used for full body transformation into a different appearance though not full mimicry of an exact person.
At this point, the user has the sort of control that will allow them to make complex changes and transform into even to normally inanimate matter such as stone or metal in whole or part, Gaseous forms or exact mimicry or even turning into swarms of vermin become possible.
At this level of mastery the metamorph can adopt truly alien physiology adopting in whole or part forms consisting of energy alone such as ephemeral beings of pure light or shadow or bodies of flame or plasma as well as becoming wholly insubstantial and able to pass through solid matter.
The ability to change one’s shape at will.
Changing one part of one’s body. Turning arms to wings or hands to claws as well as assorted minor cosmetic changes if localized to a small area nd does not allow mimicry. These changes allow the user to utilize the appendage or change as if natural. (ie breath underwater with gills, swim with fins, fly with wings, and attack with claws teeth horns etc.)
Changing the whole body. This allows for things like a combat form with claws/horns/teeth/carapace or other weapons and armor or full body transformation into a different appearance though not full mimicry of an exact person.
At this point, the user has the sort of control that will allow them to make complex changes and transform into even to normally inanimate matter such as stone or metal in whole or part, Gaseous forms or exact mimicry or even turning into swarms of vermin become possible.
At this level of mastery the metamorph can adopt truely alien physiology adopting in whole or part forms consisting of energy alone such as ephemeral beings of pure light or shadow or bodies of flame or plasma as well as becoming wholely insubstantial and able to pass through solid matter.
The ability to take on the shape of another living creature, specifically. This must be a creature that exists within the world or has existed at least at one point.
This can include mythical creatures such as unicorn, kirin, phoenix, etc. However, shapeshift only covers the physical characteristics of that creature, wings, horns and hooves for example. If the mythic creature has inherent gifts, appropriate other abilities should be taken as well to represent those talents, such as a Phoenix's flame.
The animal or type is fixed and cannot be changed on the fly.
The shifter has one alternate form a natural living animal or a single alternate humanoid form (such as a mer to legs transformation) - a wolf, a badger, a cat, a willow tree - that they can change into at will.
This can be limited by access to some material or item as desired by the player for flavor. (For example, a selkie's fur)
The shifter has one type of natural alternate form - canine, feline, avian - that they can change into at will. For example, if they were avian-aspect-ed, they could change into a swan, a duck, a crow at a whim.
Alternatively, a single Mythic or ancient form in addition to or replacing the natural form from rank one such as a dragon, unicorn, triceratops, phoenix, or other non-humanoid and/or larger than human form.
This CAN include a SINGLE Hybrid form matching that of the form gained at rank one. (this is not needed for human sized humanoid form such as a merfolk or fae creature that can be managed with rank one) For example, the massive wolf/human hybrid many lycanthropes use.
The shifter can change form at will, selecting any natural form as long as it was a once-living even Mythic creature. This must be a complete transformation. Partial transformations hybridizing the singular creature is also possible at this level gaining cats eyes or a rams horns aligning with the rank one form.
True mastery of the form that blurs the line with Metamorphosis. The shifter can take on any form that has existed and may hybridize mulitple creatures as a true chimera.
Energy Control
Energy and persistence conquer all things.
- Benjamin Franklin
Fundamental Energy Control
The ability to interact with and control raw fundamental energies. This is generally limited to a specific type or related set of energies. The most common are listed below as individual abilities pre-built.
Alternate energies or sets can be discussed with Staff on a case by case basis and may be included or allowed as one offs at staff discretion. They will follow the formula in this box as a guideline will approved and may have small specialized effects allowed in line with what has been allowed in other specialized Energy Control.
Basic control comes in two parts - Sense, and Command:
Sense: You are able to sense the energy/with the energy type at normal ranges (chat range).
Command: Creation of a small amount of the energy OR rudimentary gross motor control of a single source to grow or shrink an existing source or move a single source/unit of the energy.
Intermediate control comes with improved command and the ability to both create and manipulate the a source of energy.
Control extends still to a single target instance of the energy but the size can increase and allows fine motor control as if shaped with hands.
Advanced control comes with more refined and powerful command as well as creation. Energies can be focused at much finer tolerances normally only achievable through tools (a tight torch of flame for welding, intricate manipulations of fine machinery etc.) Raw power also increases allowing greater impact when used destructively.
Superior control tends to vary from energy to energy bound to the nature of that energy type but allows large areas or intense power to be brought to bear.
Summoning and controlling cold. This is quite literally the polar opposite of the pyro kinetic in many ways although with skill, the cryo's ability to call cold as well as their range increases. Unlike their fire-wielding counterparts, they are always in control at least subconsciously of their cold and are immune to cold and frostbite, etc, up to the rank of cryokinetics they possess. (This will not protect them from damage from an ice blade but they will not be bothered by the temperature of it)
Basic Cryokinetics alllows the user to accurately sense the temperature as well as temperature gradients allowing tracking by temperature. They can drop temperatures to the freezing point of water - 32F/0C - in a bubble around their person that stretches out to about room-sized and snuff out heat sources with a touch.
Intermediate cryokinesis allows user to drop temperatures to about 0 F/-18C and they can cover roughly a building in these cold swings at their maximum range.
They are able to pull ambient moisture out of the air to form into basic shapes of ice of handheld size and move them within normal sight range forming bindings and rudimentary weapons like an icicle 'blade'
Advanced Cryokinetics can plunge the temperature to the bitter cold of the artic circle -40F/C in an area covering a small town or central downtown of a larger city should they choose.
They can freeze flesh solid with a touch and form intricate ice sculptures from the moisture in the air sending freezing shards of ice at foes or spikes from walls/ceilings/floors to block or impale enemies within normal range (Chat Range)
Superior cryokinetics bridges the gap between energy and matter control. In addition to being able to plunge a city into the depths of artic winter with temperatures approaching -100 F/-74C near the coldest temperatures found on earth, the Cryokinetic is able to create icy sculptures and and terrain throughout the area walling off areas and burying a region in deep drifts of snow, in normal range (chat range) they are able to create semi autonomous icy minions to serve them.
Burn, baby, burn. Pyrokinetics control, obviously, fire. With skill comes finesse. It's easy to make something burn, much harder to get it to stop or be remotely biddable.
The Basic Pyrokinetic is able to sense heat and flame. It may allow tracking by heat with enough difference in heat and is able to see through smoke and flames as if they were not there. they are able to ignite flamable surfaces and heat inflamable ones to scortching temperatures melting low melting point material and boiling liquids.
The intermediate pyrokinetic is able to ignite, melt, or extinguish and cool to room temperature with equal acumen. They are able to walk through normal flames unscathed. More tightly controlled flames and heat can be summoned melting a door handle without scortching the door for instance. Fire still requires fuel to burn but short of that requisite can be sent along paths otherwise unatural or confined from spreading where they otherswise might.
The flames summoned and controlled by the Advanced pyrokinetic no longer require fuel to burn and can reach temperatures that can weld or melt even highly heat resistant materials when focused. Dancing flames can be sent to whorl through the air or even along water and sand or stone without fuel to feed them. Explosive bursts of flame can be sent to target groups with the searing flame. The pyrokinetic is immune to heat and flame.
Superior pyrokinetics are able to go beyond the normal definition of flames and heat. Heating air and non-volatile gasses to plasma and melting or immolating nearly any material. The destructive potential of this level of control is unmatched and the fine control may allow the clothes on a persons back be burned to ash instantly without the wearer feeling it. The superior pyrokinetic can summon the flames to buoy them aloft on flaming wings or rocket like flames equivalent of basic flight.
Shadow Manipulation
This dark ability allows the user to control the very darkness itself, shrouding themselves at lower levels and at higher levels, using shadows themselves as a weapon.
Basic shadow manipulators can see in darkness as if in a well lit room. The darkness is an old friend.
While they can not create darkness they may deepen shadows and can fancifully craft nearby shadows into elaborate shapes and pictures or grow them to make hiding easier. These shadowy shapes cannot, at the basic level, interact with the physical world.
At intermediate mastery, the shadow shaper is able to control and coalesce shadows into tangible forms with focus within normal range (chat range). The most common manifestation are usually shadowy tendrils to manipulate people or objects. Shadows are capable of fine motor control with strength of a normal human and can only be dispersed by bright light, such as direct sunlight or focused artificial lights.
With Advanced Shadow Manipulation, no light other than magical or concentrated sunlight can affect the shadows.
They can create an independent servant for the length of a scene and controlling shadows does not require constant focus of the shadow shaper.
They can snuff out most light sources within normal range (chat range) and when they focus their shadowy creations have the strength of advanced supernatural strength. Autonomous shadow puppets can obey simple commands and wield normal human strength even in the absence of the creator unless disrupted by magic or sufficiently powerful light.
Superior mastery of the shadows provides access to the shadow realms both those connected to other realms as well as a more personal oubliette of pure darkness. Traversing these realms allows the user to near instantaneously travel to any familiar location where there are shadows to exit through allowing even a small party of brave companions to follow should they wish.
The personal dimension is a lightless realm of deeper darkness that can serve both as storage and prison and the interior reshapes itself to the needs of the shadowmancer. Tendrils may drag a target into this realm, or a pit may open in normal range (chat range) to entrap them or perhaps the wielder sends them to the darkness with a touch.
The ability to manipulate, create, and silence sounds.
Basic sonic control allows the controller to hear sounds outside the normal human rage (ultra and infrasound) as well as communicate in those ranges with others able to hear the frequencies as well as general enhanced hearing similar to basic enhanced hearing. Control over sound can amplify or quiet nearby sounds thought it cannot create sound from nowhere nor mimic sounds.
Intermediate sonic control allows the user to create zones of silence or barriers that sound can not cross while allowing perfect hearing within. Basic mimicry is possible such as changing ones voice to one well known or imitating wildlife or city sounds near perfectly.
Amplified sounds may be painful or distracting and can cause temporary hearing damage. With practice resonant frequencies may allow fragile materials to be shattered.
Sound can be created from nothing at this level allowing illusory sounds and 'throwing' one's voice at a distance.
Advanced Sonic control allows for more extreme mimicry even when only having heard a few snippets of conversation. Silenced sounds can be selective within visual range allowing allies to hear while enemies are plunged into silence.
Within normal range (chat range) weaponized sonic pulses can injure individuals and shatter even sturdy materials.
Superior Sonomancy allows true mastery of sound in all it's forms. Large areas can be plunged into lasting silence. Manipulations of arcane frequencies can even allow sound to stimulate emotions or even obedience in targets in hearing range similar to Intermediate emotion control or mind control for the skilled wielder.
The ability to move things with one's mind .The strength and dexterity increases with skill level. Any attempts to keep the use of this gift subtle should be included in the attempt post. In combat the hidden an ranged nature of the power is included in rolling the full telekinesis rank in contested rolls despite the exerted strength being lower.
Basic telekinesis allows the wielder to exert normal human strength at range with the coordination of a precocious toddler. (push a large button or open a simple door latch but not type on a keyboard or tune a radio)
Rather than gain a sense the Telekinetic force used is not detectable to normal senses. Other telekinetics may detect it as will those with appropriate supernatural senses to detect powers or invisible forces.
Intermediate Telekinetics can wield the strength equivalent to basic supernatural strength from a distance, this power can be executed with the coordination of an average adult. Typing, writing, basic mechanical manipulations of devices such as turning knobs or valves to specific degrees or motion equivalent to touching or grasping one could achieve in normal range.
Advanced telekinetics allows the wielder to invoke the equivalent of moderate supernatural strength at range. They can perform tasks with surgical precision allowing complex motions and manipulation of tiny mechanical devices such as holding back the firing pin of a gun, manipulating the tumblers of a lock or precision nerve strikes or blood vessel constriction on a target humanoid given the requisite knowledge.
Superior telekinetics allows the wielder to unleash a storm of telekinetic force at the power of superior supernatural strength.
No longer limited to a single target the telekinetic may effect a group or entire area within their range of control (chat range) with their abilities allowing the creation of a vortex of flying materials or holding an entire group in place. At this rank the user is also able to grab themselves and may fly as if they had intermediate flight (wingless flight)
Weather Control
The ability to manipulate and create weather from light rains to lightning strikes.
Basic weather control allows for full accurate prediction of the weather's patterns, minor manipulations on a broad scale and the ability to create pocket localized events that remain well within the norms for the time and season - about the size of a city block. (One could create a small pocket of a gentle rain on a sunny summer day but not a blizzard for example).
Within normal range (chat range) they are able to summon bursts of more extreme weather such a gusts of wind that might blow items out of a hand or knock over those not braced or pelt with hail for minor damage.
Intermediate Weather Control allows moderate manipulations on a broad scale such as over the city center - turning a sunny day overcast and hazy or the reverse. Turning the gloomy clouds into a full scale thunderstorm but remaining well within the norms for the time and season - no city wide blizzards in the middle of summer for example.
Within normal range (chat range) extreme out of season weather is possible impacting visibility with fog or pelting rain and snow though such will not linger long without active concentration. Pelting hail and buffeting wind can cause real damage to people and property in these ranges.
Advanced weather control allows for extreme manipulations on a broad scale throughout a large city or small island chain for instance. Weather can plunge form the heart of summer to the depths of winter and summon heavy storms with wide effects on visibility and potential damage to property. Thunderstorms and blizzards or clear sky from the depths of a storm are possible though truly extreme weather such as hurricane force winds or tornadoes are beyond even advanced Weather Control.
Within normal range (chat range) the wielder can summon lighting from the clear blue and buffet foes with wind that can lift a person or tip an insufficiently aerodynamic vehicle.
Superior Weather Control allows for extensive mastery and weather that approaches the scale of climate. Manipualtions at this power and scale will linger without continued efforts as the shifts in weather disrupt wind and ehat patters on a regional and wider scale. Nations plunged into endless winter, Hurricanes unleashed on the seas and coasts, doldrums and heatwaves and drought that could last months without intervention.
In normal range (chat range) the weather controller can summon wide lightning strikes at multiple targets or localized tornadoes pelting enemies with debris or flinging them high in the air. The weather controller can lift themselves on the winds they create to fly as if they had intermediate flight.
Aetheric Manipulation
Life and Death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides.
- Laozi
Forge supernatural bonds between individuals connecting them and binding them with Aetheric oaths of companionship or chains of dominance.
Bonds take time to invoke and require some exchange of aetheric matter or ritual vow, marking, device or similar binding. Destruction of this exchange will break the bond making all participants immediately aware of the nature of the severing. (A blood bond might be removed by Bloodworking pulling the blood from the body, a wizards mark or tattoo may be cut from the body, Items can be destroyed, vows ritually recanted.)
Basic Bonding allows the user to bond willing individuals to them. The bond wrought allows the user to detect the basic direction and distance of the bound individual as well as a rudimentary sense of their emotional state and well being. The user is able to use mental powers on thralls or target them with traditional magics regardless of distance. For the purposes of Wards the bond is a scrying effect and can be blocked by a sufficiently powerful ward vs scrying on the location of the thrall.
Intermediate bonding allows a two way bond or thrall/domitor bond to be forged between two or more willing participants including themselves should all be willing. A domitor/thrall bond functions like that of the basic bond while a two way bond stretches in both directions allowing both to locate one another and sense emotions and well being or target mental abilities. Wards vs scrying remain effective against such bonds.
Advanced bonds can be forged against the thrall's will or in fact can be inflicted upon unwilling partners into a two way bond. They are otherwise identical to basic and intermediate bonds but severing them makes the bond creator aware as well even if not involved and they may actively contest the attempt to break the bond even at distance and behind wards.
Superior bonds are not limited only the immediate Thrall but can carry forth to those they bind. A thrall is granted a form of Basic Bonding that allows them to create a bond in the same manner their own bond was wrought. This bond is however not limited to the single domitor but can carry through to their domitor and on through the chain to the originator. Additionally bonds of any sort held or created by superior bonding are not stopped by normal wards (some Plot and Sanctum wards MAY block bonds at staff prerogative)
Ability to spread blight and despair to assault the spirit and drain the aether from victims. This may manifest as energy drains, psychic vampirism, pain, aging, or some other despoliation of the spirit. Corruption fades naturally over time and can be countered and repaired by rejuvenation.
Basic Corruption drains/fatigues/weakens a target by touch as you spread your brand of corruption onto their spirit. It may spread a sense of dread or unease in an area around you while you are present, cause physical discomfort even.
Basic Corruption can suppress Healing or Regeneration of the basic rank. Can be countered by rejuvenation of basic rank or higher.
Intermediate Corruption numbs emotions and drains passion as your corruption seeps deeper into a target in sight and can despoil the ground around you creating dread and discomfort to any that stray long in your domain.
Intermediate Corruption can suppress Healing or Regeneration of the Intermediate rank. Can be countered by rejuvenation of Intermediate rank or higher.
Advanced Corruption is fount of dread and a siphon of hope. It can spread your fell taint to multiple nearby targets invoking your corrupt spirit to inflict your corruption onto them en masse or blight a region the size of a small home or large room.
Advanced corruption can be physically agonizing or utterly numbing. Advanced Corruption can suppress Healing or Regeneration of the Advanced rank. Advanced Corruption be countered by rejuvenation of Advanced rank or higher.
Superior Corruption may spread like a creeping disease afflicting not only the initial target but also those who come in contact with the corrupted, this will have a specific carrier, bodily fluids, extended shared environs, a conversational subject or even perhaps a complex phrase. It takes some time more than a single combat action for this spread to occur however it is passed.
Corruption of a location no longer fades on it's own but must be actively countered and may envelop a large building.
Superior corruption counters all healing and regeneration for those afflicted or in an afflicted region and if it meets the criteria may spread the corruption to those who enter or interact with the source. Superior corruption can be countered by superior Rejuvenation or by extended ritual work by a suitable Traditional magic.
The ability to heal another individual of their pain and suffering, specifically physical ailments, including illnesses and afflictions.
Basic Healing grants the ability to heal minor wounds and afflictions of a single target by touch. Covers superficial wounds and mild maladies that would heal or clear up on their own in a matter of days or so without outside intervention.
Can ease chronic symptoms like nausea, headache, etc. for a day. Speeds the healing of more serious injuries and illnesses to the point where they are stable but require further intervention to fully cure. Able to give someone a 'second wind'.
Intermediate Healing grants Basic Healing abilities to affect up to 3 people within arm's reach during a scene.
Also grants the following which are unable to be used in the same scene as Basic Healing abilities used on multiple targets: ability to heal non-fatal wounds on a single target by touch that would otherwise require outside intervention to stabilize and close.
Able to cure systemic illnesses/infections and remove symptoms or the effects of chronic illnesses for a up to a month on a single target by touch.
Advanced Healing grants all Basic Healing abilities to affect multiple targets as well as Intermediate Healing abilities on up to 3 people within arm's reach which CAN be used in the same scene with Basic Healing abilities.
In addition, grants the ability to heal otherwise fatal wounds, cure chronic illnesses and permanently remove symptoms associated with illnesses, curses, magic, etc. on a single target by touch.
Superior Healing grants all abilities of Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Healing on multiple targets at arm's length. In addition, grants the ability to revive a single mortally wounded target via touch or grant a willing target the release of death ushering thier spirit to the appropriate far realm.
Rejuvenation covers things beyond physical wounds. This heals wounds of a more spiritual nature and at the highest level might allow the return of a spirit to a body that it has fled.
Basic Rejuvenation allows the removal of fatigue and aetheric drain and creates a feeling of serenity with it’s use. Can be used to counter certain powers as noted within those abilities. Can restore a minor charge to aetherite crystals.
Intermediate Rejuvenation can mend the effects of mental manipulations and damage as well as more esoteric use, and can sanctify the users immediate environs preventing certain supernaturals from entering or interacting safely while they are present. (This should be dictated in a titler or another easy to notice fashion when in play so that players are not confused.)
Can recharge most regular aetherite crystals and can create very small aether crystal shards with time and focus. (Outside of combat).
Advanced Rejuvenation acts as a beacon of hope for the hopeless. Multiple targets may be cleansed of corruption, mental manipulations and damage or similar aetheric afflictions in a single act.
May sanctify areas the size of a large room or small home for a scene even if the user leaves or is incapacitated. Advanced Rejuvenation may also be used to sanctify a handheld object or weapon for a scene (or series of connected scenes) allowing it to protect the wearer/wielder and harm those vulnerable to such effects.
Can recharge aetherite - even large major power sources, can create palm sized aether crystals with time and focus.
Superior Rejuvenation may be utilized over a large area scouring away corruption, mental manipulations, and more esoteric abilities from an area the size of a city. It may be invoked to permanently sanctify a region the size of a large building slowly cleansing any who linger in it's sanctuary. Such sanctification may only be dismantled by Superior Corruption or extended ritual use of traditional magic and powerful casters.
Superior Rejuvenation may also create sanctified relics of a permanent nature, such use comes at a high price for the user and specifics must be cleared by staff.
Can create large aetherite formations with time and significant effort.
Poison, disease and toxins. The specific effects are up to the user, generally at the time the power is taken or advanced. Toxins should not replace the effects or other powers Toxins that merely reduce supernatural physical abilities should be built with Atrophy.
Basic Toxins require direct contact (fangs, touch, etc), and the toxin or illness must be equivalent to ones that exist in the world already. They must be non infectious past the initial infection for illnesses (will not spread beyond initial target). Can be cured with modern medicine or Basic Healing.
Intermediate Toxins require line of sight and the toxin or disease can be newly created and/or supernatural. It will not be contagious beyond the individual infected. Can be cured with Intermediate Healing. It will be highly resistant to modern medicine.
Advanced Toxins may release clouds of miasma that can infect large numbers. The diseases are infectious beyond initial exposure if so desired though the effect will fade after a short time (a few days at most). Can be cured / dispelled with Advanced Healing. Modern medicine will prove entirely ineffective.
Superior Toxins create truly new infections that may be infectious and linger until cured and may easily become endemic; reinfecting and spreading far from initial exposure.
Superior Toxins may similarly act as a vector for another power the user possesses creating psychic mind viruses, plagues of corruption, fear gas, or more esoteric combinations. Such use will require staff monitoring/approval for effects beyond a scene in scope.
The ability to forbid entry to specific things or people. To create a ward, symbols must be scribed around the entrances of a place or buildings - how intricate and noticeable depends on the person. As skill increases so does the breadth of what can be done with the ward. What CANNOT be done with a ward is creating a place for only certain people to enter. Wards must be counter to specific people or entities such as 'No demons, no red-haired men, no bladed weapons may cross this threshold, etc.'. Also, if a ward is physically obliterated, the magic dies.
Basic wards are elaborate and noticeable, specific in nature but very effective. The categories available are broad 'IE, no ghosts may pass, no living creatures may pass, etc.'
Intermediate wards are subtler, runes around a door frame or on a mantle piece, slightly broader and extraordinarily effective. The wards at this level can include the baring of certain objects or the allowing of marked objects to pass by. This CAN create a sort of white-list for example, "Only allow those carrying this stone with my sigil to pass by."
Advanced wards are near invisible to the naked eye, broad based and terribly effective. This level, the individual can use true names to ward places, such as demon's or angel's true names to keep them out or bar an entire choir or legion. The creator of advanced wards may exclude themselves from the effect of any wards they have created or may with time dismantle the wards of another. For this reason most major wardings of public or group spaces is performed by a group so no one person can be the exception.
Superior wards are completely invisible to normal senses scribed into the flows of local Aether itself they can not be physically disrupted but must be dismantled with a suitably powerful counter usually a complex traditional magic ritual. Superior wards may be scribed on an individual at this level protecting them from the category.
One such permanent ward may be scribed on given individual, an additional ward may be inscribed for each rank of resistance the warded individual possesses. A single additional ward may be activated for a scene on an individual. This takes time to scribe the ward unless the individual is already marked with the requisite warding signs. The more specific the ward the more involved the signs must be.
Matter Control
There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose, because before he can do so he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted.
- Henri Matisse
Fundamental Matter Control
The ability to interact with and control basic matter. This is generally limited to a specific category or type of matter. The most common are listed below, alternate forms of matter can be discussed with Staff on a case by case basis and my be included or allowed as one offs at staff discretion.
How permanent the changes made by matter control depend on the matter being controlled. Things such as stone will be left in the final state they are manipulated into while water will naturally return to a puddle once control is released for example.
Any additions will follow the formula below for how they are approved for play. Minor additional abilities might be allowed, such as aquamancy's water-breathing, as makes sense for the ability.
Basic control comes in two parts Sense, and Command.
Sense: You are able to sense the type of matter or gain a sense related to the type of matter at normal ranges (chat range) or ability to commune with the element that improves as levels advance.
Command: Creation of a small amount of the matter OR rudimentary gross motor control of a single continuous mass to grow or shrink an existing source or move a single continuous mass of the matter type. A mass roughly the size of a person is able to be controlled at this rank and can exert strength equivalent to a normal human.
Intermediate control comes with improved command and the ability to both create and manipulate the type of matter.
Control extends still to a single continuous mass of the matter type up to the size of a midsize car or carriage and can exert strength equivalent to basic supernatural strength or up to five human sized and comparable masses.
Fine motor control is possible at this level animated mater may be formed as if sculpted with the hands and perform basic tasks such as opening or shutting doors, moving items, or similar tasks.
Advanced control comes with more refined and powerful command and creation.
Matter can be shaped into complex forms normally requiring tooling or machining to achieve and animated matter may perform complex manual tasks such as typing or working complex machinery.
Raw power also increases allowing creation or manipulation of a continuous mass the size of a small building with the strength equivalent of Intermediate Supernatural Strength. Split into smaller autonomous units reduces the strength of individual elements but can split it's activity across targets within normal range (chat range) at reduced individual potency.
Superior control tends to vary from type to type of matter bound to the nature of that matter but allows large masses and complex maneuvers and powers outside of mere control of material.
Raw matter control will allow the creation of autonomous animate matter (golems, zombies, automatons, etc.) with rudimentary intellect and ability to follow direction on a permanent basis. This still takes time and material but constructs will no longer freeze at the end of a scene.
Affinity to water and aquatic environments. Most supernaturals with this gift are water-born or aquatic in nature though certainly not all.
At lower levels, it is a magic that allows a creature to thrive in their native aquatic habitat and aid in their control of it. At higher levels, it provides a mastery of both environment and the fluid it is made of. It cannot manipulate the water inside a person (look at bloodworking for those sorts of activities).
A basic aquamancer has one type of water based environment that they are able to survive in. They can breathe in their specific environment and can survive in ones close to but with discomfort (deep sea creature able to surface but find the lighter pressures uncomfortable, for example).
They are able to begin to manipulate the water in the environment for things such as aiding in movement or forming tendrils out if it to crudely manipulate objects with human equivalent strength.
An intermediate Aquamancer can survive in any natural aquatic environment that is able to sustain life of some sort, from brackish, to deep aquatic, to fresh water without issue. They can control water sources to a moderate degree, enough to form potent waves or exert basic supernatural strength.
The mighty sea itself will yield to Advanced Aquamancers. Water, itself, sustains you and these creatures can breathe in even heavily polluted or otherwise dangerous waters.
They can create significant amounts of water from nothing and bend it to their will or create waves large enough to swamp ships and exert moderate supernatural strength.
Superior Aquamancers not only survive but thrive in clean waters. Submersion will grant an additional rank of regeneration and the Aquamancer may invoke the cleansing waters to grant a basic rejuvination effect on themselves or others submerged in the same area as them. They can swamp islands with rogue waves and exert advanced supernatural strength with the waters they command.
The ability to manipulate blood and control it at will. Bloodwork can be used to harm or to heal as well as to detect maladies. Healing with Bloodwork requires one level higher than the Healing ability as it is not as effective as pure healing. Bloodwork cannot perform true resurrection although raising revenants or other half-dead is possible at the advanced level.
Tasting blood will allow the Basic Bloodworker to glean information from the blood such as whether the blood has any toxins, poisons or illnesses.
The bloodworker is able to move fresh blood at will although the blood will remain in liquid form and can be pulled directly from a target as an attack and formed into basic shapes and with some effort may be able to write or draw simple messages.
Controlling the blood in the body can restrain the target by controlling their own limbs with the strength of a normal human.
Tasting blood in addition to the above will also tell the Intermediate bloodworker how the blood was spilled and if a life was taken in the process.
At this level, they can use the blood in a living creature’s body to heal though it will never be as powerful as the pure healing ability. (Ex, Intermediate bloodworking functions at basic healing levels and never on more than one target at once).
They can control blood spilled and shape it at will, increasing or diminishing the volume with magic. They can make old blood fresh once more though they cannot make blood out of nothing and the shapes they make can be sharpened enough to wound or restrain with the equivalent of basic supernatural strength within or outside the body.
For the Advanced Bloodworker tasting blood will glean all the above as well as emotions, even images of the blood spilling event.
They can control blood spilled as above and can diminish blood to nothing. There’s no better crime scene clean up than an advanced bloodworker.
They can crystallize the blood spilled into a solid crystalline form to preserve it to be used later and some blood workers turn this into a practical art form. Controlled blood can restrain with the equivalent of Intermediate supernatural strength within or outside the body.
A taste of blood for a Superior bloodworker will glean complex information about the nature and lineage of the bloods source including ongoing magical effects on the person as of the time the blood was spilled.
The advanced bloodsinger can puppet bodies living and dead with normal human strength several at a time should they be available and restrain a target with bods or their own blood with the equivalent of Advanced supernatural strength.
Autonomous blood homunculi can be created and dispatched to deliver messages or perform simple tasks.
The ability to create something out of literally nothing. An extraordinarily useful ability, although harder to track in the day of serial numbers rather than gold coins. It must be an inanimate object (it cannot be a living creature) and can not be Aetherite. (See Rejuvenation regarding the ability to create aetherite). Any object created by an individual can be dismissed at any time by that individual.
Basic creation can create a rudimentary permanent hand held object or an object the size of a person for a scene. These objects are rough hewn at best with no real fine detail.
Intermediate Creation can create a detailed object up to the size of a person permanently or a larger object up to the size of a small car for a scene.
Advanced Creation can create a large permanent object with complex moving parts such as a carriage or a larger object up to the size of a small building for a scene such as a small airship. These objects will function mechanically but have no inherent magical abilities including technomanctic ones. You cannot make a technomancy raygun. You can make, however, a black powder weapon that will function just fine.
Superior Creation can create complex even technomantic devices with the requisite knowledge up to the size of a small building permanently but can create larger objects up to the size of a city center or large ship for a scene.
Ability to commune and command the green and growing world from ancient gingkoes to towering redwood to fields of grain and planter boxes of fragrant herbs and even some fungus and similar plant like materials such as lichens and mosses.
Basic Greensinging grants a true green thumb. The user may revitalize plants with a touch bringing them back to life and vibrancy when wilted or ailing.
Can commune with plants by touch to receive vague impressions of the plants surroundings. Over time plants can be guided into growing in directions of your choice.
The Intermediate Greensinger is a master of the green. Plants answer thieir call in ways no natural plant will. At your command branches and limbs will bend and shape to your will and vines envelop foes (or friends). You may channel your energy into the area of a large room to spur growth and vibrancy in the plants and commune with them to gain clarity of what may have transpired there.
The forest is the Advanced Greensingers to command. At their call trees uproot and walk as soldiers, vines and brambles erupt from the ground to envelop even groups of foes. You may channel your energy into an area the size of a few city blocks to vitalize the plants therein. Communing with the green can call forth the slumbering naturae inside a region to answer your questions with their ageless knowledge. (ST prerogative)
The Superior Greensinger has a mastery of the lush and living beyond the mere physical. The plants they command gain a semblance of intellect and can be given rudimentary instruction they will continue to obey. Entire cities can be plunged into primordial forest at the Greensingers invocation. They also gain access to the Greenways; a wild fey lands they can step or peer through any suitably large plant to access and bring companions to travel through or scry upon targets known to them. This functions as Intermediate teleportation requiring large plants at exit and destination.
This is the ability to turn an object into a different object with a touch. This ability is very broad and in most cases a matter control or other power can better simulate the desired effect. Aetherite may not be created or altered with this ability.
Basic Transmutation turns handheld inanimate objects into a different - similarly sized - object with a touch. This effect lasts for a scene.
Intermediate Transmutation can affect objects up to the rough size of a person or small changes over the surface of a room (redecorate or restore a room for instance not turn a car into a block of gold).
Advanced Transmutations may be permanent and will affect the entirety of large objects up to the size or a large car or carriage.
Advanced Transmutation can also change the size of the object changing a middling gourd into a small camper trailer or turning a statue to a gelatin centerpiece.
Surface changes may affect a small building or ship restoring a sunken hulk to trim for instance. The transformation may be reversed by a codeword or on a timer at the user's discretion, or may be permanent should they so choose.
Superior Transmutation allows inanimate changes on a broad scale up to the size of a city center for major changes or an entire city for primarily cosmetic changes. Creating an oaisis from a sand dune for instance.
Superior Transmutation may also affect living creatures to a limited degree. Changing a creature to another creature may be permanent as may altering the substance of the target without killing/immobilizing them. Turning a target to stone would make them a sort of golem for instance. Turning a living target to an inanimate one lasts for a scene such as turning a boisterous student into a jack-in-the box for the duration of a lecture.
Mental Manipulation
To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.
- Laozi
Animal Control
The ability to control animal kind. This MAY include shifters but they are always much harder than their true animal counterparts without exception as they are only really part-animal. At player discretion this may be limited to a subset of animals but by default allows control of all animal kind.
Basic animal control allows communication with animals - either with vocal sounds that can be understood or some sort of telepathic communication.
Intermediate animal control allows control of animals - at this level, the character can command the actions of creatures within normal range (chat range) whether with coercion or entreaty.
Advanced Animal Control allows animals to be summoned - this sends out a message to summon animals to the character’s side any animals (or animals of the selected type) within a mile or so will arrive over the next 1-3 rounds.
Advanced Animal Control also allows the command of animal aspected supernaturals such as shifters similar to intermediate mind control.
Superior Animal control renders the user a true master of beasts. They can invoke the power to bind normal animals to their will permanently granting rudimentary intelligence to follow basic orders. They are able to command shifters as if with advanced mind control and may create Basic Bonding thralls out of animals and shifters with this power.
The ability to enter and manipulate others dreams.
A Basic Dreamwalker can enter a sleeping targets dreams with a touch either to observe hidden or pass a message or otherwise communicate.
An Intermediate Dreamwalker can enter the dreams of any well known associate if they know where the person is sleeping. They must first go to sleep themselves to do so. They have a limited ability to alter the dreamscape of the target turning pleasant dreams restless and unpleasant or nightmares to less frightful musings.
An Advanced Dreamwalker Can enter the dreams of a known target while awake and may alter them to send a message or torment them as the mood might strike.
A superior Dreamwalker is able to create portals to physically enter the dreamlands and travers that ephemeral realm to anyone's dreams where they will have absolute control. They can send form nightmares or peaceful dreams on a broad spectrum through entire cities should they choose. If they enter an individuals dream physically they can hurt the individual from within the dream.
The ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of those around you. Like telepathy, please be responsible in the OOC use of this power. Post attempts as much as possible and be very careful not to power-game the emotions of those around you.
Basic empathy senses emotions. Although not a real lie detection, it can allow a sense of deception from those trying to befuddle the empath and can quickly guide an empath's own deceptions they are peerless cold readers.
Intermediate empaths can invoke emotion or sensation in a target. If the shift is not so great as to be discordant it will generally go unnoticed without some means of sensing mental manipulations. Sensation may also be triggered though general sensation rather than a specific touch. Aches or chills or arousal rather than a strike or pinch.
Advanced Empaths broadcast emotions at will to affect large crowds creating emotions like fear, hysteria, love, etc. This subtle twisting of mood in groups is unlikely to be noticed even with large swings in emotional state and shift seemeing to come from the mood of the crowd rather than a supernatural source. Similarly sensations may be invoked upon a crowd as with an individual target.
Superior Empaths bend the line betwixt empathic manipulation, telepathy, and mind control. These expert manipulators are able to plant thoughts and inspiration within a targets mind the thought seeming fully internal. While it can not alter memory nor force action it can with supreme subtlety plant the seed of a plan, invention, or even complex emotional bond and with repeated application nurture such thought undetectable as anything but the targets own mind. This can create deep bonds, or terrible distrust that seem perfectly natural but are rooted in the empath's desires. Even supernatural senses will not detect these subtle manipulations without extensive investigation.
Mind Control
A potent ability, these individuals can control and manipulate the mind and memories of others. Be EXTREMELY careful in the use of this gift. Nothing is more aggravating than having RP experiences suddenly vanish from what your character remembers. The orders must be communicated to the subject in a manner they can understand but there is no mental communication provided with this gift but it can be used in conjunction with telepathy.
Basic Mind Control allows short commands - no more than a few words - and the orders cannot go directly against the nature of the victim. This control is obvious.
Intermediate mind control allows short sentences. These orders can go against the victim's nature and with enough effort expended and careful phrasing might be more subtle and not noticed directly. Alternatively they may allow short commands on a small crowd of targets.
Advanced Mind Control will puppet a target completely, these commands can be more long term than 'do as I say now'. They might include triggers for later events and the instructions given can be quite lengthy. Alternatively they may apply short sentences to a small crowd of targets.
Superior Mind controllers can puppet crowds and even hide their commands by commanding the target(s) to forget being commanded. When focused upon a single target the Superior Mind Controller can completely enslave the mind of a target going so far as to rewrite the individuals personality and very nature.
This is not a subtle process and will generally require repeated application (though the first round will command the individual to submit for further sessions) Obviously such large changes require OOC consent to be utilized and must even then be performed with care.
The ability to project one's thoughts and read the minds of others around them. The range and strength vary from level of ability on up. Please, when using this ability in game, always err on the side of caution.
Just as in combat, post your attempt to read their thoughts and allow the other person to provide you with what you get from the contact if anything. Even on the unshielded, this ability is not necessarily undetectable. If one is attempting to be devious in its use, that should be included in the attempt post and may not be successful.
Basic Telepaths are limited to line of sight communications and surface thoughts.
Intermediate Telepaths can contact those that they know, regardless of range. When in the presence of an individual, they can search for more than surface thoughts and with great effort alter some non-core memories.
Advanced Telepaths can search for even unknown minds using specific parameters (IE, 'I am looking for a cop at the crime scene, etc.'). When in the presence of an individual they can unearth even memories that have been hidden or tampered with. They can alter memories removing them entirely or altering them in manners great and small.
Superior Telepaths can project their consciousness through the astral realms of the pure mind to communicate and observe through the eyes of distant minds. While projecting the body is vulnerable but only wards specifically against astral travel will stop these potent mentalists. They can unearth any memories even those that a lesser telepath has erased and may remake the mind and memories of an individual completely. (With extensive OOC consent)
He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Soaring through the skies on wings or through sheer willpower or anything in between.
Basic Flight requires some sort of flight appendage - typically wings but it could also be some sort of gliding membrane or even an umbrella. Regardless, they have something they MUST have free access to in order to take to the skies and cannot fly when that is bound or removed. They can fly roughly at speeds with birds and other real creatures.
Intermediate Flight allows flight whether through force of will or telekinetic power or carried by shadows. Regardless, they can fly and need no props to do so. Their speeds cap out at roughly equivalent to basic supernatural speed and heights similar to common flying birds.
More superman than bird, Advanced fliers cap out at moderate supernatural speed in the air, regardless of how fast they are on land and can climb to heights that would leave normal humans breathless and dizzy.
Superior Flight is the pinnacle of aerial arts flying with Advanced Supernatural Speed and able to climb to heights well beyond those their body could normally survive to the thinnest heights of the atmosphere or perhaps beyond.
The ability to move form one location to another without passing the intervening space.
The Basic Teleporter is able to teleport at will to any location they can perceive unaided with only what they carry on their person.
The Intermediate teleporter is able to teleport at will to any location they understand the location of - whether that’s previously visited or one they are able to see in a picture or in the thoughts of another being. It must be to a known location in that sense. They may bring with them up to two passengers.
The Advanced Teleporter may teleport to any earthly location at will, regardless of familiarity and carry with them as many passengers as are able to touch them.
The Superior Teleporter is no longer bound to earthly locations and may traverse dimensional barriers to other near and far realms. They may also form stable portals that so long as they maintain concentration will remain open between any two locations they could travel to.
The sixth sense is at the core of our experiences. It is what makes experiences out of events.
- Henry Reed
ESP grants a character new supernatural senses well outside the normal senses of humanity. Psychometry, Clairvoyance, True Sight, and assorted means to detect magical or supernatural phenomenon or see the unseen. Higher levels may include the ability to receive visions, dreams, or precognitive abilities the function of such abilities is at Staff discretion.
Basic ESP Grants the Seer one basic supernatural sense such as the ability to detect a type of spirit or magical effect, psychometry, or clairvoyance.
Intermediate ESP grants the Seer an additional supernatural sense should the player desire and enhances all supernatural senses, At this level more potent senses may be available such as true sight (the ability to see through illusions and invisibility or similar hidden magics) or the ability to sense broad categories of magic or sprits.
Advanced ESP grants the Seer a third supernatural sense should the player desire and enhances the potency of all supernatural senses. At this level limited uncontrolled visions are a possible selection, the source and realm of interest for the visions should be noted when purchasing the power.
Superior ESP can grant a player who desires a fourth and final supernatural sense. This sense can be a true precognitive effect or advanced visions that can be actively sought by the seer and may be broader in scope than Advanced ESP. Precognitive abilities effectiveness remains at staff discretion.
Illusion is the ability to mask oneself and ones surroundings with false images, sounds, and olfactory effects that seem real to the casual observer.
Basic Illusion allows the illusionist to disguise themselves and what they carry or render themselves invisible. This can include mimicry should the illusionist be a convincing actor.
Intermediate illusion allows the user to alter the perceptions of those within normal range (chat range) of anything within normal range (chat range). this can include rending themselves or allies invisible as well as creating convincing animate illusory effects such as fake staff in a tea shop.
Advanced Illusion can cover an area the size of a large building affecting any that are in range to perceive the illusory effect. They may also choose to make the effect selective for instance allowing everyone in e building to still see the building and each other despite the illusion of the space being empty.
Superior Illusion transcends the normal bounds of spectral creations able to create phantasmal forces that match the false sights sounds and scents of their illusions. These forces can not offer structural support of any kind but can wound, restrain, or blockade those who are unable to pierce the illusions shroud. The illusionist may also target illusions individually leaving some to see nothing or an obvious illusion or even a different illusion than other targets.
Keen Senses
Keen senses are improvements and extensions of normal human senses such as sight, hearing or olfactory. They may improve range, sensitivity, or broaden the spectrum one can detect. The specific sense and enhancements are selected at the time of purchase.
Basic Keen Senses grant a single enhancement on a single sense such as improved night vision or keen smell.
Intermediate Keen Senses grant either a second single enhancement to a new sense such as sensitive hearing when a user already possesses night vision or a broad suite of improvements on the Basic sense such as adding keen sight and microscopic sight to night vision.
Advanced Keen Senses grants a character a character an enhancement on multiple senses or an exceptional sense on the Intermediate Keen Sense such as Tremor sense or a sonar like ability. A sense that allows not only differentiation by the sense but the ability to finely target via that sense.
Superior keen senses become truly preternatural in efficacy across multiple senses and can include protective measures such as flash resistance or sound attenuation.