Who: Hector Graham, November Morsus, Dariusz Tenenbaum, Drystan Windgrace, Kyuu Tenno ... and three spirits of differing character
When: 20 Jan 1943; afternoon
Where: The fountain plaza
[15:20] ᴄᴀᴇʟ (helio5igma): High afternoon and the fountain area is abuzz with activity. Local constables have blocked off the area for passersby, redirecting more mundane crowds with the help of the instilled Covenant that protects the island and enforces the Masquerade. Unaware humans meander on by without a second-thought but those who are already privy to the supernatural world can clearly see one of the trash bins flinging itself haphazardly around the square as if it's being picked up and heaved repeatedly. Display mannequins totter around like lost puppies, teetering on the brink of falling over before righting themselves and continuing on.
[15:28] Hector: went to the baths after finishing up with Blake and the others. He had a long hot bath, scrubbed himself down good and then a soak. It felt real good on his shoulders. He ached in places he didn't know he had. Then he got dressed again and went across town to do some shopping. He was just going to pick up some stuff for a quiet dinner. Then as he's heading past the square there's...well, there's trash cans throwing 'themselves' around. He lets out a heavy sigh and mumbles, 'mind your own business, stop meddling.' He says it in a rather sassy tone and even put his hands on his hips before rolling his eyes. "Yeah, like this isn't my business..." He mumbled again before pulling out a cigarette and putting it to his lips. He fired it up and started to weave his way through the crowd. He exhaled a plume of smoke, "Hat Man, perimeter please, Maria, tell me what you see. Agatha you'll be on point if this turns into a fight." He said to seemingly thin air, but of course he was speaking to his invisible
[15:28] Hector: companions, the Shadowy Man in a bowler hat, the small girl in her pig tails, and of course...the Drowned Woman who hovers about in all her ghastly glory. When they get closer his strange eyes 'sync' with his companions and the dead over-lay with the living. He starts watching what is unseen. "Mmm, three on three...at least the odds are good." Hector tuns his attention to the sad looking ghost woman on a nearby bench and offers her a tender smile that says 'I see you.' He doesn't look to the other two, especially not the angry one, best not to tempt Fate before he figures out what is going on.
[15:33] November Morsus' long, slender form staggered through the square, eyes red and bleary, suit rather rumpled, as if hastily tugged on. His dark eyes squint, scan the square, one hand pressed to his head, to his ear. "Who's... There? Who's calling?" His soft voice cried out, head cocking, as if listening very hard, before shaking again trying to clear the, sound. He gasps as he spots the mannequin move, slender bony fingers pressing over his heart, before, carefully, he approaches. "Hello? Are you alright? Do you, need anything?" This was ridiculous... He sighed, feeling ever more awkward, especially as another man steps into the square. "Oh, um, good evening, sir," came that low bass purr, sounding rather more embarrassed and awkward than usual, "is, erm, is that you?"
[15:39] Dariusz Tenenbaum: Dariusz had planned to have a nice evening with a thermos of tea, his sketchbook, and a seat in the park facing the rather clever ballerina fountain that he wished to sketch. He had not intended to dodge trash cans or witness a small parade of poorly coordinated mannequins. For a brief moment, his eyes widened, and he froze still as if struck; but then, his eyes caught the sight of the barriers around the square, and moved to Hector, and his ears spotted November, and the evidence that this was, in fact, happening was confirmed. Dariusz grunted, putting his fists on his hips briefly as he frowned at the situation; then, pulling out his sketchbook, he began to sketch an intricate, circular design. "Oh-kay, they should not be doing that," he grumbled in his surprising bass voice, carefully attending to the sigils he was preparing. Looking up as he walked closer to the two, he raised a hand, waved, nodded at both of them. "Good evening, Doctor Morsus; hello, Mister who is talking to the invisible things. I am having a little bit of hermeticism and some robots that I can catch flying things with. "I am no master of anything, but this is looking dangerous, and I would like to help. I hope I would not be getting in the way if I stand by to help stop potential concussions," he nodded to Hector respectfully, apparently having judged him to be Most Knowledgeable Person Present regarding the current events. "I think maybe you can see more than me; may I ask what is going on?" he asked, looking between Hector and November.
[15:40] Drystan Windgrace (jacksonn.shepherd) had been on his way to try and buy more parchment and possibly canvas and some plywood to make some new frames, and since he exploded his runner, he was doing his own running, for now. He crossed around a corner and saw some comotion in the square. A few people gathered, but then there were things he wasn't able to quite focus on. But he was suddenly feeling overwhelmingly angry, and he furrowed his brow, but..then resigned himself to the feeling of being there. His chest tightened as he walked into the square properly, that familiar lump in his throat. the welling of sadness. He sort of half nodded to the other gentlemen gathered, eyes peering, but he bit his lip and tried to See. He wasn't very good at it, but the weird phantoms he thought he was seeing out of the corner of his eyes were ....a thing. right here. "Whoa...." Eloquent, is he not?
[15:46] ᴄᴀᴇʟ (helio5igma): The gathering of PEOPLE in the space seems to make something in it rather irate. The two mannequins from the nearby tailor shop stop their teetering and begin to hop.... one towards Dariusz because evidently that pen and paper were offensive, and one towards Hector because the man was talking to the spirits! How rude! Thought someone. With the garbage bin no longer being flung around and the mannequins on the move instead, pieces of trash and strewn rubbish appear to pick themselves up or shuttle back towards the bin.
[15:50] Hector: blinks when another man comes practically stumbling into the courtyard was a man in a rush. Did he say 'calling me?' He offered a gentle smile to November and held up a finger to his lips in a 'ssshhh' sort of motion and then waved around to the people that the constables were still trying to usher away. "You can hear them calling huh? Happens to me sometimes too. Sucks when they learn your name. You'll never sleep again, friend. Not around here." He winked strange eyes teasingly, but also in good spirits as if he was trying to be calming. "Not sure what's up yet, I only just arrived, myself." And then there was Dariusz and he smiled. "Ah, Mister Tenenbaum, lovely to see you again. Ah, mmm..." He furled his brows and played with one of his piercings in his lower lip. "Ah, well, it's hard to explain, but basically imagine someone is angry and kicking over the trash, the person who cleans the place is dutifully walking behind and picking it back up and they're just...locked in an eternal struggle for the beauty of this park." He grinned and shrugged. "Or maybe I'm just, ya know, making poetry and none of this happening. We're all dreaming..." Wiggly fingers. "Ah, hello Drystan, good to see you as always." He steps to the side so he doesn't get hit with a moving mannequins. His companion ghost, the little Maria goes and sits down beside the sad woman on the bench when she makes room and just lets her feet swing back and forth. He makes a motion to her with his left hand, as if to get her to continue talking to the woman who just appeared like she wanted to enjoy her afternoon like all the rest of the live people. If Maria asks the questions then he can deal with the live people and it not look quite so insane. Little Maria nods and clutches her bunny. /'Begging your pardon Miss. Why is the young man so angry?'/ Gasps lightly and motions to poor Dariusz, "Ah! Look out! Well bugger me sideways...this is new."
[15:54] November Morsus offered Dariusz a relieved smile as he heard that familiar Polish-laced voice. "Why, my dear Mr. Tannenbaum! What a thing it is to see you on so, curious, a day. I... Don't suppose it was you calling for me, was it?" At least Dariusz knew him, that would make SOME kind of sense... But in that case, why was he so upset, or so sad? All these signals, muddling together, a cacophony in his brain... "You hear it too?" He turned back to Hector, blinking in surprise, then relief. "Seems a bit clearer than I do, dear, thank you for the explanation... Oh, yes, my dear Mr. Tannenbaum is quite eloquent indeed," he nodded, seeming to think that Drystan, a man he'd never met, was speaking directly to him. "But, oh, I don't believe I've made your acquaintance... And I believe it shall have to wait, I'm afraid. Those mannequins don't look very cordial," he said with a blink as he spotted them barrelling towards Hector and Dariusz. Now, ostensibly, he had come to solve problems and not cause them, but he very much had DIBS on Dariusz Tannenbaum, and no mannequin was going to get in the way of THAT! His eyes narrowed, and he drew his knife.
[16:03] Dariusz Tenenbaum: Dariusz blinked at Hector, looking at first surprised, then accepting - as if he were just coming into a particularly dramatic bit of family quarreling that he could not hope to understand but could trust was serious. "Ah! Hector. I am sorry, I did not recognize you when nothing is on fire yet," he said, looking around. "Even in dreams, it is not good practice to litter." He frowned as he dropped the sketchbook briefly, putting a foot down on its edge to hold it in place as a golden length of rope began to unspool itself from his pack. "I am always happy to see you, Doctor Morsus, but I was calling for nothing," he said innocently. His breath hissed in as he saw the mannequin barreling towards him, and he raised an arm, sending the rope shooting out to twine around its base and topple it should it get any closer.
[16:04] Drystan Windgrace (jacksonn.shepherd) was not used to just walking about town. He had seen it, of course, but he had insofar limited his experiences with the islands residents. He had been caught up in a madness, that goes with the territory for who and what he was, he supposed. He looked around, recognizing Hector and winching a bit. That was not a great night for either of them, or anyone really. He coughed, trying to clear his throat and frogged out a "MrehHello. Hector." He nodded and went back to the apparitions, and this confluence of feelings. he almost doubles over as the knife is drawn, the sadness and the anger breeding and affecting him in a way he hadn't experienced quite before. "No...No...not the knife. Sir please." he had actual tears in his eyes. This stranger to all but Hector who only knew him as a mad crazed person, tried to convince the tall man in black to lower or sheath the blade. "They...one...is very very mad. And the other is ...incredibly sad, please good sir, if you may please, Put that thing away. You're making
them Oh gods .." He shook his head and grabbed at his chest as tears came down his cheeks. What the actual hell. These beings were pure emotion for him, nad he was, as always, a vessel.
[16:08] ᴄᴀᴇʟ (helio5igma): The mannequin ringed by Dariusz's rope teetered and topples over to the ground where it lays, inert and inactive. The other is still hopping around, having been dodged by Hector. It turns instead toward November and his rather rude knife, hopping angrily across the cobblestones. There's a little lull but something quietly sets the toppled mannequin upright again, where it stands still and does not move.
[16:10] Hector: truly loves the dead and watching the old woman with Maria makes his heart melt. Of course, the woman is dead and so pretty soon she's just babbling more than making much sense. Maria gives Hector a shake of her to let him know that they're likely not going to get anything specific. "Tch...Well shit..." He stepped around the mannequins and tried to use his thinker. "OK, so I guess this is fairly normal, save for the fact that 'Cleveland' is manifesting more than normal." Looks around again, groaning before just shrugging it off and looking to the other three men. "OK, fuck it's so hard to explain this shit. Let's play a game..." He wiggled his fingers. "Looks like it's chess. Imagine this chess board is always here, but normally the Black King is not strong enough to move his pieces. Today he's very angry and REALLY wants someone to 'play' with him eh?" He clucked his tongue. "So Cleveland is our opposing King and he's quite angry and anger is fueling his moves." And then Drystan doubles over. He moves over to put a hand on his shoulder and motions to November. "Please! Do as he says. Anger begets anger, violence begets violence. We need the opposite. We play the game, we make this a dance. Do not fear them. If anything...imagine being on the inside of a mirror and you want to tell the outside something, but you can't, because all they see...is reflections, not you. So see your reflections and the things that move and try to understand the actions." Deep breath. "Mister Cleveland, please don't tear up the Mannequins. Granny likes the dresses."
[16:13] November Morsus nodded to Dariusz, looking a bit sheepish. "I, er, yes, that's rather plain to see now," he said, before the mannequin was making right for them, and even as he held his ground, determined to protect the smaller man, tears began to drip from his kohl-lined eyes, his hands began to shake. "I can't let you hurt him," his shaking voice murmured, "I'm so... So, so sorry... But I /can't/ let you hurt him," he insisted as that all-encompassing despair rebounds through Drystan and back into him, the sheer weight of it enough to bring him to his knees, the knife clattering from his hands across the cobblestone below. Big, brown, weepy eyes look up at Hector as he approaches, and he sniffles softly. "I only wished to help, but all I am is... This...." Oh boy. Looks like they really got him going now...
[16:18] Dariusz Tenenbaum: Dariusz's brow furrowed as he listened to Hector, worry and bafflement etching themselves across his face. "Does confusion beget anything?" he asked hopefully. Nevertheless, he began looking around himself carefully, though his rope coiled around him in a protective floating halo. Looking at November with concern, he reached up to pat his back, then reached for his thermos, still full of tea. "Is okay. Okay... I am not going to do anything, just be here," he said in a low, even voice, raising his hands as if a gun were pointed at him. "I have tea, if anyone is wanting tea. This always helps me calm."
[16:20] Drystan Windgrace (jacksonn.shepherd) watches as the mannequin that Darius has pulled down is righted, and the twisting in chest changes, and the growing bubble in his chest to just outright bawl his eyes out seemed to just subside. Hectors hand on his shoulder did help, and he sucked in a shuddered breath as the Tall Man in Black dropped to his knees and dropped the blade. Relief, Oh..the joyous relief. "Thank you ..sir, I do not understand what is happening here, but .. I thank you for your choice." He looked over his shoulder, not AT anyone, but at the feeling of the angry one. "What did you say the angry ones name was Hector? Uhm...he's ..Fucking pissed." His proper British accent with the threats of antiquity in it made what he said either rather dire, or quite funny depending on whom you asked. But neverthe less it was true. the anger was Still RIGHT there, somewhere. It wasn;t a safe feeling at all. And he really rather not feel that ...he tried to stick with the relief. Taking long deep breath in through his nose and out through his mouth.
[16:26] ᴄᴀᴇʟ (helio5igma): The two mannequins from the nearby shop are upright again. The angry spirit appears to have gone back to his rubbish bin though as it slowly tilts onto its side and lifts off the ground. There's a VERY audible "FOCKYOO ANYERTEEEEHH" that screeches through the park before that bin is yeeted at Dariusz for daring to drink tea in the middle of a ghostly tantrum.
[16:30] Hector: looks like a deer in headlights when November just topples over. "No, no it's ok! You're doing great! Don't cry! Oh please don't cry! You didn't do anything wrong. I didn't mean to yell." Now his eyes are filling with tears. His three companion ghosts are basically rolling their eyes and they want to just grab 'Cleveland' and dump his ass in the ocean, but Hector would never agree to that. Hector sucks in a breath and patpatpat Drystan again before sniffling. "Cleveland, his name is Cleveland. There's Cleveland, he looks like a Dock Worker maybe. He's the one throwing things. Then there's an old woman who says she was just trying to have a nice day in the park. She's sad...and then there's the Grounds Keeper. He's going around trying to clean things up after they get knocked down. He reminds me of the guy pushing the rock up the mountain. Poor man. They're all just sort of stuck here, looks like. Granny says Cleveland is always 'mad about something.' That's all I can get out of her. She
[16:30] Hector: looks like she's been here a while. She still has her wits but...they're fading." He rubbed at his eyes. "I can't tell if it's just emotions holding them to this place or if it's objects. Granny seems especially upset about the Mannequins. She's fixated on the dresses that they wear. The old man on keeping the trash cans up....Cleveland...I'm not sure, he's all over the place. Any sort of negativity thrown in seems to just fuel the bad loop that's going on here, though." Yeets himself in front of the trash can so it doesn't hit poor Tenenbaum. OOF! "HEY! It's not their fault so stop it!" Takes a good shot and blood pours from his lips and nose, black veins appearing in the corners of his eyes. Uh oh. Instinct kicking in.
[16:34] November Morsus clung to Dariusz like a life raft the moment he approached, immediately soaking his shirt with tears. "I-... Thank you dear... I'm so, terribly sorry, I only wished to offer my assistance but I should have bloody /known/ all I would do was make everything /worse/..." It seemed rather than the temporary wave that had overcome Drystan, the things that had hit November had... Stuck. However, it seemed the one thing that would jar him from it was the next wave of emotion, which left him snarling at the air, in the direction of the voices. "If you want what I have then get GOOD," he snapped, "you think it didn't take me DECADES to claw my way back?! I-... Oh never bloody MIND it!" He sighed, shaking his head as he gripped it with a taloned hand. "Fucking hell... This is madness... I-... I need to-..." Deep breath. Concentrate on what Hector is saying... "Granny... Cleveland... Groundskeeper... Don't muss up their little dresses... Right.... Right..." Slowly, he staggers to his feet again, trying desperately to focus on the task at hand.
[16:36] Kyuu (daisylurve): Kyuu’s mannequins are in the park? This is something the fox would likely her about. He will have to chastise them later for never informing him that they could do more than just sit there and be skewered with needles. He heads down the street enroute to his shop when he spies them. His step transitions from a casual trot to a slow step. His head turns, then his body. And then he is heading for the park proper. A bin of trash goes flying at one of the bystanders and the fox just does not find anything about that fun at all. His hand lifts and he clenches his fist, twisting it. His intent is to snag that can of trash and sort of swoop it upward till it slows slows, upright. The golden haired man would then slam his fisted hand down toward the ground and can would thump down loudly right there in front of the man it was aimed it. Did he do that? Can he do that? “What.. is going on?” he doesn’t have sight. Are the ghosts presenting themselves?
[16:42] Dariusz Tenenbaum: Dariusz sucked in a breath at the cursing, jaw setting, and his rope came up to defend - but Hector was there first, and he winced as the thing caught him full in the face, "Ah, I am so sorry -" Looking up at November, he patted him on the back, said, "Is okay, you are not responsible for if somebody is in a bad mood. I - what?" he asked, brow furrowing as November shouted back at someone who he couldn't see or hear, except perhaps for the 'fuck your tea.' He looked helplessly to Drystan, taking in a breath. "Okay, so no tea - is Cleveland wanting anything other than to be angry?" he asked. Looking over at Kyuu approaching, he nodded. "There are three ghosts, one is very angry Cleveland, another is nice Granny who just wants the mannequins alright, another is Groundskeeper who wants this place nice, and I am very sorry if I have gotten in the way of any of this," he said, towards the mannequins.
[17:03] ᴄᴀᴇʟ (helio5igma): It's here that the spirits decide to manifest. Cleveland's huge and has got a white shirt with its tails half out of his pants and suspenders, ratty trousers and rough shoes. Obviously a working man, his physical manifestation accompanied by the strong stench of stale ale. He jabs a finger at Kyuu and then down towards the trash can the kitsune threw to the ground and sets to rambling again. "OHYOOMAGICTYPES BIGBIGMAGICMAN gonna SEALTALLWAYYY JESSCOZ SUMMATMAYCOMETHREW WELL ACH!" He spits viciously onto the cobblestones. "DUN GEEV A FOOOCK WUT NUTTERS THREW, LEMME OUT! LEMME OUT LEMME OUT!" The air chills.
Nellie, the sweet old woman, is protectively wrapping an arm around Hector's little girl ghostie companion, covering her ears and shaking her head. "Oh goodness. Not good language for poor little dears, oh goodness... that Cleveland...if only he could remember the good days, hm? You like thinking on good memories dear?"
The groundskeeper's shoulders have slumped. He's staring at the spot where Cleveland has spat on the cobblestones, and at where Hector's BLEEDING on them and just looks so very dejected. He finally spoke up, old and weary and gentle. "This ain't Murphy's, Cleve... can't just be spittin' on the stones..." he grumbled and went to start mopping at the spots. Where he got a mop, who knows? But he's mopping. First the spit, then over to where Hector is bleeding from his garbage can hit. "Scuse me... I'll get it up, don't you worry. Not as bad as when the butcher wagon upended in '87... all that blood. Still got it up though, yup..."
[17:12] Hector: now Hector is VERY mad, but he's not mad at the ghosts so much as he's mad at a certain person and the choices that he has made. Hector shakes and is about to launch into a scream at Cleveland, but the Groundskeeper stills his heart. He carefully moves to the side, reaching out with a hand that is covered in black. His hand shimmers through the air and he goes to do something that moves people can't do, not even when a ghost chooses to manifest. He carefully puts his hand upon the Groundskeeper's shoulder and gives him and squeeze. It is warm, calming, and holds power in those hands. Likely in that moment, the ghosts could see through the glamour and maybe those around as well. Of course Kyuu could do it, he MADE that collar. Hector's shadow has wings and...a scythe. "You're doing a wonderful job. Thank you so much for your service. If I could send you home, I would. I want so terribly to, but I can't right now." He turned to look at Granny and shook his head. "She can handle herself. Fret not, Granny." He swallowed hard. "We're going to get you a fancy new dress and you'll go home soon too." With a deep breath he whirled and marched over to Cleveland. "Cleveland eh? I said it once and I'm going to say it again but I will NOT repeat myself after this. It's NOT. Their. Fault. Stand down. I know this sucks, but we can't do anything about it. I WANT to send you through. On the Goddesses eyes I swear it. But I can't right now. I'm working on it. If you all will HELP us, instead of throwing a tantrum like you're five. Maybe we can hurry it along." He narrowed his eyes. "We're on the look-out for the Eaters. Help us find them...you go home. Or..." Maria would hug Granny and then hop up, her bunny growing three times the size and forming fangs and teeth. Hat Man would appear out of a corner, tipping his hat and though it was a genteel expression it was somehow menacing. And then Agatha would gurgle her way up out of the fountain. A true Drowned Woman with her neck set sideways, her body bloated and water spewing from her mouth from only grunts and groans. "Even the dead can make the best of what they have, Cleveland. You look strong...maybe even fight the Eaters with us. Better than throwing trash cans around." (( please pop more of the log down if you have it! ))