First official Tea Club Meeting!
This was an in-world scene, which also used a relay to post into Discord so that a few people who couldn't get onto SL were still able to participate. As a result, some of the formatting is a little weird (you'll notice titlers are missing), and a post or two might have gotten lost in the transfer. (On that note - if you were in-world and took a log, would you share it with me so I can fill in any gaps? Thank you in advance~)
Damir Novak (cosmological)
— Today at 7:36 PM
/me || The little greenhouse in the dead center of the Academy's quad is probably the warmest it's ever been in late February. It's not exactly a sauna, but it's certainly something one can notice as soon as the door is opened. And it's clear, right away, why that is: there's a small group of students casually huddled around what appears to be...various tea accessories, such as a collection of tea cups, canister of loose leaf tea, and...a kettle, which is boiling vigorously, despite not being visibly connected to any sort of power.
Damir is here, flitting about the collection of teas, trying to ensure each one is in its proper place. He looks impressively harried, every once in a while peering over his shoulder like he's being watched, or jumping at a shadow. "Eh...Rourke?" He asks. "Have you seen my box of chamomile? I could have sworn I brought it..."
ᴄᴀᴇʟ (helio5igma)
— Today at 7:40 PM
/me || Seated on the rim of the fountain and near the mist of the water to keep himself cool, Kiernan sat with a kettle in his left hand, presumably full of water. The first time he'd warmed that one he'd heated it too quickly, making it FAR too hot for any sort of tea leaf not to go bitter. It now sat cooling with a little thermometer in it to tell him when to start stabilizing the temperature again. Rather than look put-out he seemed pleased with himself and was tossing what looked like a little tongue of flame back and forth between the fingers of his free hand, blinking when Damir asked him about the chamomile. "Box? Oh - " he craned his neck a bit before catching the flame in his palm and jutting his index finger out at one of the abnormally large pockets in Damir's sweater. "Ye had ta stuff it in yer pocket on account o'holdin' too much. See? Big bulgin' thing there," he said.
November Morsus (casron.fhang)
— Today at 7:44 PM
/me long, gangly form peered curiously in the doorway, smiling politely at the little gathering. "Oh goodness, is that tea? I saw the flyers... I do hope you lot don't mind having a teacher as company as well? I simply can't resist the siren call of a good cuppa, but if you find my presence here too ancient and dusty, please do let me know and I'll be out of your hair in a jiffy," he purred, his soft bass voice redolent with good cheer.
Gonzo (odontoceti)
— Today at 7:46 PM
/me had skidded into the greenhouse in record time, carrying a brown paper bag of her own...which is promptly tucked under her arm as Damir asks for the chamomile. She glances over at Kiernan, then shoves a hand into the aforementioned big, bulging pocket of Damir's sweater. What she pulls out is not, in fact, chamomile, but a container of ground coffee. The container is tossed up and down in one hand, and she grins at Kiernan. "You mean this chamomile?" Then she squints over at November, flaps a hand at him. "Do not bring the dust into the cups, you understand?"
Ditto (ditto.nachtigal)
— Today at 7:48 PM
/me walked swiftly and purposefully out from the technomancy tower and made their way across the bridge back towards the central greenhouse, anxiously brushing messy dark hair out of their eye under the brim of their hat while the other gloved fingers remained tightly gripped around the handle of a briefcase. They were on their way back to the landing that led down to the city proper once more, when a small gathering inside caught their attention, and they slowed their step briefly to cast a curious gaze through the glass. The tea looked and smelled lovely, but it was Kiernan tossing about his little flicker of fire so casually like a ball that really drew them in, leading them to linger in the doorway quietly for a moment as they stared in awe, momentarily forgetting what they were supposed to be doing.
Nemi-Birb/Val-Kitty — Today at 7:48 PM
There is a cool breeze that issues from one of the shadows. A student or two that has been near to it give a tiny shiver and shift away, almost unconsciously, uncomfortable in a way they can’t describe. As people filter in and out, there is a peek from the shadows. Luminous gold eyes languid gaze over the individuals wandering about before the small woman peels out of the darkness. There is a fluidity to her movement, a sway to her stride, much of her skin on display, the bohemian style skirt wrapping around her lean hip, the top just covering her chest. Bare feet pad forward, until she’s right by Kiernan, peeking up at him, lips twitching in a sly smile “Shy Lad” she purrs out a greeting before waiting for his reaction. The tea is not as interesting…not yet anyway. Gonzo and Damir both get a finger wave and a wink.
Damir Novak (cosmological)
— Today at 7:58 PM
/me is frowning at a canister of lavender earl grey, weighing the pros and cons, when Kiernan pipes up. "Big...bulging thing...," he mutters, placing the canister down so he can pat at his pockets. He's about to grab aforementioned bulge when he spots another shadow out of the corner of his eye. This one draws out a little gasp of shock from him before he realizes who it is...Professor Morsus.
"Oh- oh! Good evening, Professor," he smiles, straightening his posture and doing a little respectful nod of his head. "Yes, please, the um...," he swallows, pointing toward the teapot currently steeping some tea, before stepping over to it to do his little demonstration. "Pot is brewing peppermint, although it's a little burnt, and...we also have several other kinds. What do you like, can I make you a cup?"
As he's doing this, Gonzo manages to sneak up on him. "Hey, what are you-- what is /that/?" He looks like he wants to strangle her. "Get out of here with that." He puffs dismissively and immediately starts
pouring a cup before anyone's even asked for one. Always best to be prepared. He spots Alex and Valene and offers a cheerful wave to each. "Hello! Welcome to my Tea Club. Please, feel free to help yourself, enjoy the night, do not be worried."
Riven ~ Kyuu - Elijah — Today at 7:58 PM
The landing to get up to the school isn’t that far off from the green house in the center of the Academy’s quad so when Eli finally works up his nerve to head up there in his larger form, he finds himself facing the structure and thus is intrigued by the activity milling about within it. He is dressed in pieces of a suit, cut perhaps a bit tight in the shirt and the pants, they are large enough hat a pair of suspenders are needed to keep them from slipping. A bowler hat is perched upon the curly tangle of his blueblack hair and aside from the ill fit of the clothing, he seems generally presentable. He moves with a slow pace, as if not quite sure of his footing, but stops in the doorway to peer in at the gathering with wide, lavender eyes. He is shy, but ever so curious. His nose twitches as he takes in the tea party spear out.
Lex Dashrix
— Today at 8:00 PM
/me arrives at the small orangery the academy had converted to a student commons and cafe precisely as the clock tower struck the half hour chime. He cleared his throat lightly and maneuvered around the young man in the doorway. Surveying the room for a moment he took in each face in attendance with a flat thin lipped expressin. "Doctor Morsus." he greeted first looking the aenemic man over with vague concern, "Perhaps the heat will do your constitution well." he suggested in what amounted to polite small talk with a peer. "Mr. Novak good to see you." he nodded to Damir and looked over the others gathered, "Students." in a clipped efficianet tone followed by a slight sigh, "Mr. Rourke putting your talents to constructive use I see." He produced a neatly labeled tin and presented it to Damir, "Russian Caravan blend from my collection." he offered concisely, "Darjeeling, Ooolong, and Lapsang Souchong, pine smoked." he elaborated the contents as he looked to what other options were on offer. Did he
bring it to share a less common blend on the island or to ensure there was something drinkable for himself. perhaps some combination thereof.
ᴄᴀᴇʟ (helio5igma)
— Today at 8:06 PM
/me || As Gonzo made her move Kiernan squinted at the box the fabled Miss G pulled from his roommate's pocket. "YES, absolutely that, give it 'ere and I'll git another kettle goin'!" he said happily only to deflate a little when Damir tried to dismiss the coffee tin. "Oyy, c'mon! There's room fer a cup or two o'non-tea!" he protested, pausing when he saw the student - or who he figured was a student - from earlier that day wander back over to the main island.
"EY! Got yer techno-gadget? Come on in, git yerself a cuppaa-AAHHHHHKNICKERS!" he cried out, scooting out from behind the table and behind November so quickly it was a wonder he didn't knock anything over. He extinguished his little flicker of flame and pointed in Valene's direction. "KNICKER LASS. WHAT YE DOIN' ON CAMPUS! AN - " And he was studiously looking away. " - an' where the feck are yer clothes!"
Unfortunately looking away meant looking in the direction of the door. Just as Lex entered and made the redness coming to his face take on a few shades more intensity. Kiernan tried poorly to hide behind Dr. Morsus, managing a quiet, rather meek, "Hullo Professor" in Dashrix's direction.
November Morsus (casron.fhang)
— Today at 8:10 PM
/me chortled delightedly at Gonzo's retort, shaking his head. "I shall do my level best, my dear," he said, "but should you catch me going on about the way things are done 'back in my day,' feel free to take me out back and dispatch of me yourself.... Is that coffee?" his head cocked. "I am fondest of tea, of course, but I am not entirely opposed to her bolder cousin... Perhaps I shall have a cup of both," he decided, "at least, if you're willing to share?" A curious glance was offered to... Was that Alex? My my, they were looking rather different than the last time he had seen them... Perhaps a disguise. If he could manage to catch their eye in a moment when no one else was looking, he'd offer them a swift wink, a tiny tap of one clawed finger on the side of his nose, the universal gesture for 'I'm well aware, but won't give you away.'
"Oh, dear me, no need for all this formality," he purred, cheeks flushing just a bit pink as Damir fussed over him, eyes dialating and fingers twitching as something like a memory crossed through his mind... No. No. Better to ignore it. Better not to get, lost. "Just November is fine, or Doctor if you must have a title. I think peppermint would be just lovely, thank you kindly dear." A polite nod and smile was offered to Dashrix as well. "Goodness yes, I quite love the temperature in here, warms my old bones quite nicely indeed..." And then all chaos broke loose. A quizzical brow was raised to the rather underdressed woman, but he seemed rather unmoved by the display... Until, of course, that hot-headed candyfloss-haired young man scrambled /right behind him,/ and only /then/ did he seem flustered. "I, er, hello, dear," he said to Kiernan, now that his perferences had been FULLY telegraphed.
Gonzo (odontoceti)
— Today at 8:15 PM
/me scoffs at Damir. "You insult my gift?" She jabs a thumb in Kiernan's direction. "Listen, listen, he says there is enough cups!" The container of coffee is flipped once more, then set down on the table as she notices Val. And Kiernan's subsequent freakout. Oh, question. "Yes, yes, it is coffee. For all to share! I am a generous man, yeah?" Wait, wait, hold on. "'Professor'? You teach here?" She cranes her neck up at November, making a face. "Are you sure you should not be in the hospital? You are not looking well." She shrugs, then spins on a heel to give a little salute to Dashrix, then very quickly turns back to Kiernan and Val. An accusatory finger is pointed at Kiernan, and then she starts to roll up her sleeves. "What were you doing with her knickers?! Do not insult the poor woman, it is warm in here! You want her to sweat to death?"
Ditto (ditto.nachtigal)
— Today at 8:15 PM
tensed up suddenly when someone seemed to notice them, their eye flicking to Damir and lips pulling into a nervous smile as their free hand rose in a brief, shy wave. "O-oh, hi... I, ah... I'm sorry, I should really be going..." They muttered sheepishly, before starting to turn away, only to hesitate for a moment as they realized this was the first group of people they'd been around for a long time that wasn't composed of patients of medical professionals. And they'd always wondered what it was like up here at the academy too. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to stop in for just a moment? They shrank a bit nervously as Lex's imposing figure passed them by, doing their best to go unnoticed as they slipped into a corner of the room, before glancing curiously to Eli in his ill-fitting suit when the fellow stepped into the space they'd made. "Nice hat." They whispered, admiring the bowler, before freezing up sharply again with a nervous cringe as Kiernan suddenly called out to them, forcing a hasty smile and a nod back. "Y-yup! G-got it, hah..." They murmured, taking a hesitant step closer inside, but when they noticed November, their eye widened sharply, and their face looked downright mortified considering what happened the last time they'd seen one another. They caught the gesture, but hastily averted their gaze, pulling their hat down to hide their face just a little bit more with a nervous gulp, wondering if they out to make a break for it after all. They'd silently mouth a few regretful words to their once-bitten friend, 'I'm so sorry...' The feline figure of Valene did get a curious glance from under their hat though.
Odette di Benedetti (moirraah.flanagan)
— Today at 8:18 PM
/me had employed her natural speed to get to the station after receiving the note from George two days late. The instant the shuttle landed at the campus pad, Odette alighted with only the smallest feeling of unease from the motion.
There were bodies milling about and Odette composed herself, crossing the bridge at a slower, more sedate pace than she felt. Stepping down into the grass, her dark eyes flicked around the quad.
Small clusters of students we chatting and spending idle time together, some studying in relative solitude, while others practiced their preternatural crafts.
Having left the damned note on the porch, she could not recall if Kiernan had given her a specific location for the meeting, so instead she stepped forward toward the small conservatory, hearing not one but two familiar voices.
Her slender shoulders sagged for only a moment in relief before she'd straighten them once more, her spine stiffening as she closed the distance to the orangery.
Riven ~ Kyuu - Elijah — Today at 8:21 PM
At first, Eli is totally oblivious of who walked past him in the doorway. He was even taking steps to follow the man into the orangery, careful and precise steps. He is still in a weakened state but the pixie is a lot stronger than he was weeks ago. In his hand he holds a notepad, something perhaps not noticed at first, but he lifts it and begins to scrawl a message in neat handwriting, asking what is going on – but then Dashrix speaks and his hand freezes. Can wide eyes go any wider? Yes. They certainly can. And pale boys can get paler too. He lifts his eyes from his paper to Lex’s back, watching as he interacts with Damir. Slowly, the pencil continues to etch out his question and, in a ballsy move for himself? He also approaches Damir. He waits till the professor turns his attention toward November before he turns the note pad toward him (Damir), brows lifting in an inquisitive expression. A glance is then sent past the professor to take in Kiernan, whom he recognizes. He’s seen him with Odette before. And there is the lady that totally threw him off before, like nearly into the harbor. A little mischievous smile tilts his lips, he can’t help it despite his nerves. Then Alex’s whispered compliment garners his attention, and he lifts a hand to touch the brim of his jaunty hat, smiling shyly in response.
Nemi-Birb/Val-Kitty — Today at 8:22 PM
There is a delighted laugh as the man jumps like she had set his own knickers on fire. She gives a twirl ,her skirt flaring out about her and than a mock curtsey "Oh Shy Lad, I'mma wearin' 'em. See there's a skirt and a top and all the shiny fun things, don't be soooo hmnnn not....what is that word again" She pauses, lifting her fingers to her lip to tap at them, the tips stained black. There is a constant amount of movement to her, as though she's just not able to stay still, green tipped hair falling in her face. She doesn't have her glamour down, but even looking as human as she does, there is just something feline about her. There is a duck and a twist about the very tall November, purring under her breath as she plays chase the Kiernan...because he had fled, and that is fun. The others can see the intent for play in the lines of her body...but as she gets close, there is the smell of actual tea, and it gives a pause to her antics, moving away to settle near Damir. It's enough to keep her from harassing poor Kiernan...and Eli, because she recognizes him...and that fae-otherness that screams of wings.
Damir Novak (cosmological)
— Today at 8:29 PM
/me glances back and forth between Gonzo, November, and Kiernan. "Fine, make the coffee, just do it in another pot, see if I care." Damir hadn't even noticed Val's clothing until Kiernan called it out, being one of those people who made a habit of keeping his eyes very deliberately above people's collarbones. "Wh--Rourke!" His face is stricken, although his voice is barely above a whisper. "Do not be rude to the nice lady!"
He spins on his heel and proceeds over to November, offering him the cup of peppermint tea with a sheepish, contrite smile. "Ah, of course, Doctor. Here you are, then." Unfortunately, the tea really is definitely tastes like peppermint, but it's way too bitter.
Damir turns away to raise an eyebrow quizzically at Gonzo. Right then, though, he catches a glimpse of Dashrix, and his whole demeanor changes. "Good evening Professor Dashrix." He stands absolutely bolt-upright, and even takes a second to smooth down his sweater, just in case it happened to be rumpled. It wasn't
really all that rumpled, but there still /was/ a comedically large box of tea bulging one of its pockets. Despite this, Damir is wide-eyed and humbled by Lex's presence and his lovely selection of teas. They are obviously of higher quality than Damir's. "Oh, my. Thank you." He reaches out a hand as if to grasp one of the containers, but pauses before actually touching one. "Do you - want to make a pot of one of these? I think the water should be cooled enough now..."
Eli's approach toward him draws his attention away for a moment, although for the time being he just sort of blinks obliviously and offers a quick: "Hello, welcome to Tea Club, please enjoy and help yourself." His voice gets louder when he notices Odette approaching, intending for her to hear too.
ᴄᴀᴇʟ (helio5igma)
— Today at 8:36 PM
/me looked up at November sheepishly but any apology is quickly stymied as Val chases him around the tall professor like a tree. Eventually she let him be and headed back to Damir and the brews, leaving the poor witch to sag back against the glass of the greenhouse and let out a HUFF of a sigh. Then Gonzo was accusing him of things and he got warm enough to fog the panes of glass above him. "OY, ye heard 'er, I ain't done naught with 'em!" he called back, glaring across the way. Something about Gonzo's manner of speech though... Kiernan had seen it before - read it, even, in some notes left by their dorm door. The realization did not quite dawn on him yet but he was getting there. He got there about when Damir sided with his Miss G about Valene's clothing.
Kiernan looked at the miniskirt. Those green eyes went so wide. His mouth dropped open and he pointed at Damir, then at Gonzo before spreading his lips into a wide, wide grin, Dashrix momentarily forgotten. "Oh, sure, sure I'll put another kettle on," he nearly crooned. "So ye kin feel that heat goin', eh Novak?"
Kiernan was more than happy to tease Damir rather than focus on his own complete inability to handle scantily-clad women, so he plodded on back to the table to snatch a spare kettle and start to heat it and its water up in his hands, focusing his attention there so as not to overheat the kettle this time. Fortunately for Alex it drew his attention away from calling their presence and their business out again. Unfortunately for Odette and Eli, it meant he missed their approaches or glances his way at first.
November Morsus (casron.fhang)
— Today at 8:38 PM
/me nodded cheerfully to Gonzo. "Thankfully the lovely Eumenides has more than enough staff to keep itself running when I abscond here to teach my weekly anatomy course," he said, completely misunderstanding Gonzo's concern. Catching Alex's silent apology, he gave them a sympathetic look and a wave of his hand as if to say, think nothing of it, this sort of thing happens all the time. At least, it did for /him/.... Though on the other hand, it seemed the bite wound had developed a nasty infection, one that simply refused to go away no matter how well it was tended... How odd. He peers curiously at the silent Eli and his notepad, attempting to read the contents of such, before his attention is quite suddenly arrested by the game of cat and mouse that's playing out around his own body. "I... Er... Is everything quite alright?" His attention diverts just as easily as Damir approaches, giving the young man a warm, gentle smile. "Ah, thank you dear..." A delicate sip of the cup. Burnt it might be, but he was still determined to savor it all the same, if only because of its source. "Lovely, simply lovely..."
Mercy Chou (gaia.chester)
— Today at 8:40 PM
/me stomped her way to the orangerie, lugging an oversized text book and wearing a grim expression. "Lockewood's a right ol' geebag!" Lily declared passionately and at volume before she even registered who was in the conservatory. She had been expecting Kiernan and his roommate but not so very many people and certainly not two professors. For a moment, Lily considered dropping her things and walking right off the edge of the island. If she wasn't flunking astrology, maybe she'd understand exactly which star set had cursed her quite so completely. She caught sight of Odette's pale figure and then glanced beyond to where Kiernan was heating the tea. "Feck." Lily muttered and holding the books a little closer to her chest. "Which one has whiskey innit?" She was joking. Mostly, though with the flat set of her lips it might be easier than usual to miss.
CAEL (helio5igma) — Today at 8:45 PM
Lex Dashrix follows Kiernans furtive gaze to the scantly clad woman and looks her up and donw with frank appraisal. "I think perhaps the local Tea House has led to some misunderstanding of social tea drinking as euphemism." He sighed as he handed Damir the tin of Caravan Tea, "It handles heat well not as delicate as an herbal blend." he confides and quirks a brow, "Unless I misunderstood the goal of this gathering?" he asked impassively, "This is why metaphor is such a poor method of communication." He noted the mute who approached Damir but dismissed them as another student below his notice. The lady in white did pique his memory, "Ah greeting Miss." he nodded, "I hope your device has not malfunctioned already?" he could not imagine another reason the woman would be there as he knew her not to be student nor faculty.
Ditto (ditto.nachtigal)
— Today at 8:46 PM
/me offered a shy smile to Eli's little hat tip as they remained off in their own little corner, an immediate wallflower clinging to the edges of the gathering like a kid in a pool, less than confident in their ability to swim. They seemed to relax a little when Kiernan grew too distracted to ask them anymore questions about who they were or what they were doing here, and yet sweat still began to bead on their brow when they heard November bring up Eumenides having plenty of staff. Did he know they were one less now, or who's fault that was? Paranoia was prickling up along the back of their neck, despite the doctor's reassuring look. They just forced a smile again and took a step back towards the door, only to freeze as they nearly ran right into Odette on her way in, their eye widening and heart skipping a beat.
Nemi-Birb/Val-Kitty — Today at 8:47 PM
Val makes a satisfied sound at Damir and Gonzo, a very feline like purr to them "Yes, And those stuffy clothing you all wear is so...tight. I don't like it. You are all so locked away, I much prefer to be free. My skin is perfectly fine and covered. All the teats and the.......what would you be callin' it. The bits. All hid way proper-like silly Shy Lad" She turns her gaze to meet the frank appraisal of the Professor, flashing a sharp smile his way "Nope. This is my normal ware. If you be wantin' me in'll have to catch me first" Her sharp fingers scratch absently at her hair, turning away after a moment to look to Damir "That smells like mint. I quite like mint, might I be getting one Host-Man?" She asks. She's not chasing the moment, but the tall man he's hidden behind, well there is potential there. So much height. She could easily be supreme Cait Overlord if she climbed UP
Odette di Benedetti (moirraah.flanagan)
— Today at 8:47 PM
/me moved to the step of the orangery, dark gaze sweeping the faces contained therein when a voice lifted above the others to beckon any at the door inside.
Breaching the step, Odette moved just inside the door and closed her parasol with a deft flick of her wrist.
The delightful fragrance of tea hung suspended in the warm, humid air of the conservatory. The diminutive revenant's sooty lashes fluttered against milk-white and barely rouged cheeks for half a breath before she opened them again to shift to one side of the door, alongside a laddish-appearing person with dark hair and a hat.
Immediately, she recognized Eli in is big-boy garb, though did not draw attention to herself.
Situated where she was, she could see Kiernan across the room tucked behind a table and concentrating intently on not setting the entire place alight. She also recognized the professor she'd met with not log ago on the occasion to receive her fancy communicating gadget, and her lips thinned a bit as she recalled the way he'd belittled that intern in her presence. Och. The laddish person to her left moved, just then, and nearly mowed her down- apparently in attempt to exit- and Odette's black eyes widened with recognition. "Oh, um....hello...", she'd murmur, not sure why Alex was here in disguise.
Gonzo (odontoceti)
— Today at 8:48 PM
/me grins even wider when Damir voices faint frustration with the coffee. Mission success. And then an eyebrow is raised practically into the rafters when she spots his little performance for Dashrix. He drums his fingers on the side of his head, then snaps in Damir's direction-- only to have whatever he was going to say fly right out of his head when he hears 'anatomy'. She tries for...maybe a quarter of a second to contain herself but realizes she doesn't care, and a truly obnoxious laugh erupts. "You--" More giggles. Okay. She just waves November off, laughing heartily, and shifts over to lean against one of the walls. Finally, she catches her breath enough to respond to Kiernan, giving him a bright thumbs up. "Shout when you get it hot!" Wait. She pushes off of the wall, back to the table, and pours a good amount of coffee grounds into a cup along with several spoonfuls of sugar. Odette and Lily are met with raised eyebrows, and she wiggles her fingers at them. "Ladies! No whiskey, but we have coffee if you are needing something a little stronger? Consider it my treat, my gift to you." There's a sweeping bow, and she pops back up with a huge grin.
Damir Novak (cosmological)
— Today at 8:58 PM
/me 's face lights up with a little smile and he does not hesitate to accept the tin of tea handed to him, although he handles it as if it might shatter should he grab it too hard. It's a shame, because he nearly drops the thing when Kiernan's 'heat' comment lands. His head spins around to pout at him. Hopefully his expression communicates the fact that he'd be making a slicing motion at his throat if he'd had both hands free.
...Back to Dashrix for a moment. "Yes, I completely agree. Do not worry about him, I do not know what he is saying all that about." His voice is sounding a little strained. "I will get this going right away."
Oh my, there are a lot of people, aren't there? And someone's asking him for tea....who is it...the scantily clad woman...? He gives her a nod, and attempts to weave his way through the little crowd back to his table of tea. In the process, he accidentally steps on the back of one of Gonzo's shoes.
Riven ~ Kyuu - Elijah — Today at 9:03 PM
The blank look from Damir is at least accompanied by exactly what Elijah was looking for – an explanation of what was going on. His mouth opens in a silent ahhh and he nods, stepping back from the student and just .. easing away from Lex. Not like he is running or anything. Nope. In fact, he keeps him in his side view, just to make sure he isn’t startled by any sudden movements. Despite himself, a nervous tension starts to tease his pencil into a tappity tap against the notebook paper and a ring of cooler air blooms out about him, chilling the warmed air in his immediate vicinity. Being dismissed from Lex’s focus is welcomed event but the pixie’s gaze is drawn to the woman to whom he directs his comments to. His features light up and he beams in her direction, taking a step toward what he perceives as safety. Odette is safe. He gives her a little trill of a whistle in greeting and steps toward her, delighted. But then Alex nearly barrels her over and he hesitates, unseen wings flaring behind him and stirring just the faintest shower of pixie dust into the air about him. It dissipates quickly, but the shimmer is there for a just a moment. He edges closer to the person in the top hat – Alex? He eyes the hat though and then absently touches his own again. Hat jealousy? His fingers twitch a little and he ponders what it might take to part them from the their possession. But they had complimented his own, so perhaps that would not be nice.
ᴄᴀᴇʟ (helio5igma)
— Today at 9:06 PM
/me had so many other things to think about in that tiny little space that the water was boiling for a good few seconds before he realized it. "Ach shite, IT'S HOT!" he called over to Gonzo, who he noticed was... schmoozing with the ladies? Top confusion for the Irish lad, as he thought she was here to schmooze with Damir. He searched out his dark-haired roommate and found him in turn schmoozing with... Dashrix, of all people. And Dashrix was standing in front of the doorway being approached by Lily and Odette.
Kiernan put his free hand out to gently nudge November backward a bit by the hip so he could get by toward Odette and Lily while giving Dashrix enough of a wide berth, a piping hot kettle of water in his hands. He completely missed any tension between Odette and Alex, dense boy that he was. "You made it. M'so glad... will ye be wantin' coffee or tea? Or both?" he asked, almost sheepishly addressing the white-clad vampiress and the redhead beside her. He had sent them some dramatic notes, after all.
"Ye haven't gotten a drink either yet have ye?" he asked Alex, nudging them with his elbow. He noticed Eli then, poking at hats and shimmering briefly. "Oh - ye know ye dun have to Glamour up in 'ere yeah? Academy's free fer that sorta thing. Shimmer away mate," he said with a smile that was meant to be reassuring.
November Morsus (casron.fhang)
— Today at 9:08 PM
/me choked a bit as he heard Dashrix mention exactly what else 'tea drinking' was commonly used for, having been an eager patron of plenty of 'tea' houses in his time, including the island's very own. He offered Alex another look of deepest sympathy; he didn't understand quite what was going on with them, but he certainly felt it resembled a pain he knew all too very well... A brief glance over at Odette, a small, polite waggle of his fingers in greeting to her. He might not know how best to assist poor Alex, but she certainly would.
That snort of laughter from Gonzo has his head tilting quizzically, dark brows pinching together in the middle. What? What was so funny? He couldn't exactly remember making a massive fool of himself in front of this young man or woman, in fact, he couldn't exactly remember meeting her at all before... Unless his memories were getting all jumbled up again. Ah, memories.... He was downright straining not to cast longing glances at Damir, a man who had no real idea who he was beyond the professor, only to flush a bit as he felt a hand on his hip, even if it was only to gently reposition him. Bloody hell, Morsus. Get a hold of yourself... A soft sigh, a sip of his tea. Slightly burnt mint tea. That would calm his ardor.
/me *beyond the anatomy professor
Mercy Chou (gaia.chester)
— Today at 9:12 PM
/me looked relieved when the professors either hadn't heard or chosen to ignore the bitching about her hated witchcraft teacher. She let out a little puff of air, giving Keirnan a rueful smile as she reached to nudge her fingertips against his bicep in what she intended to be a light shove. "Ye narkey hole, go on with you and worrying folks with nonsense. See you're none the worse for the wear. H'lo, Miss Odette. Sure an you look lovely as usual." She offered, shifting her armful of book more to her hip. "Actin' like you were gonna get dismembered or expulsed and now you're hobnobbin with faculty. Who are you an what have you done with Rourke?" Lily teased before her gaze flicked past and she offered the unknown figure of Gonzo a gamine grin, "Sure, I'll try some coffee. Don't think I've had it much before. Thanks, kindly!" She gave Kiernan's arm a little pat to show he could attend to his girlfriend and she'd manage her own drink to lighten that load.
Ditto (ditto.nachtigal)
— Today at 9:17 PM
remained frozen there where they were, staring down to Odette with panic in their eye until she finally spoke, and they finally managed to pull themselves together enough to manage an anxious response. "O-oh... h-hi Odette, um... I'm... in your way... s-sorry..." they muttered, taking a few steps back to make room for her to pass. In truth, they had no idea why she was here either, but then they didn't know much of anything about the island outside of the sanatorium. they were off the deep end now though, and it was sink or swim time. They grew tense when Eli seemed to lean in closer to eye them in their hat, lips pursing, but offering a weak smile. "Um... What's up?" They wondered quietly, before quickly stepping even further out of the way when Kiernan came to greet Odette, putting them furth over towards both November and the rest of the tea party. "Um, n-no, I haven't..." They muttered to the irish lad. "I should... do that..." The sympathy from November was appreciated, but only made them feel worse for biting him before. Trying to take their thoughts of the chaos swirling around their life at the moment, they took a deep breath and smile softly to Damir and Gonzo, piping up nervously. "Erm, w-what kinds of tea... do you have?"
Gonzo (odontoceti)
— Today at 9:19 PM
/me stumbles forward when SOMEONE! treads on the back of her boot, and in the attempt to regain her balance, she flings an arm back to correct...and winds up throwing an elbow into Damir as she takes a doublestep backward. In the process, she somehow manages to get more in his way, and lands a heel directly on top of his toes. Her head whips around as Kiernan announces the kettle, but as she tries to disentangle herself from Damir's legs, it seems to have the opposite effect. So she grabs his shoulders and forcibly tries to move him out of her way. "Hello, I am walking here? The water is hot! Move!" Oh God, and someone's getting dismembered? "Who is losing limbs?!" She waggles the teacup of coffee grounds and sugar in Lily's direction. "Wait, never mind that, you have not had-- oho, let me show you! This coffee, it is Neapolitan espresso, it will put a pep in your step! Listen to me, you want it to be sticky, like you are drinking a sludge, yes? The horses love it." She grins wildly at Alex as they approach, gives Damir another shove, friendlier this time. "The old man, he says...Lapsang Douchoung? Russian Caravan? Chamomile? Eh, ask Novak." With that, she scrambles over to Kiernan, holding out the cup for him to fill with water.
Nemi-Birb/Val-Kitty — Today at 9:21 PM
Valene is waiting on her tea. Poor Damir, surrounded by so many people. She's not the most patient or even the best individual to expect to stay in one place. So as she waits, she's roaming about, getting close to people. Probably too close. It's not like she has much care about personal space bubbles. She wanders about in that fashion until Shy Lad becomes her favorite person...again. He states that the Academy is a free zone for not Glamouring up. There is a wide cat ate the canary smile, which makes even more sense when the glamour ripples and shimmers off of her. Where there had been a scantily clad human appearing woman, there is now a black cat made humanoid. Long dark hair trails around an equally dark body. A pitch black tail lashes, and rather cute dark ears flick to catch all the noise. A sound of delighted amusement leaves her before the tallest person in the room is being scaled by a feline woman. Poor November...destined to be a cat tower as clawed fingers hook into his outfit and allow her to tug herself UP. This is the safest. Best place for her to be. Especially as Gonzo tries to move around...nope. She's not getting in the way of that craziness.
Odette di Benedetti (moirraah.flanagan)
— Today at 9:23 PM
/me simply blinked owlishly to them, mildly concerned that they felt compelled to hide their identity. She nodded briefly, an indication that she would keep their secret, though they /would/ discuss it at home later.
"Not in my way, though I am happy to...make your acquaintance.", she whisper.
Her attention slid from Alex's face, the quizzical frown tugging at her brow still as it moved to the tall blonde with the magnificent boots and green lipstick who greeted them with offers of coffee, then a waggled wave from Doctor Morsus would earn one in return.
At the mention of 'ladies', Odette looked to her right and, finding Lily beside her, a small and relieved smile curled her lips.
It's then she realizes that Lily had been the voice behind her asking about the whiskey, and a small chuckle rumbled her slender throat.
"It is, as always, lovely to see you, Lily. I see I'm not the only one he terrified.", she'd murmur, her black gaze sliding to peer up at Kiernan's handsome, if mildly contrite, face. Lily's pat to his arm saw her moving off to presumably mingle and find a beverage, and Odette tried to speak.
"", she stammered a bit before huffing a deep sigh of frustration and she'd try again, her fathomless obsidian eyes fastening on his meadow green ones,
"I was worried. I am...glad you are okay.", she murred softly, her expression softening.
Riven ~ Kyuu - Elijah — Today at 9:30 PM
Kiernan’s greeting gets a pair of lavender eyes settling on his face and a little smile that totally freezes as he starts talking about him not needing his glamor. He lifts a hand to his mouth, pressing his finger to it in a universal sigh of quiet. His eyes widen just slightly and it takes everything in him not to glance toward Lex. He is no one. Nope. Not worth looking at. Wall flower. Clearly, he is not reassured by the thought of dropping his glamor. Alex’s nervous response to his interest draws a startled look across his face. He is certainly not used to making anyone uneasy. Its .. totally surprising to have that affect. He blinks as Alex puts space between them and he does not follow them physically, but his curious gaze does and a soft click of his tongue is given as he contemplates the reaction. He did not miss the exchange between them and Odette so he turns toward her and lifts his brows in a question. She can feel the gentle brush of his mind against hers in greeting and a mental question posed to her. ~Do I smell bad?~ because obviously, that must be what set them off. He looks back toward Kiernan then, because obviously there is something going on there. The Pixie feels a little self-conscious then and lifts a hand to rub at the back of his neck in a nervous gesture. It is then that he lays eyes on the unglamoured Cait as she climbs November. He whistles in delight, identifying something familiar. But then remembers that Caits eat Pixies sometimes. So he immediately regrets the noise he’d made.
Lex Dashrix
— Today at 9:35 PM
/me stepped back from Damir in time to avoid being entangled in the mess of limbs and very loud Neapolitan. Settling in next to the young red head he leaned conspiritorily to the side, "I'm afraid in this school you'll have to be more specific, that description matches most Lockewoods." he rumbled quietly eyes still on Damir and his, firend, prepared to telekinetically save the tea should this entanglement go awry. The scantaly clad woman takes on a feline form and he lets out s small sigh, "An eclectic gathering." he mused aloud as he quietly watched awaiting the tea being prepared. He resolved to ensure Damir reserved one of hte halls or classrooms in the future this space was quite cramped for so popular an event.
Damir Novak (cosmological)
— Today at 9:40 PM
/me is powerless to stop the trainwreck about to happen to him when his foot becomes entangled with Gonzo's person. It's really quite tragic. He barely even moves throughout the whole ordeal, merely being tossed about like a boat upon a tumultuous sea, looking both utterly mortified and totally perplexed. All the while, he clings onto Dashrix's tea as though his life depends on it.
"Uh - I - oh - sorry," he mumbles, rapidly turning into nearly the same color of red as Gonzo's skirt. Finally, he manages to shuffle out of her way. He tucks Dashrix's tea under his arm for a moment -- not daring to set it down amidst this unknown crowd, the wildest he'd seen at a Tea Club yet -- so that he can pour Val her cup of bitter, burnt peppermint. That was what she'd wanted right? He thinks so. He slides the cup to her with a smile...or he would, except for the fact that she's just turned into a cat and scrambled up Professor Morsus. He just stands there wuth the tea in his hand looking discombobulated.
...And then he
hears Gonzo say the words 'Lapsang Douchong' and his face falls. Oh, he absolutely cannot let that be. "Lapsang souchong," he mumbles under the breath, intending only for Gonzo to hear the correction. He turns back to Alex and tries to give them a smile. "A few herbal teas, like chamomile and lavender...a few black teas, and this lovely gift from Professor Dashrix, which is..." He fishes the tin out from under his arm, waggling it meaningfully. "Darjeeling, oolong, lapsang souchong. I was about to put it on."
ᴄᴀᴇʟ (helio5igma)
— Today at 9:50 PM
/me tensed that bicep reflexively so it ended up being less a shove and more a little brush than anything. It's certainly not the death glare he gave Lily at the thought that he was hob-knobbing with anyone, not that his very bad red blush is helping that notion. Unfortunately Lily moved farther away from him, forcing Kiernan to shout to respond to her. "MAYBE I grew 'em BACK ye manky hoor!" he shouted after her. But there was oh so much else.
Kiernan actually put a hand out, an arm stretched across the front of Odette as he turned and watched Val in cat-lady form scale November like a streetlamp. And then Gonzo and Damir get all entangled. "JeezusfeckinChrist," he muttered, clearly trying to block the vampiress from wayward... cat projectiles? Tea projectiles? Maybe? He caught the weird gesturing from Eli and waved him over. Clearly this was the safe and calm corner, yup. Except Gonzo came over and Kiernan remembered he had a hot kettle.
"Ah, ye here - " he held out the whole kettle for a moment, like he was expecting Gonzo to take it... before realizing the thing was really fucking hot and likely would've burned someone else. So he slowly tried to pour a glass. "There ye be, er... sorry, didn't catch yer name?"
November Morsus (casron.fhang)
— Today at 9:51 PM
/me couldn't help himself as Alex came closer, leaning in and speaking in a voice hopefully low enough and soft enough not to catch any other ears in the ensuing kerfuffle between his poor Damir and the Italian. "Is everything alright, dear? If you should, need anything, please don't hesitate to let me know, I am always pleased to serve the public as a doctor..." A decent enough cover for why he might be talking to them when they were ostensibly a stranger. And then, oh dear, there's a giant human-sized cat crawling up him like a kitten up a pant leg, except on a far, far larger scale. "I, erm, hello there," he said awkwardly, blinking a bit as he attempts to keep the both of them from tipping over completely.
A small, polite snicker at 'lapsang douchong,' but Damir swoops in to save the day and correct Gonzo before he has the chance. He offers the man an awkward smile as he approaches with Valene's tea. "I appear to have become something of a cat tree," he mused gently, "I suppose I could, hand it to her, if you like.." He took a small sip of his own burnt pepperment tea. Perhaps a nice cup of the lapsang souchong next, speak of the devil....
Mercy Chou (gaia.chester)
— Today at 9:52 PM
/me stares up at Dashrix wide-eyed like she's trying to decide if it's a trap. "Winnefred Lockewood. She's teaching the witchcraft one hundreds an' I'm pretty sure she's hoping that I hex myself into an early grave. She takes it as a mortal offense that I am managing the herbology section but the whole... signs and portents and stars its just...." Lily gave a little wave of her hands as if to call it nonsense without saying the word nonsense. "It doesn't make sense t'me and I guess its s'pposed to. Sorry, Professor Dashrix. Didn't mean to near run into you." Lily appologized as what little she knew about Kiernan's run ins made her not want to get on the man's bad side. She had enough people rooting for her to fail already. Her gaze transferred to Gonzo and she listened with wide eyes. The chaos of cat-person climbing a Professor was barely clocked but, in Lily's defense, a good half her floor was filled with nonhuman women of various stripes. "I... want t'drink sludge? Are you quite sure? I mean, I guess if
that's how its done. I mean, I dun wanna drink it wrong." She glanced over at Odette and Kiernan at the shout. As she moved around Lex, the professor blocking her, she flicked up her two fingers in 'V' in a very rude gesture largely hidden from the rest of the group but she grinned at Odette. "It's his hobby, pretty sure."
Ditto (ditto.nachtigal)
— Today at 9:55 PM
/me let out a heavy sigh of relief as Odette played along and didn't out them for whatever reason, though they were certain this was going to make for a terribly awkward conversation later in the evening. For now they tried to focus enough to get some tea, their eye wincing and head twitching just a little as they struggled to ignore that nagging voice in the back of their head still urging them to flee the scene with their prize before anything else could go terribly awry. Their fingers gripped tighter around the handle of their briefcase preciously, but they were determined to meet some people before they left, and smiled sweetly back up to Gonzo as she listed off a few kinds of tea they'd never heard of before. "Um, s-sure? That one sounds good. The... Russian caravan?" They noticed the look of surprise Eli gave them when they shuffled away and quickly gave an apologetic one back. In truth, they just seemed jumpy in general, which might actually seem a bit suspicious, all things considered. They certainly
felt out of place here anyway, and jumped a bit when Valene suddenly went from being a cat-like person to just a more literal cat person in the span of moments, leaving them gawking at her in confusion like they were doubting their eyes again. Which they were, almost always to some extent. No one else seemed to be reacting with considerable shock though, so they stiffened up and tried their best to play it cool like people turning into cats was normal, which apparently it was here. Not that it should surprise them after their encounters with the undead lately. "O-or that one..." they swapped when Damir mentioned the blend he was about to set to steep, offering the dark-haired fellow a small nod and slight grin in greeting. "Is this, um, a... usual gathering? You're all students here?" They stiffened again at th whisper from November behind them, turning their head sharply and offering a frazzled smile from under the messy mop of dark hair hiding their features. "F-fine! Everything's fine!" They insisted, though everything was clearly not fine as they clutched their briefcase with both hands now. "You. Um... have something on your back..." they added after a moment, clearly referencing Valene.
Nemi-Birb/Val-Kitty — Today at 9:58 PM
Val is quick with her climbing, and for the most part respects her claws, hooking them mostly in the fabric of November's clothing and not in his flesh. She CAN be a polite Cait when she wishes. Which is very rarely. Once she's up high enough to suit her, there is a low rumble of a purr, looking out and about from HER PERCH. Who is a fact a complete stranger. She does not much care about these facts. They are non-important things right now. There is a shoulder to perch on...and tea to snag. In fact a shadow does indeed grab the glass for her "Thank you Host-Man" Her rich voice says down, a slight hissed quality that echoes oddly from her mouth. As November comments on being a cat tree, there is a rich rolling purr that echoes from her, rumbling her body as it settles on shoulder "You are tallest. That calls for a perch. Yessssss. You will do" A sip of her tea and a flick of her ears, catching that whistle. Eerie green eyes turn, slitted pupils narrow, and look at Eli. There is a flick of the ears, and a whap of the tail as she debates on pouncing... But there is warmth and there is tea, and she's TALL so no least until tea is done being sipped "I am not a something. I am a Valene. You may call me.....Valene" She tells Alex, ears imperiously pressing flat against that long wispy hair that's tangled around her.
Lex Dashrix
— Today at 10:03 PM
/me looks down with a frown at Kiernans language toward the lovely young lady who calls the witchcraft professors names. "Still have your way witht he ladies I see Mr. Rourke." he intones dryly with a pointed look at the hand nearly cupping Odettes chest. "He can't help it Miss, he has a condition." he gestured to the head as if that explained everything. He turned slightly to glance at Lilly, "Just make it up and speek in a confident resonent tone and everyone will go with it." he advised flatly which would either work or be taken as mockery of the teachers methods. Either was fine with Lex.
Odette di Benedetti (moirraah.flanagan)
— Today at 10:04 PM
/me 's head lifted at the familiar trill, her attention swerving to the pixie, and she'd feel Eli's nudge at her thoughts. One hand reached out to touch Kiernan's forearm, stalling their conversation only long enough for her to answer Eli.
Sending him a quick smile and a shake of her head, she'd respond to him,
/' I don't think so. And, you are safe here. Trust Kiernan. You can come closer if you like. I left a bit of a snack in your bowl on the porch back at the cottage. Fresh berries from the market in Seiiki.'/
The dark haired boy, the one apparently guiding the tea event, had raised his voice once more, describing the teas, but it was the last bit that snagged her attention. Her pale head swiveled to peer at the Professor.
So. It was, in fact, Professor Dashrix who she'd met that day. Now she had a face to put with the name. Filed.
Kiernan was trying to, funnily enough, block her from...what? As she followed his gaze, she realized the Cait from the docks was here in the same room with them and her sp
/me stiffened. This had to be the most bizarre tea event she'd ever witnessed.
Lily's chortle had her sending a quick wink the redhead's way, and she'd nod, lifting her voice outside of decorum to answer back,
"Dreadful hobby, no?".
Her attention slid back to Kiernan, her eyes going once more to his face as she spoke,
"Now that I know you are safe, I will head back to the cottage. Do not scare me again, please. When you can, come see me, yeah?", she'd ask. She was not in the frame of mind to insist.
With that, she'd push up on tiptoes and press a chaste kiss to his hot cheek, knowing there were likely eyes on them.
He deserved some tormenting for the terror he put her through, and his comrades would be perfect punishers. She moved toward the door, she heard the Professor's words and her eyes moved to his face, "Oh, I know. I have a great fondness for his...condition.". With that, she'd open her brolly just outside the doors of the orangery, intent on making her way back to the ground.
Gonzo (odontoceti)
— Today at 10:06 PM
/me tilts his head at Damir quizzically. "Lapsang...shoushong?" The pronunciation is still not right, but she's getting closer. Well, whatever. She hears Kiernan shouting about a manky hoor over the rest of the crowd, and assumes it's about her for a second, and is prepared to put on a show of being big mad-- then realizes it's about a different manky hoor. Acceptable. She almost grabs for the hot kettle, but after last night, she's a little more careful about grabbing just this once, she manages not to burn herself. "Hey, hey, thank you! Gonzo Giustizieri, and you are..." She taps her head with her free hand, then the answer comes. "Rourke! From class!" Notably, the vowels at the end of both the names she'd introduced herself with are practically nonexistent, but it's the thought that counts. She wiggles the teacup around so the water swirls, and after a couple seconds, holds it out to Lily. "Yes, you want to drink sludge! The more viscous a liquid, the better!" Then she makes a face, capitulating just a little. "There is no wrong way, technically, but...if you are asking me, always go with the sludge. Do you have a problem with viscosity?" And then, whoa! Cat-woman! What? She stares at Val, nudges Kiernan, points back at Val. "You know her? Ms. Pussy?"
Riven ~ Kyuu - Elijah — Today at 10:15 PM
Eli does draw closer to Odette and Kiernan who is the recipient of a thoughtful look. He circles around behind her, and him, keeping them between the professor and himself. The heat rolling off of the man is familiar though. Like his brother, a bit. He curiously lifts a hand past Odette to subtly touch his arm, just to test the theory, really. But the heat calls to his cold, so his own power wells up, chilling the are about him again and that touch? its like an ice cube being pressed in place with his fingertips. Likely not at all subtle. Whoops. The glance from Val is caught and he freezes then ever so casually takes a step back and into the orbit of Odette, sticking rather close to her side and even absently lifting a hand to pinch a bit of the fabric at her waist between his fingertips. Its another nervous gesture and the chill in his touch hasn’t faded away. He isn’t exactly cowed. But his eyes have widened again and he is very aware of the swishy swish of the Cait’s tail as she contemplates him. Even the mention of a treat waiting for him at Odette’s home does not steal his gaze away from the Cait. But then Odette is leaving and Eli is left standing where she was, uncertain. He peers toward the gathering, then out the door she’d exited, then back toward the others. Its clear he is contemplating an exit stage left as well. Will the Pixie run?
Damir Novak (cosmological)
— Today at 10:17 PM
/me is relieved that Valene manages to snag the tea before he spends too much time awkwardly standing around with it. He spares her a glance after the fact, offering a little smile. "You want I should I bring the blend with the catnip next time?" He asks, flashing her an awkward little smile. The smile is directed to November for a moment before he turns back to Alex.
"Oh, lucky for you, this /is/ Caravan!" The tin is wiggled meaningfully once again. "Okay. I do this now. Nobody let Miss Giustizieri feed them any viscous sludge in the meantimes." He scampers off to prepare a tea pot of Dashrix's brew. Only to realize the hot kettle is missing. He spins around to look for it and -- his eyes alight on Kiernan. "Rourke! Water please!" He shouts, like a server shouting orders to cooks in a busy kitchen.
...Wait, what was that he just heard Dashrix say? He turns around to look at the man, and then at Lily, with a wide-toothed grin. "Oh yes. That is very true. The Professor is very wise." He catches a glimpse of Odette as she leaves, and tilts his head curiously. Had she had any tea...? Not sure. Seems like she was there for Kiernan anyway. Huh. "Goodnight, miss!" He calls out after her.
Lex Dashrix
— Today at 10:29 PM
/me watches the interaction between Kiernan and the woman in white with a quizzical expression. "It seems I misjudged." he stated flatly, "I shall have to inform Declan he was not attempting copulation above his station." he murmurs with mild amusement. He regards Kiernan for a long moment as emotions war on the boys face before the young man huffs a breath through his candy floss bangs and turns to take his leave rather than confront the professor directly. He turns with a sigh to damir and pulls a flat disk from a pocket setting it on the table, "Mr. Novak I have brought a more reliable heat source. just place the kettle and it will warm and hold at just shy of a boil."
Mercy Chou (gaia.chester)
— Today at 10:33 PM
/me blinked up at Lex, her brows drawing but she nodded at Damir with an uncertain little smile. She trusted Damir in a way that she wasn't certain about the Professor entirely. "I, ah, I'll keep that in mind." Lily agreed easily before she grinned at Gonzo. "I, uh, I don't think so? I like pudding well enough. Is it like pudding?" Lily said, following her curiosity in a way that was sure to get her in trouble eventually one of these days. Odette got a warm smile and she blinked once at Kiernan as he followed the lady out before her attention turned more fully back to the knot of smaller people. She scooted around, "I'm sorry. who's a pussy. What?" She blinked and then looked at the feline perched on the taller professor. "Oh, the cat. Haven't been properly introduced. I know Novak an Rourke an' that's about it. Lily O'Keefe," she added with a slight gesture towards herself before peering at the disc that Lex offered.
November Morsus (casron.fhang)
— Today at 10:37 PM
/me offers Alex a concerned smile even as they brush off his query, really only serving to deepen his worry. Poor dear had gotten themselves into a heap of trouble since he'd last seen them in Berlin, hadn't they... But now that he had a witness perched rather closely right there on his shoulder, he supposed the best time to pursue this line of questioning had well since passed. "I... Er... Yes," he said in response to their observation, "I appear to have been called to the duty of cat tree." A soft chortle as Val confirmed this. "Such is the burden of my anatomy, I suppose. I shall endeavour to uphold the position as best as I'm able," he said in that softly jocular tone of his, grinning as he finishes off his bitter mint tea.
"A pleasure to make your, rather surprising but still welcome acquaintance, Ms. Valene," he purrs as she gives her name, cocking his head to look at her. "Should you desire a more specific name for me than Tallest, please do call me November." A gentle wave of his fingers and nod of his head as Odette departs; he supposes he'll have to catch up with her in more depth another time. A polite wave to Lilly as she took notice of him. "Hello dear, no time like the present to fix that," he said when she mentioned a lack of proper introduction. "Dr. November Morsus, at your service. I teach anatomy and physiology, as well as practice at Eumenides."
Riven ~ Kyuu - Elijah — Today at 10:37 PM
It takes only a moment of contemplation and then the pixie is turning to head out. Apparently, Eli has lost his nerve around all these people he doesn’t know. Especially with Odette and now Kiernan? Gone. He offers up a soft chirrup of sound and then turns to head out the exit too, hand lifting to twiddle a goodbye toward Alex and the cat perch and really anyone he might vaguely know. Which is like no one. He doesn’t even look toward Lex. Nope. Or Val. Pretend the kitty hasn’t laid eyes on him. Yep. Yep. Shit. He dashes out the door in a sudden burst of speed, hightailing it out of there.
Ditto (ditto.nachtigal)
— Today at 10:38 PM
/me just blinked back up to Valene as she introduced herself, uncertainty in their gaze and lips quirked to one side. "Um, it's... nice to meet you? What is a Valene?" They seemed to think that's what she was as opposed to her name, from the phrasing, not that they would know any better. They waved after Odette to see her taking her leave, then winced at that voice tugging at their mind again to remind them that they should be doing the same. They almost missed the kiss between Odette and Kiernan, but not quite, gazing over to the Irish lad thoughtfully for a moment, but he was gone before they could comment. They smiled softly back to Damir again then with a nod as he clarified the flavor of tea, though their expression grew reticent at the shout about keeping them away from the sludge. "S-sludge?" There was empathy in their eye though too, noticing how hurried Damir seemed to be with making sure everyone was served at what ought to be a rather more relaxing gathering. "Do you... need some help?" they offered softly, before blinking when Lex pulled out what looked like a large coin or a coaster and said the thing would keep the kettle going hot, marveling at the nigh-magical device. "Wow, really? It's so thin though... How does it work?" they wondered aloud, much to the dismay of the voice in their head. November got a sympathetic look for his predicament, despite their own stress. "I see... does that happen... often?"
Nemi-Birb/Val-Kitty — Today at 10:44 PM
The Feline woman is perfectly content up on her perch. She has tea to sip at, she's up high with a great vantage point, and she's getting attention. Her fingers start to carefully comb through Novembers hair, unconsciously trying to groom him. He is still and polite, and understands the respect that must be given to the position of cat perch. There is another sip and a stare at the pixie. She can see him contemplating fleeing, and there is a wide grin that is spreading over her face....hungrily, with a few too many sharp teeth. All of the muscles in her body tense, preparing to pounce when there is a distraction.
Gonzo. Gonzo is the distraction. Or rather the name that Gonzo calls her. Her head turns and looks dead at the woman, her ears going flat against her skull...and a low drawn out hiss echoing from her. Down she hops, stalking her teensy tiny self up to the woman and standing on her tiptoes "Valene. Not Ms. Pussy. Not Kitty Kitty Kitty. V. A. L. E. N. E... remember it...It is a name. My Name.." Her tail is whapping hard from side to side, fur a bit fluffed up before she whirls around to stalk to Damir "Tea was good. I am going before I bite her in the unpleasant ways. Many of them. Yes. Bite, Claw, Rip, Rend. I like these words" She reaches up, pats pats pats at Damir...before she's taking the tin of peppermint tea, and her cup of peppermint tea and stalking into the shadows. There is a frigid flare of cold...that fades away, and the cat woman has also faded away. Later on Damir would find a sprig of fresh mint, and a small note tucked in a pocket with a name 'Valene of the SilverPard....Yes to Catnip tea"
Gonzo (odontoceti)
— Today at 10:51 PM
/me shakes her head. "Ah, sort of like a pudding. More like..." She waggles her fingers in front of her face as she tries to come up with an apt comparison. "If the pudding melted?" There's a shrug, unbothered. "Trust me, the texture, it is good. The taste? Magical. Oh! I am Giustizieri. Gonzo. Good to meet you!" The smile she offers to Lily is bright, if a little bit overenthusiastic. "The kitty, I think Novak and I have seen her before, but no ears. I did not think they liked tea, but I am learning something every day here!" Oh, and then there's hissing...and a tiny woman appears in front of her. She turns the megawatt grin onto Val, and her expression only gets brighter when the woman stands on her tiptoes to try and get in her face. Really, she's beaming. "Aha, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady! I will remember this next time we meet, my friend!" With the mention of 'kitty kitty kitty', though, she seems to have a horrible realization, and her mouth drops open and a hand flies to her forehead. "Shit! My shift!" She looks up at the sky and-- oh, she's definitely late. "Ms. Lily, I would love to see you again. If you are needing me for more coffee advice, I am at the Kitty Kisses Cafe. Ciao!" And...out she goes, in a whirlwind of motion and color.
Lex Dashrix
— Today at 10:57 PM
/me frowns at the sludge and the assorted people leaving though he'd as well as driven off at least half of them one way or another he regarded teh exit of the tall blonde with a shake of his head, "That's what happens when you bring coffee to a tea event." he clearly blamed the bitter brew for the exodus. Lex turned at the question about the device and he nodded, "Ah the base contains fine gears that rotate when pressure is applied." he begins simply, "They gears drive a series of calibrated loadstones whose motion creates an Aetheric field that heets water." he nodded athte simplified explanation of his tea boiling device, "Do you study the Aetheric sciences or merely a curious bystander?"
Damir Novak (cosmological)
— Today at 10:59 PM
/me gives Lily a chipper nod at her reply. "Also, I can help with the astronomy sometime. It is mostly just theory based on some extrapolation upon maths anyways." Either way, he's a strong believer in 'fake it until you make it'.
After all, it's the only way he's managed to get through this much of Tea Club while feeling dead certain he's about to get jumped by a fucking time-travelling dog!
He watches the interaction between Lex and Kiernan with quizzically furrowed brows. When Kiernan absconds, leaving behind a too-hot kettle, he sighs and shakes his head. "...I will never understand what Rourke is so nervous about." ...Wait, Lex is showing him something. Damir's face brightens with delight as he takes the object, turning it over in his hands, searching for...some kind of a switch, or something. He nods mightily at Alex's question. "Yes, I am very curious about it too...," and then falls silent as Lex explains. He places it down on the nearby table and sets the kettle down on it, watching it intently.
Then he glances over to Alex, acknowledging a question they'd asked earlier. "Hmm...I should take up my stuff after we finish this pot....Rourke was supposed to help me with this. Would you want to help with the carrying?"
Mercy Chou (gaia.chester)
— Today at 11:03 PM
/me accepted the cup of coffee and dutifully sipped it while Damir prepped his tea. Lily's palette was not equipped for the bitter, rich flavor of espresso when she wasn't even used to coffee. Still, it was rude to make faces so only the flare of her nose and the slight way she braced herself for a second sip betrayed her consternation of the taste/texture combo. "Mmm. Thank you," Lily offered which was genuine as she assumed it was a failing of her tastebuds and not the drink itself. Despite the slight eye watering, her smile was genuine for the exuberant woman. "Pleasure's all mine! I'll have t'stop by!" She offered sunnily only to realize that Lex had started to explain something that sounded suspiciously like the start of a lecture. "Oh," Lily said and then, "Hm. Interesting. SO interesting, yes. Mm." Lily offered cheerfully as she began to slide her way to the door only to pause at Damir's genuine offer. "I'll take you up on that, Novak. You're a real peach. Thanks for the... drink!"
November Morsus (casron.fhang)
— Today at 11:05 PM
/me chortled softly at Alex's question. "I can't say it happens /often/ exactly, but ah, I suppose one must be ever vigilant for the moment one is called to serve, at least being particularly tall, such as myself." He offers a little wave to the departing Eli; the man seemed friendly enough, even if he couldn't exactly say they were acquainted. A moment of confused blinking as he feels delicate, clever fingers combing through his hair, and then against all expectations /he/ begins to purr, a sound low and deep like that of a mountain lion's purr rumbling forth from his chest. However, this is short lived, as the next moment she's bounding right off of his shoulder, leaving him unsteady on his feet for a second before he gathers his footing again, blinking rapidly. "I-... Oh dear..."
A wave was offered to the loud and bright Italian as she departed, leaving a rather more quiet little gathering behind. Though it seemed he would be the next to depart, hearing the chime of distant clock tower, sighing as he realized what time it was. "Bloody Hell, is that the time? I'm afraid I really ought to be getting back to Eumenides, but thank you all so very dearly for having me, what a lovely little gathering this was..." He offered each remaining a cheerful little wave and smile, before his towering figure loped out the door.
Ditto (ditto.nachtigal)
— Today at 11:12 PM
waved after the fellow hat enthusiast, Eli with a gentle smile as he rushed off so skittishly, and they may very well be right behind him soon. And then the cat woman was vanishing as well, also catching them thoroughly off-guard with their eye wide, though again, no one else seemed surprised, so when in Rome. They were too curious about that little device of Lex's anyway to worry too much about it, listening intently as the man gave a boiled-down explanation of the thing. Though even the simplified version made little sense to them. "Hm... I think I followed you as far as 'gears'." they admitted with a nervous smirk, before tensing a bit when asked what their interest was. "O-oh, I'm, uh... J-just curious... Never really had a chance to... study... things..." They trailed off, growing distracted again by something and raising a hand to rub the side of their head with a cringe and a hiss under their breath, "Shhhush... just one cup of tea..." They muttered seemingly to themselves as they continued to sip at the cup of the Caravan Damir gave them earlier, absolutely delicious as it was. "S-sure, happy to help." they replied to Damir about aiding with the packing and carrying of the tea set, unable to help themselves with their desire to help, despite the voice railing against it from somewhere in their mind. they waved after November and Lily too as both slid towards the door next. "Guten Abend..."
Damir Novak (cosmological)
— Today at 11:20 PM
/me leans up from ogling the device to look toward the dwindling members of Tea Club. It's with sympathy, then, that he watches Lily downs the coffee. It's not that he doesn't like it, it's just....well, like Lex said! It doesn't belong at a Tea Club! It only fits if you really torture the definition of the word 'tea'! "Yes, good night. I will be sure to thank Miss Giustizieri for you for the coffee."
He sighs, and pours a cup of the Caravan for Dashrix, too. This is offered out to the Professor before Damir finally pours a cup for himself. Now it's just the three of the darkening greenhouse. He sips his tea quietly. "This tea is very good," he says. After a moment, he remembers himself, and fetches the tin to hand it back to the professor. "Thank you. And thank you, too, for helping."
He'll linger around for a little bit bit longer before packing up and heading on up to the dorm! (( OK. I MUST SLEEP. <3 GOODNIGHT YOU THREE, thank you for joining!!!))
Lex Dashrix
— Today at 11:20 PM
/me took his own cup and slowly sipped making ridiculous burbling noises as he slurped to aerate the tea and release more of the volatiles from the brew. He finished his drink and the mini lecture only mildly disappointed the student was not of his favored discipline. Only then did he note the absence of otehrs and nodded satisfied. "Well done Mr. NOvak I think you have expanded the palates of the student body a worthwhile investment of your energies." he priased lightly and handed off the empty cup. "You can return the heater at our next meeting." he assured the young man lest more visitors arrive. "Be seeing you." with that the stern professor too took his leave turning to head back to the Aetheric Sciences Tower.