Featuring: Vedis Boyd, Delilah Harper-Windgrace, Baz, Momiji Date and a Little Black Cat
Synopsis: Delilah and Vedis meet the manager of the new art and antiquities business, and a strange new arrival catches Delilah’s eye.
EXT/INT: Portobello Road Antiquities & Imports, Ltd.
[08:21] Vedis Boyd flashes the woman a bright smile, stepping over in a swish of skirts and footsteps across the wooden floor of the shop. She takes a moment to look around as she sets the basket on the counter, "You have some lovely items, ma'am." she murmurs, delicate fingers reaching out to brush over the statue of the cat, a gentle caress of affection. "Hmm." she hums happily, then turns to the basket and lifts away the napkin, "Oh please, help yourself. They turned out wonderfully, I'm looking forward to seeing what flavor the bananas bring." she nods for the woman to take what she liked, a strange flash of gold shimmering briefly across her eyes as they settle on her once more.
[08:26] Baz (gigigoodwell) felt her eyebrow raise when that flash of gold flecked across the muffin peddler's eyes. Her hackles raised, and her hand reflexively clenched into a fist. Her on guard posturing. But, it didn't last long. Something about the woman before her put her at ease. "Ma'am? HAH! I'm Baz, and only..." She turned and pointed at a couple things, some of the brasses, some of the stuff. "Welllllll, that's mine, and that's mine... That pitcher, and the sketch of it." She tapped her chin. "That one's mine..." She was almost in her own world, before spinning around. "Oh, I didn't... Craft them. I just, have them. I don't... Really know who else's this is." She shrugged, not a big questioner as she took a muffin from the basket and picked some crumbs off the top of it. "
[08:33] Delilah Harper-Windgrace made her way up the cobblestones. She smelled like the warehouse, having gotten an early start to help the workers unpack one of their ships that had arrived overnight, and was on her way home to change, deciding she'd worked enough for one day. As she came to the corner, her peripheral vision caught a familiar uniform and she turned to see Vedis. Breaking into a grin, she let her eyes trace over the inside of the building she stood in before moving to the front door, letting herself in. "Well, lookit this place...it's nice now that the lights're on."
[08:35] Vedis Boyd doesn't react to the tensing of the woman if she noticed it at all, her smile never fading. She looks to each piece as the woman points them out, clearly impressed. "It's all quite lovely." she murmurs, giggling softly as the woman plucked at her muffin, "Oh! Lovely to meet you Ms. Baz. I'm Vedis. I'm the Housekeeper for the Windgraces and the Berkshires. I promise, it's all just... normal muffin ingredients." laughter in her voice, "Though I was saving on the sugar a wee bit, oh do tell me if they aren't sweet enough." she bites her lower lip as she tucks the napkin back around the sweets in the basket. "If they are horrible I may have to feed them to Mr. Dorians rabbits." she laughs, shaking her head. She turns to see who enters as the door opens and brightens when she sees Delilah, "Ms. Delilah! Isn't it lovely?"
[08:39] Baz raised an eyebrow, and kind of... Second thought about stuffing the muffin into her mouth. Of course, that thought was almost immediately out of her head. "Why, should I be more worried about "strange" muffin ingredients?" She said, almost more of a curiosity than a caution. Biting into it, she smiled, feeling her eyes roll up. "Mmph... Fho ghood!" She laughed, manners were not her forte. Talking while chewing. "Not sure who really owns the rest of the pieces, but, hey, work is work." She nodded, and waved towards Delilah as they walked in. "Ahoy hoy, welcome to Portobello Road. Lights are on, and business is afoot, it is!" She welcomed them as they walked in, nodding politely. "If you've any questions, do let me know, to the both of you!"
[08:45] Vedis Boyd grins as she sees the woman's reaction to the muffin, "You never know what sort of thing you may get here in the city." she chuckles, glancing back to Lilah as she steps back, gesturing to her basket, "Muffin Ms. Delilah? All I'm missing is the bananas, and I really do think we have a winner." her grin amused. Delilah had been at her first meal here on the island. She knew why she was so cautious. "Akari at the market tells me bananas are quite sweet so I cut back on the sugar I used. Hopefully, with the addition of the fruit, it will balance a bit better." it was clear the woman took her cooking seriously.
[08:45] Delilah broke into a wide grin as Vedis greeted her, though she was already moving through the space, letting herself take in the pieces on display. As the woman behind the counter chowed down on a muffin, Lilah couldn't help but let out a laugh, glancing towards the towering woman with a bemused smirk as she said, "Och, now she's got ye. Vedis' bakin' is dangerously addictive...now ye're under her spell." Offering the woman a wink to show she was joking, Lilah made her way over to the counter. "Baz wis it? Ah'm Lilah. Welcome ta th' harbour."
[08:49] Baz nodded, and remembered the thing Arix had told her about fae beings, and creatures of all types around on the island. Her brain clicked that something was there with fae and food, but as it seemed she wasn't being tricked, she continued to chomp through the baked good. "Mmm, mhmm.. Yuh..." She shook her head and swallowed. "Yes, Baz, that's right. And a pleasure to meet you, both!" She nodded. "Still getting used to the... Callisto. Strange things abound, ain't it?" She watched as Delilah looked curiously and intrigued around at the paintings and sculpture. Pulling out a handwritten price guide, she planted it upon the table, for any true inquiries into the artistic world.
[08:51] Momiji Date wandered down the docks at a merry skip. When they came upon the lit-up store-front they paused to peer inside, hands on the glass pane as they stared at the people conversing within. The stranger had a large, jingling gourd strapped to their back, a much smaller one sloshing and tied by cords to their waist. They didn't say anything nor did they approach the doorway to enter the shop - they simply peered, smiling at the trio as they watched.
[08:57] Delilah didn't stand on ceremony, she accepted a muffin and took a huge bite without delay, letting out a long, almost animalistic rumble from the back of her throat as her eyes closed. After a brief moment, her eyes opened and she nodded, "Aye. Just need these bananas, an' those'll be just 'boot perfect." Turning her attention to Baz, she offered the woman a half smirk. "Strange? Och, Ah dinnae aboot that. Nae more strange than any other place, if ye really look. And either way, ye get used ta it soon enough." Even as she spoke, she shifted to look at another piece, her eyes catching the light in such a way to have a flash of reflected glow, not unlike a canines at night.
[09:00] Vedis Boyd laughs at Baz's question, nodding with wide eyes and closed lips "Mmmhmm!" her agreement clear on her face. "It's a clashing of worlds here." she murmurs finally, eyes sparkling with amusement, "Bound to be a little culture shock." she has her back to the window so doesn't see the watcher at the window, turning instead to the price list, "Oh... If I were looking for something specific... are you able to find things? Or is it just what you have here?" she grins to Delilah, "Mr. Berkshire has a little space in his residence that is just perfect for a little statue of some sort." Her voice sort of fades at the end when she hears the woman's low rumble, blinking as she feels warmth tinting her cheeks at the sound. "Oh..." she gathers herself once more, "Oh! That's lovely. I am delighted you think so."
[09:04] Baz waved towards the being at the window, smiling politely. The glass was thin, so it wasn't hard to hear what was being said inside of the store. Though, a bit suddenly, overly loud, Baz would wave her hand. "Feel free to come on in!" She smiled politely to Momiji through the pane, before refocusing on the other two in the store. Her guard a little less now, her muscles still tensed up, but, that was most of the time. She was working on her out of battle posture a bit more, but it was a slow process. "Nah, I don't... There's something different about this place." Kind of letting that linger, she looked out the window again, past the horizon. "Very few places buzz like... But, hey, 'tis what 'tis, how it goes." She laughed a bit, and nodded. "Specific things are most certainly possible. I believe the owner of the shop is working with, well, you wards, the Windgrace's, establishing an import route. More about that? I couldn't know." She kind of smirks at that very animalistic rumble coming out of Delilah, and that was a curiosity. But, Baz was new, and what Arix said was sinking in. Don't jump to conclusions, keep your guards up, make sure... "Why, perhaps, pray tell, there's something specific you've already got in mind?"
[09:11] Momiji Date blinked as if surprised they were noticed. Taking a step back, they looked to either side of themself before pointing at their chest. Not one to ignore an invitation the stranger hopped on over to the door, pulling it open before attempting to wedge their way inside, that massive gourd making a clumsy business of maneuvering the shop interior without bumping into things. Close up, the three inside seemed to garner a heavy amount of interest. Vedis was gawked at, inquisitive eyes roaming the woman and her golden-tinged skin in wonder. Baz got wide eyes and awe, some audible Ooooh's at the musculature of the woman's arms. Delilah got a squint... a squint and a deep sniff in that direction that Momiji let out with a huff that puffed their cheeks. Still, they didn't say anything. Just hovered by the window.
[09:20] Delilah grinned to herself at the happy sound coming Vedis, though her brow furrowed at the talk of finding a statue for Berkshire's house. She hadn't seen the man again since that one time, but still...her uneasy feelings from that encounter remained. Instead, she turned her attention to Baz as she spoke of the shops owner, she smacked herself lightly on the forehead. "Och, Ah'm such an idiot. Of course. Ye work fer Peter Gastrell, aye? Dori wis talkin' aboot him...some bigshot back in England. Dorian wis on edge 'boot it 'cause he an' his da...nevermind, Ah shoudna have said that. Long story short, aye, this shop can import anythin' yer lookin' fer, Vedis." As the door opened and the person entered with the strange accompaniments, Delilah turned to face them, and said nothing, but she caught the squint, and the sniff, and her eyes narrowed, head canted to the side. Now what was this??
[09:22] Vedis Boyd blinks as Baz waves towards something behind her and she turns to see the creature outside. She offers her a smile and a wave before looking back to Baz at her description of the place. Nodding with silent understanding. "S'true." she murmurs, though what she was agreeing to wasn't exactly clear. "I very much like the idea of something that fits his family nature... perhaps a... a stag... or um..." she glances around the shop to try and get ideas, "Oh, I don't know... something pretty. I don't want his house to be too cold." she laughs, "He needs something to ... spruce it up a bit." for those with sight the woman's skin was indeed a golden wonder, the soft pulsing light under that transparent skin like holding molten amber under glass. Something unseen shifts behind her, a distortion just enough to hint at what was under that glamor. Dismissed by most as a simple trick of the light. She turns as the creature actually enters the shop and offers them a smile in welcome. "Good morning!" she chimes, "Have you eaten? I have three more muffin's left. Please, help yourself." she gestures to the basket on the counter, the small fabric napkin tucked neatly around it's contents. Thus she entirely missed Delilah's reaction to Berkshire's mention. It might have reminded her to speak to the woman about a few important things. Shame her gaze was on the creature's gourds. "My goodness! Those look heavy." she cocks her head curiously.
[09:28] Baz nodded politely to the obviously curious petite person who had just come on into the store. "Welcome to Portobello road. You can call me Baz." She offered a soft nod, though the quite curiousness of Momiji was a bit worth keeping her eyes on. As Delilah started speaking, her thoughts drifted back to the redheaded Scot. "Gastrell... Gastrell... Yes, I saw that name... Somewhere." She was kind of looking around, seeing if she could see it again, but it wasn't of use. "I fear it was right place right time with this employment venture. Easier to establish oneself with the right kinda' pocket change, after all." She shrugged a bit, and tapped her fingers on the case. "Stag, stag... Hmm... Staaaaaag...." She squatted down behind the counter, and lifted herself back up, holding a wooden carved bust of a stag. "Just so happens, I actually had this one back behind the counter." There was no magic, no hidden compartment. Just, by chance, one of the things she knew she had was a wooden carving of a stag. "It's not much more modest in some regards..." Hefting it up with incredible ease onto the table. "Compared to the other things in the shop." Baz nodded and looked at the wooden carving on the table. "I also have a... Well, in the brass case, a matching set of young deer." She swished over to the cabinet, unlocking the glass door.
[09:35] Momiji Date had all the posturing of a skittish animal, shoulders hunched and nose scrunched as Delilah actually stared back. Being spoken to made them jump a bit and they glanced at Vedis once, twice before finally and reluctantly peeling their peepers off of Delilah. "Huh? Oh - food?" Their ears perked and they took a few cautious steps closer, sidestepping toward the counters so that Vedis is between their own diminutive frame and Delilah. "Really? You'd gimme some?" they asked, slightly accented in Japanese. Cautiously they slunk over to the counter and peered into the basket, looking up once at Baz. "Baa-zu. Do you sell portobellos too?" they asked before snatching up a muffin and retreating to the window to start chomping at it with gusto and groans of appreciation.
[09:39] Delilah's attention was fixed on the creature that had entered the shop. She heard Baz speak to her, heard the sound of the bust being placed on the counter, but it was all...softer, background noise. Idly, she began moving around the shop again. Maybe she was just looking for a new piece for Windgrace manor. Rich people always needed new art. And yet if anyone was watching, her attention remained on the being by the window, and there was a distinct impression to Delilah's deliberate movements that resembled a predator circling prey.
[09:45] Vedis Boyd gasps with delight and surprise as the woman pulls out the perfect thing. She claps her hands and steps over to run her fingers over the carving, tracing each line with those delicate fingers. "Oh, he will love it. I'm sure." she gives Baz a bright smile, "How much are you asking?" she bit her lip, hoping she had enough. As it was a gift, she didn't feel right using her employer's accounts. She laughs lightly as the skittish one snatched a muffin from her basket and she picked up the whole thing and carefully set it by the window, in case they wished to finish the last two. before returning to the counter. She smiles at Delilah, assuming she was simply shopping now, though something tickled the hairs on her neck as she watched her move. With a blink, she returns her attention to Baz and the stag head. Looking quite hopeful.
[09:49] Baz laughed a bit. "Oh, no, you'd have to go to the grocer's for mushrooms. We do have..." She looked around at the art and sculpture, smirking. "Lemons, though!" She laughed a bit, pointing up towards the painting over the brass cabinet. "We sell art and artifacts, importing them in from all across the globe. Unfortunately, the only food we got here was brought in by Vedis." Her eyes knew a predator, and with a sunlit flash of her sunglasses, they were quickly felled upon Delilah circling. There was plenty about Baz that was very obvious just by sight, least of which, were her arms. And they weren't just for show. "I'm sure we've got something that would fit. I believe we've a new shipment coming in..." She was a little scrambled, and definitely distracted, as she reached under the counter to shuffle some papers. She was brand new here, but was going over the store with a fine toothed comb, learning what and who this place is. The facts about Peter Gastrell were limited, only knowing his name was on the check and anything legal and binding in the store. "Ah, right, right, the middle of this month sometime, it's scheduled to be shipped. Perhaps, something... Oh! You think this piece will do. Well, it's..." She looked over her books, and couldn't find it, and duh, it's because she brought it with her. "Well, it's classical folk, from the Black Forest region of Germany. Something I couldn't stop staring at on my travels. Hmm, what's a hundred rubles... No, that's not... A hundred pounds sterling, there it is... What's a hundred pounds sterling sound to you?" As she began to pull out some paperwork for provenance sake, she drifted and shifted her gaze. She looked to Momiji, seeing Delilah swirl, and smiled. "So, whatcha' got in them wonky buckets?" Her professional posture was slipping as she was watching the pacing of a creature on edge, and the nervousness of a second in her stead.
[09:56] Momiji Date scrunched up into the corner, the massive gourd at their back bumping into the anatomical statue in the corner. Delilah's movements were registered with little twitches of ears and darting furtive glances, sniffs in between bites of muffin. Still chomping, Momiji huffed. "Why... is it portobello then?" they ask, sparing only a moment for that thought before deciding to disappear the rest of that muffin by stuffing it in their mouth. Crumbs still on their lips and cheeks, they hazarded a brazen sidle toward the counter for yet another muffin like the greedy little cretin they were, momentarily turning their back on where Delilah was in her circle. The kitty outside remained unseen, unsmelled for now.... scent masked by the preponderance of muffin on the tanuki's face, and the very threatening presence of a Lilah in the room.
[10:03] Little Black Cat had gone a-wandering. The passage of time for the small Cait was always a bit wonky, as her Roads traveled many and didn't exactly come with a guideline to what or where or even when she was. But she's traveled them enough to mostly figure it out. Out of the shadows wanders the small creature, frost tinging her fur before it melts off. Eerie green eyes look about, slow blinking as the world comes into focus, a door in front of her. Her stomach gives a tiny protest, as time snaps into place and hunger resumes. Right. Food. Well doors and the sound of talking...generally mean people, and many of them fooli.....kind enough to feed a poor stray cat. So off she roams to start to paw at the door, her claws dragging against the wood, and a hopeful mewl crying out. Paw Paw, mewl..Paw paw mewl.
[10:06] Delilah knew better than this. She was a careful hunter, a refined and calculating hunter. Hunting this creature in an art and antiquities shop on the harbour was /not/ smart. And yet...this thing was something new, and very likely delicious. Even as the thought passed through her mind, Lilah unconsciously licked her lips. The others couldn't fault her a little nibble, could they? Delilah flashed the creature a toothy grin, her true teeth peeking through her glamour looking sharp and animalistic. "How much is this bust of the woman?" she said, her voice coming out soft, distracted. Maybe if Baz was busy looking up prices she'd have time to gobble the prey up, real quick?
[10:13] Vedis Boyd blinks a little at the price, but she pulls out her pocketbook and pulls out the money. She had been paid well for her services. She might as well enjoy the extra funding. She hands over the requested amount and runs her fingers over that wooden snout, "Can you hold it for me? I can come by to pick it up after work if that is alright." she tucks her pocketbook back into her pocket and looks to the hungry thing who kept snatching at the muffins. She smiles softly and nods, reaching out to lift the basket from the counter and place it back on her arm. She tucks the napkin back in place and looks back to Ms. Delilah as she readies herself to leave. She catches the soft lick of her lip, the glimmer in her eye, then follows it back to the timid thing huddling in the corner, "Ms. Delilah? Would you like to walk me back to the house?" her smile never fades, but the shimmer in her eyes made it clear she knew exactly what she was interrupting. But then there was that strange scratching and mewling from outside. It catches her attention and she turns a soft curious frown to the street, "Sounds like everyone is hungry today." she chuckles, stepping over to look out. "Oh! It's a little cat!"
[10:16] Baz continued to deal with the art sale in the store, writing up a receipt with a drafting pencil. "Well, you've got a great eye for style. Some people prefer the taxidermy bust. Personally, I find it mildly disrespectful to a creature to not use every bit practically. We have wood, we have paint... Of course, madam. A pleasure doing business with you. It'll be ready and wrapped whenever you decide to come by and pick it up, or I can have it sent where it needs to be." She was kind of talking, and talking, just to keep her physical facade up. She most certainly was watching the potential between Delilah and Momiji. "Hmm, I think Portobello Road is a street name in London, where the first one was located. Sometimes names can be quite misleading, ya' know?" She laughed a bit, but the humor wasn't in her eyes. The fact that she was a good employee would give Delilah a moment of not being looked at. "That's... Well, that's not cheap." She looked down, pushing her glasses up, and flipped through the pages. "Ah, right..." She read off the listing. "Female Bust, unattributed... Rome 1911. Julio-Claudian, circa... Year 40 CE." This was, probably, the most expensive thing in the store. "Awaiting appraisal, soft estimaaaaatttte..." Her finger traced over to the other side of the page, still looking down. "Twenty-two thousand pounds..." She whistled, and this made her move her head back up to look at the ancient bust, and consider. As the cat strut by the window, she drifted a little to look at the black cat crossing towards the store.
[10:20] Momiji Date does not trust that Lilah to be looking at the busy, no no. The tanuki clutches their second muffin to their chest and scoots, sidles sideways around the displays, keeping their eyes on the wolf-in-people-clothing through the class that contains that clay-lookin' jar. Baz's reply about the road just gets a nod, distracted. "Road.... London huh..." they mutter. They're full on squatting in front of that counter, hands clinging to their morsel until Vedis mentions a cat pawing at the outside and they finally clock that scritching and MEWing noise. It's split-second of indecision before muffin goes in their mouth and the tanuki claps their hands together, Aether moving in a quick unseen swirl around their frame.
[10:29] Little Black Cat has a paw lifted to the door again, ready to up the ante of pitiful mewling...there really is an art to it...and you just have to find the right note to really break those heartstrings. She's preparing to pull out the big guns when Vedis peers out the windowed door and looks at her. Her eyes go a bit bit bigger, she hunches her body a bit, her tufted ears flicking a bit, all in effort to make her look a bit more pitiful, a bit more like she really needs food. There is a parting of the mouth, and a tiny pant, a sign of stress or anxiety, and than a cry, pawing a bit more desperately at the door, all the while keeping her eyes upward. She is unaware of anything else happening behind that door, mostly as she can't SEE anything else, so it's just on one person she focuses.
[10:32] Lilah was still fixated on the tasty treat carrying the gourd, but something about Vedis' voice made the other voices in the shop come through and her hunter's grin fell ever so slightly. "Aye, Ah can walk ye back ta the house, Ms. Vedis..." she said in a soft, distracted manner, her eyes still fixed on the squatting morsel. For a brief moment, her eyes went full on hunters gold, and a rumble echoed from her belly, her beast telling her it was worth the risk, but finally, she tore her eyes, back to their human blue-grey, away to look at Baz. "Twenty-two, huh? When ye get a firm appraisal, send it ta Windgrace manor. Ah'm interested." Giving the woman a soft smile, she moved to follow her housekeeper, though as her eyes moved past the Tanuki, she mouthed 'soon, meat'. Moving up behind Vedis, she looked down at the cat at the door, a soft mutter escaping her lips, "Lil' morsels everywhere today..."
[10:39] Vedis Boyd gives Delilah a bright smile as she watches her drag her wolf back under wraps "Look at it... it's so sad." she coos, opening the door slowly, so not to scare the creature, it allowed her to miss the interaction between Lah and the nervous creature. She said nothing about the price of the bust, knowing full well the Windgraces could afford whatever they damn well pleased. She looks back and waves to Baz, "Thank you!" she calls out over her shoulder then realized that yelling would probably startle the cat. She flinches and drops her voice, "Hey kitty, kitty." she shakes her head, "I don't have anything you can eat." she looks back to Lah with a smile, "It seems everyone is hungry this morning." she murmurs, amusement lacing her tone, "Come on then, let's see if Chef has got anything we can scrape together for breakfast." She turns, holding her hand out to the red-head, mischief twinkling in her eyes.
[10:42] Baz raised an eyebrow as the amount of money was substantial, but Delilah seemed so non-plussed about it. As artist endeavor and the romance of ancient antiquities was suddenly booming, it wasn't a record breaker, but up there. She nodded, almost with a scowl as Delilah was just looking like she was hungered. It was interesting, to say the very least. "I'll send out a telegram the moment we get the paperwork from London, certainly." Her eyes drifted back toward Momiji, and a hand reached out to grip lightly on her shoulder, firmly. "Be careful." She added, a bit sagely and quietly, as everyone's attention focused more on the cat now. Baz began to escort the frazzled being out of the store. "Well, it was quite the somethin' meetin' all of ya'. Unfortunately, Sunday's are limited hours, and typically appointment only." She was just making something up, mostly because she was still getting used to how people functioned on Callisto. Something like this was normal? She sighed, but with a smile. "Remember, Portobel
[10:47] Momiji Date was grateful for the care and the gentle advice from the shopowner, a quiet nod given to Baz before everyone is ushered for the door. They scowled at Delilah as they mouthed those words. The tanuki absolutely knew what was being said and scrunched their nose at the lurking predator over the mound of muffin in their teeth before... poofing, just vanishing... at least from the store's interior. In a blink they were outside, behind the black kitty, both arms reaching out to attempt to scoop up the wayward feline.
[10:53] Little Black Cat would spot Delilah as she joins Vedis at the door, and her ears flick back. There is something off-putting about those green eyes. Many cats have green eyes, but few have eyes that seem to glow from within like a sickly will-o-wisp. There is just something off for a moment before the gaze is pulled away and she starts to groom her paw, rubbing at her ear. She's low to the ground and seems to be in that transitional stage of cowering and moving closer. Her stomach making it easier to stay in place. As the door opens, the small cat skitters back, and gives a cautious wary whine, pawing at the ground. Delilah is a bit too close...but the woman in a dress seems more amenable than the person that reeks of canine, so she creeps forward giving a little rumble of a purr. The air around her seems just a bit colder, something that isn't easily noticed unless one truly pays attention. The pop of air and the scent of something new startles her however, making the progress forward halt, reflexes kicking in as she scrambled to avoid being scooped up, a yowling hiss echoing, ears pinning flat to her skull
[11:03] Delilah's eyes remained on the cat as she stepped around Vedis. What was it with her and cats this week? First Atticus at the bookstore, now this. As Vedis seemed to not want to eat the thing, for reasons Lilah couldn't really fathom. "Ye really are part of the family...yer startin' ta try an' collect things..." she said as she made a point to take a few steps away. With her back turned, she didn't see the Tanuki's transition, but hearing the pop she turned in time to see the Tanuki outside, reaching for what she was already thinking of as Vedis'. That was not theirs to take, and so Lilah bared her teeth, the deep, menacing growl escaping her lips not in fitting with the relatively short Scottish woman before them.
[11:08] Vedis Boyd gasps softly as the Tanuki popped into existence in front of her, reaching for the cat. She moves, far faster than she should be able to, to try and scoop the cat up in her basket before it can be snatched away. She was a blue and black blur for the briefest of moment, hoping that no one would catch that sudden movement. Whether she gets the cat in her basket or not she steps back, flicking a glance to Delilah as she turns to head down the street. Hoping once again that if she ignored the strangeness, no one would comment on it.
<a final post from Momiji was here, where they called Delilah rude for growling at her, thanked Vedis for the muffin and popped out of existence, but somehow it got lost in the copying and pasting>
[11:16] Little Black Cat would be moving backwards from the sudden tanuki, the fur on her hackles raised, and the sound of her hissing, mutating into a low throaty snarl, especially as the growl from Delilah starts to overide her. She's backing up...and thus she is unaware of the sudden dash forward and reach of Vedis, her body getting scooped up. Touching her fur, one would certainly feel the coolness of fur, and the coldness of the air. She yelps and wriggles a bit before she's suddenly in a basket. The sounds cut off...mostly cause she's confused and startled...and still more than a bit hungry. Popping her head up, she watches the Tanuki dart back..and than they are moving. "Mrew???" The small cait gives out a confused sound and hunkers down for the journey.
[11:25] Lilah watched her future snack jump back at her growl, no small measure of amusement moving through her even as she remained looking at the creature with an angry brow. As they finally thanked Vedis for the muffins and poofed away to Medb knew where, her anger evaporated, replaced instead with a slightly dismissive side-eye towards the cat, now scooped up in Vedis' basket. It was the type of look she often gave Jupiter, or Dorian's rabbits. Something of a 'I should be picking my teeth with your bones, but others like you so I won't' type look. Finally giving her head a shake, she muttered "She cannae have any of ma breakfast," and then turned to start the walk back up to Windgrace manor.
[11:32] Little Black CatLittle Black Cat settles quietly in the basket, soaking up the affectionate and delicious skritches. She sends a grumbling chuff at Delilah, but seems content to just accept the ride, rumbling purrs issuing forth.