|| The air on the pacific waterfront of Callisto was a trifle unseasonably warm. And though one of the company flagships had been reported 'at patrol' due to its entire crew being missing and the thing going adrift, there stood one of the family's denizens juggling colourful balls and barking like a commoner, a play he enjoyed partaking in,
"Bananas are fine, bananas are sweet, come get yourself a delectable treat!
Have you ever seen a fruit so yellow? with flavor so sweet fine and mellow?"
He felt balmy and barmy enough in the giant yellow banana getup to singsong while catching and throwing without looking anyone in particular in the eyes. Being a buffoon was almost second nature to him, the dancer, the soldier. Thus with the traffic of passersby and lines to build up with calypso music blaring by good Hiram's directed selection of tunes, Dorian went on.
It was not like he'd be recognized by anyone who did not know him already and he had his role to play in drumming up business for the family coffers. The eldest of the twins had shored up his manliness by practicing with his saber in the morning, by carrying crates, by making sure he'd see his sister smile. Now he could strut around, juggling and drawing attention to the yellow confections of the day.
Juggling on, he'd singong:
"They're tasty in pudding, pie, or cake, bananas are wonderful things to bake!
Grab them by the single or the bunch, they'll make a sweet end to your lunch.
Come get a bundle, for your repast, the perfect fruit to break your fast!"
Blake Jermyn scrambled over to the docks as fast as his yellow-clad legs could carry him, falling several times only to bounce hilariously in his cushioned costume. "Sorry I'm late!" He called out as he saw a similar banana-clad figure, panting as he did, "...Wait, am I late? I'm usually late..." He shrugged, then set up shop next to the other man, almost immediately putting his creaking mechanical legs to the test by busting some SWEET MOVES, singing a winding, jumbled melody of several songs frankensteined together, all with the effervescent lyrics that Dorian had penned in praise of the bananas piled on their stall.
Hector: followed his nose to the bananas. He was going to pick some up to sit out for banana bread when they got nice and brown. He's just strolling around, trying not to think about the crazy dog thing that sucked part of his life out of him and complete memories and timeline along with it. The closer he got the more he got confused. He thought they were statues but then it occurred to him that people were DRESSED as bananas. He snickered but then...was that...? It was Dorian! His breath caught, he put a hand to his chest, his eyes filled with tears, his bottom lip trembled. And then he BURST out laughing. He tried so hard not to, but he doubled over, floppy hat flicking forward, the little star on the tip nearly hitting the ground. He laughed until he started to gasp for breath. He was making gasping noises like he might DIE and then BLAKE appeared in a banana suit. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he FELL OVER! He curled into a ball on the pavement and sob laughed. He laughed until he coughed and then coughed until he wheezed and then he just LAID there on the pavement twitching like he was fucking in death throes.
Hunter was attracted to new things and he had never personally eaten a banana. Myriad memories of the dozens of times people had eaten and cooked and grown and harvested bananas streamed through the various angles and curves of time but he was no longer in that space - he was here, solidly anchored to the mortal realm. So bunned out he was, fluffy with black fur that looked sorta like an oil slick if the light hit it right, hopping along the pier following the scent of bananas. The ... creatures intrigued him. Big yellow things! Juggling! Dancing! He sat his bunny but and stared, left eye on Dorian, right eye on Blake, and seemed to be grinning with delight as he watched the show.
Dorian greeted his fellow banana-clad friend (employee?) by stopping juggling and holding his brightly balls in one splayed hand. With a broad grin fanning out as the mirthful banana routine was taken up by Blake too, he'd remark, "Thank you for coming. I am glad to hear you are not down, or too down to join me."
It was a mishap about the man's parlance and what Blake had written in reply, but one he was surely glad to be wrong about. He'd inform the other dancing banana, "There is an envelope awaiting you at the desk in the shop for your good cheer today."
Speaking of good cheer, there was Hector, laughing as anyone should about seeing dancing bananas. He'd shift his focus and walk toward the omen of a being with a smirk that was uncommon to anyone dressed in such silly garb, self satisfied and cocksure, bending to hold out a clean ring-bedecked hand, "Are you quite alright Mr. Hector? Surely this of all things you have seen is not the one to bring you low, hm?"
He'd yet to catch sight of the bunny-creature, but there were crates and crates of bananas around if he wanted to sniff at them or chomp. It was anyone's guess as to whether such activity would be discouraged.
Blake Jermyn beamed at Dorian, shaking his head. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, my dude!" he said, then gave Hector a gleeful wave. before the man just started absolutely dying of laugher. It set off a chain reaction as Blake's cheerful jingle melted into guffaws, though to his credit, he managed to keep up his dance at least, feet flying across the docks even as he struggled against his laughter for air. "Bro... Bro come get some bananas, they're fuckin' delicious," he said as he attempted to wave Hector over. Selling bananas wasn't THAT different from his erstwhile profession of selling weed, and maybe even MORE fun considering the costumes and the dancing and all that. Usually he only got to do THIS on Halloween...
His head cocked as he spotted a small rabbit which appeared to be raptly watching them. "Hey lil guy..." He smiled at the bunny even as he danced, looking over at Dorian and cocking his head. "Can bunnies eat bananas? Lil dude looks like he wants one, can take it out of my salary." His salary that included unlimited bananas.
Hector: just lays there for a minute trying to catch his breath. He blinks a few times and sniffs, reaching up to take Dorian's hand but only pulling himself up to a seated position. He couldn't remember the last time he'd laughed like that. The rush of dopamine and serotonin had given him quite the head rush and he was pretty sure he might topple over if he got up too quick. "I'm fine. Thank you for asking. I'm just gunna...sit here for a minute." He rubbed at the wetness on his cheeks, a mixture of emotions having poured out of him and leaving him feeling he had gone through one heck of a cartharsis. "Oh man...I'm going to need a nap in a bit." He rubbed at his eyes with the back of his arm and made sure he wasn't snotting all over the place with a handkerchief from his pocket. He nodded to Blake with a smile. "Bunnies can have bananas. Most like them, actually. Just not too many. They can get diabetes if you can believe it." A long exhale and he nodded. "Yeah I was coming to get some to leave out so I can make banana bread. I'm not big on just eating them, but I like to cook with them."
Hunter probably looked more like a little mass of wrigglies and eyeballs to Hector, vaguely-bunny-shaped BUT he was an innocuous one. And he certainly wanted bananas. Once Blake addressed him Hunter hopped on over, his bunny-gait perfected now that he'd had more time to study the buns that roamed the Windgrace greenhouse. Settling by the create nearest Blake, he cocked his head to one side to peer up at the dancing banana-man, then duck his head down to peer through the space under the banana cart at the two in the street. The juggling banana-man had a Windgrace face on it and this was peculiar to Hunter, so he kept his bunny head focused on Dorian while his little rabbit paw... opened up and just schlorped a banana into itself whole, peel and all. At least he pinched it off at the stem.
Dorian would not force his help onto Hector, but backed away, endeavoring to toss one, then two, then the third ball into the air to get his rhythm down again before he'd remark again. When he did, it was to the employee vending bananas by the crate, over his shoulder, to inform them, "This man prone here, delighted by our offerings is to have as many bananas as he can carry. I think there's a bunch that already has spots, if that please him. On the company account."
To Hector he'd turn his quicksilver gaze for a flickering moment before his eyes toggled the balls in the air again, "It is the least we can do, in thanks for your services already rendered, my good man." He too was trying to see the hatted necromancer as something other than a threat, likely by his sister's direction. And the devotion shown to Drystan besides.
Coming back late to tread upon wood again and passersby there, he'd glance Blakeward, calling in his urbane British accent, "All it wan-- oh." Though he'd minimal contact with the Hunter
Dorian: of a rabbit, he'd murmur, "That case is all yours, as a friend to Dinah, hm?" It seemed in his interest and everyone's to not call to much attention to the not-quite-rabbit and let it go on about it's potentially unsettling business without drawing attention to it. Afterall he was a great big man in a banana suit, tapping his feet and juggling. If he did not look the creature's way, then perhaps no one else would.
Blake Jermyn nodded to Hector. "So bunnies can have a little banana as a treat. Got it. And hell yeah banana bread, like the song says, They're tasty in pudding, pie, or cake, bananas are wonderful things to bake!" He sang the last line, cheerful voice ringing through the docks like golden bells. He bent down towards the rabbit again, picking up a banana to offer the adorable creature, before it just.... Took one and YYYYYOMP. Banana GONE. "No way..." Blake gasped, rubbing at his eyes. "I didn't think I was THAT high..." The drugs they had in this place were crazy, he missed good old fashioned weed. He blinked further at Dorian's interaction with the little creature, then shrugged. "That bunny a friend of yours?" he asked, before going back to his dancing, this time gleefully singing "Peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly and a baseball bat!"
Hector: blinked and held up a hand as if to protest being given bananas. He was fully intending upon paying for them. They were just bananas after all. "Oh that's not necess..." He bit his bottom lip and looked down a bit shyly before nodding. "Thank you. I appreciate that. Going to make my sweet Bela a bunch of banana bread." He breamed a warm smile and then pulled his legs under him to just sit there. It felt good to be on the ground. He didn't care how it looked. He just wanted to feel the good feelings of the silliness of the situation. His eyes turned to look at the 'rabbit' and he blinked. O-oh. "Ah, hello there little guy." Due to the whole 'doggie' thing he felt a spike of just the tiniest bit of a fear, but then it slowly faded as he watched the little Chthullu Bun slurp up a banana whole. He just smiled and shook his head. Hector loved monsters. "Aren't you a cutie. Enjoy your nanas." He put a hand to his chest as indicating himself and said slowly TO the bunny. "I am Hector." Yep, talking to a 'bunny.' Then he just went back to looking toward Blake. "It's Calisto, Blake...even the bunnies are special." He chuckled and couldn't help but smile at Blake singing the Peanut Butter Jelly song. "Mmm, Blake...can you and I talk on a later date? It's about......stuff."
Cassandre Lavigne moves towards the spectacle of giant bananas with a soft smile. Until she passes by a window, her head turns to watch it, neutrality taking the place of the comfortable expression until her attention returns to the bananas. The smile is back in place before she ever notices the small dark rabbit those around it are speaking on. "Odd, rabbits are usually quite shy, I wonder if it is someone's escaped pe..." She stops speaking when she realizes it has disappeared a whole banana. She then looks to Blake as the singing begins. She stops and looks towards the sea, a curiosity settling over her, gaze suddenly distant as she wonder, is this what madness is like? When she pushes away the thought, it's to clap with delight at the jugglign and dancing. "Oh Bravo! Do you both accept tips?"
Hunter smiled at Hector, as if bunnies had the proper facial musculature to do such things. But he did, bobbing his little head and waggling his long ears as he registered the name. There was a little telepathic nudge in the necromancer's direction and one in Dorian's -- though it seemed to sorta filter out to everyone in the nearby area that wasn't actively warding their brain against such things. /"Nilgh'ri Y' gotha ah room somewhere.... Ya yaah ah Hunter"/ came the 'words' in grunts and glorps and garbles of speak from the beyond. Apparently there was a song in his brain about the same time he tried to 'speak' to them. That bunny head twisted and looked upward at Dorian as he offered the whole case of banana....all of it. Hunter's eyes went so wide - about four of them anyway. He turned to the bananner crate and just started... opening his mouth. Wider. And wider, and wider, fully prepared to swallow the whole thing - but he remembered. Bunny etiquette was not like that. So he shut his trap and sat himself down and just started nibbling at a corner of a wooden box, one of his eyes still watching Blake and his jelly dance with fascination, the other curiously studying Cassandre.
Dorian: "He's a friend of my sister's and thus mine, yes. Both of them." Dorian explained vaguely about both hinky bunny and laughing hatted man, but then he was focused on trying not to laugh too much at the absurdity of it all. He had not learned to juggle to ruin the one chance to showcase it by remembering his actual social station, nor thinking of his lost lordly father and the rite that had set hounds loose on the island. No, he was a mere banana, light of heart and pretending his sister's summoning had a place in this world like he did. Though she would never be the sort to really need his protection. Though he was not attuned to nor even accustomed to the stranger things bound to her faith and his faith in her.
It took all his focus to juggle and lift his feet in front of the eldritch bunny thing peering Cassandre's way as he answered her, "My friend there does," Dorian nodded his banana top half toward Blake, "and he's.... that rabbit is very hungry. My sister knows how to speak to him. He is a jolly clever fellow."
He was not the best a broadcasting nor finessing his psychic ability but he'd try to show Hunter a vision of eating bananas one at a time and bit by bit. It was beyond him to demonstrate mentally what unpeeling should look like, beyond how a human did it so he left that bit unedited. He was not the one in the house who could handle this sort of thing past any mortal's wonder, so what could he do but dance and juggle? Thus he did just that.
Blake Jermyn paused in his song to look over at Hector. "I.... Uhhhh...." Usually he avoided the ever mysterious and ever ominous 'can we talk' as much as humanly possible, but given that he actually /initiated/ one of these conversations with Sato just the other day, and it had gone better than he could have possibly imagined, he reconsidered his immediate instinct to flee. "Y'know what, sure. Hit me up some time, dude," he said, tossing Hector a wink and a fingergun before going back to musically extolling the virtues of 'peanut butter jelly and a baseball bat,' for some reason. He once again paused the song to wave hello to Cassandre, his cheerful expression at perfect odds with her face of muted horror. "If you wanna tip us, just grab some bananas," he said with a grin, "we get money, you get some delicious-ass fruit. Anyway, PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!" He beamed at the bunny, even as it started eating the box, rather than the bananas. This thing was AWESOME. "Hey, lil dude, catch!" He pick up one of his own banana supply and attempted to toss it gently towards Hunter, see if the little guy would catch and eat it midair. A nod to Dorian before he continued his song. "Yeah, Hector's great, he and I go way back too. Peanut butter jelly-..."
Hector: blinks and reaches up to put his hand to his temple as he feels that weird push. He wasn't keen on mental stuff, but he could handle it. All he could really do was nod to the 'bunny' in response and force himself finally back to his feet. He reached to get himself a smallish crate of bananas and put it under his arm. He turned to look at Cassandra and opened his mouth, then he pursed his lips and tilted his head. He thought maybe that was the lady he was supposed to meet with on Saturday, but he didn't want to presume so he just let it be. He nodded back and forth from Blake to Dorian and back again. "Yeah, we've known each other for a good while. He's really good at flying kites." He winked to Blake teasingly.
Gonzo Giustizieri was done with classes for the day, probably, and after tormenting a professor with personal questions, he'd been wandering the town, debating whether he wanted to go bother the horses again or-- hang on, he spots bright yellow motion out of the corner of his eye and bounds toward the docks. As he gets closer, he hears the dulcet tones of some incredibly obnoxious song, and he thinks it might be the best thing he's ever heard. He starts stomping his foot and clapping along. "Peanut butter jelly time!" He nudges Cassandre with an elbow, grinning. "Is this not the best song you have ever heard?" Then, he grins as he sees Dorian juggling, and drops some change on the banana cart as he takes 3 bananas off of it and starts juggling those while singing along to Blake's song, scratchy and off-key.
Cassandre Lavigne skirts around Hunter as the song and words filter into her mind, her curiosity rising up, hoping this won't be the next thing she sees stalking her through the street. At least the hounds are fearsome. She slips a gloved hand into a pocket sewn at her waist and and pulls free a coin purse to trade a part of its contents for fruit. "Where did you hear that jingle, it's quite..." Then Gonzo is nudging her and she looks back in surprise, stepping forward until she realizes who it is. "Oh! Excuse me. I didn't see you there." She chuckles and nods. "Well, if you're juggling, I believe..." She watches Blake a moment longer, slipping her wallet back into the pocket to then dance along with him. Hector gets a wave over. "Come dance too?"
Hunter happily munches on his banana crate until Blake tosses one up for him. Hunter's ears perk and gets up all bipedal-like, leaping from the pier to the table and then up into the air. He caught that thing... but his body certainly looked like it had no bones as it twisted and flipped in the air. But real rabbits were sorta fluid too weren't they? Totally. Hunter landed with a strangely wet PLOP and down that banana whole before turning to stare at Blake expectantly. There was a chanting that went through the mental space - /"Ahog ahog ahog ahog ahog"/ as the bunny hopped up and down excitedly.
Dorian did not quite get the precise nature of what Blake's song brought delight to the fore, but he'd call the black-haired urchin's way, "See to it your friend gets a fruit for their coin, the idea is for the sweetness here to linger." He'd never in a hundred years imagined that they'd get tips, money for nothing. Surely the standworker and Blake would be able to work something out as tips and busking funds were collected that were above the considerations of the bottom line. As the company seemed to move past the strange bunny-guy-thing, he'd cease juggling on a dime and bend to whisper to the creature who had a voice to match those rows of teeth, "Take care friend. Eat to your heart's content, but pace yourself. There shall always be more bananas." So said the man who'd never had to worry about the cost of a piece of fruit or bread to his sister's strange friend, anyway.
Hiram put on another lively record, this one instrumental to better accompany Blake's free stylings of vocals, having been popular as they were to cause a breakout dance party. The unlikeliest remix was born. Dorian joined in the dance, pattering around, keeping his juggling going, casting a glance at Hector to see if he'd join the call for joining in free-spirited merriment.
Blake Jermyn chuckles and winks at Hector at the mention of 'kite flying,' tapping the side of his nose conspiratorially before getting back to dancing, singing, and merriment. His expression brightens as he discovers that none other than Tony Pizza has not only appreciated his singing, but JOINED IN THE SONG, now cheerfully bellowing a bizarre amalgamation of this with the lyrics he was supposed to be singing. "Peanut butter jelly time, bananas are sweet, come get yourself a delectable treat!" His joy, already boundless, only spills further over as both Tony and Slenderlady join in the festivities. Damn, now he was pulling in FREE ADVERTISING! He just KNEW his ever-enthusiastic presence would be perfect for business, and here everything was, coming up Blake!
He clapped and cheered as his new bunny buddy managed to catch the thrown banana, utterly impressed by the little creature's acrobatics and not noticing anything weird about this at all whatsoever. As Dorian called to him to hand out bananas, he did so with gusto, tossing a bundle to Cassandre as soon as her coins hit the table, never once breaking the steps of his dance. He was having the time of his LIFE.
Hector: watches the bunbun flip through the air and splort down after happily catching a banana. He's putting a little two and two and making five. He wouldn't have thought twice about it if it weren't for the 'doggie' thing that happened recently. That made him sad all of a sudden. Again he couldn't remember what that creature took from him and it made him feel tired. He shook his head and cleared his throat. "Well, as lovely as this is. I should go put these bananas up and get to cleaning up Murphy's before the lunch crowd." He tipped his hat. "Have fun being bananas." He said to Dorian and Blake, then nodded to the other two. "Good day." And he turned and headed away from the docks, back toward the bar.
Gonzo Giustizieri is truly shocked when Cassandre breaks out into dance. "I did not know you were that kind of girl, Ms. Lavigne!" Whatever he'd been going to say next is muffled and inaudible when he swings his head back and catches one of the bananas he'd been juggling in his mouth, like a dog with a bone. He waggles his eyebrows at Cassandre, then Blake and Dorian, and drops the banana into his hand...only to start spinning a fruit in each hand and tossing them back and forth. Only there's one too many bananas in hand now, so the third one gets tossed in the general direction of the weird squiddly bunny rabbit, since it seems to be...eating these? Absorbing them? He starts back up singing again, then pauses for a second, bending down to look at the bunny. "Your rabbit, do you think it can dance?" His feet are still tapping, and he's wiggling even as he squats to look at Hunter.
Hunter watched Hector leave with a curious little stare.... which involved his bunny head twisting and turning around, 180 like an owl. But it righted itself quickly enough and went back to banana munching. He was content to keep biting at his banana crate, finally getting through the wood and into the bananas themselves and letting out a gurgling coo of happiness until Gonzo's thrown banana outright smacked him in the side of the head. And... stuck there, one curved tip in the side of his skull where his bunny-brain supposedly sat. Hunter was not bothered by this. There was a munching noise as the banana sank in, slowly devoured. The question of dancing was an odd one... he had heard the word "dance" a few times when Dinah spoke of Dorian and the things he could do with his body. Certainly, Hunter did not eavesdrop... simply absorb, passively, while imitating some innocuous household object. He knew what dancing was, was the point. He patted himself and his mouth and sidestepped a couple times and just watched Gonzo and Cassandre for a few moments before attempting to copy their movements, resulting in some very off-kilter, not-properly-boned movements of that black bunny body.
Cassandre Lavigne waves goodbye to Hector, mid-dance before she laughs lightly, the eyebrow waggle causing her to cover her mouth, face tilting away now. "What, likely to dan..." Though she hadn't expected Blake's thrown bananas, intending to pick them up after the dance, and while they catch her off guard, they also catch her off balance. She stumbles, bumping into a barrel near her. Stops, to grab it, to avoid it tipping over, or the far more likely scenario if herself tipping over. "Oh, so sorry! Perhaps..." Now the Bunny contorts and she openly stares at it.
Dorian piped up, urbane British accent filling in for what was not easily explainable, "Jolly clever, he is! My sister has a way with even unsavage beasts, as it turns out. Surely she taught him this trick, she is rather a magician. She and my brother shoulder the burden of talent in the family Windgrace." Dorian answered Gonzo, steering clear of trying to identify their gender by calling them either. He just hoped that one of the ones who better contextualized wearing banana-clad madness of the sort that was peculiarly Callisto's wonderland might come along song.
Meanwhile, he'd cut his gaze between uncanny bunny and balls to imitate the creature's motion, as if what he'd said could possibly be true. He'd append, falling back to his scripted lines, for barking like a carnie,
"Bananas are fine, bananas are sweet, come get yourself a delectable treat!
Have you ever seen a fruit so yellow? with flavor so sweet fine and mellow?"
Blake Jermyn called "later buddy!" after Hector as he left, his feet still flying and scrambling across the boards with his cheerful dance. "Where he at? Where he at? Where he at? You ever seen a fruit so yellow? There he go, there he go, there he go, flavor so sweet and fine and mellow!" He pumped his fist in time to the music as Gonzo snatched a banana in his mouth, clapping and cheering at his mad juggling skillz.
"God, that's the coolest bunny ever," he murmured to himself as he saw Hunter, er... 'break it down' as best the little eldritch bunny rabbit could, only to stumble a bit himself as he spots Cassandre topple out of the corner of his eye. "Oh, shit, sorry, uhhhh... Catch?" A sheepish little grin.
Gonzo Giustizieri blinks at the banana wedged into the bunny's head, but as it gets absorbed and Hunter starts to dance...he shrugs and simply accepts it. At least this thing has the decency to be strange in clear view of everyone, instead of just lurking out of sight like the stupid dog and the stupid bird. But whatever, they're not important! "Cool moves, coniglietto!" He does stop dancing when Cassandre nearly topples over, and hops over to offer her a hand. "Be careful! And yes, you are so," and he pauses, passing his other hand over his face like a slide transition-- posture going rigid, face dour, stern, serious, and when he speaks again, the tone is flat and neutral. "Impassive, when I have seen you before. Dancing does not fit with that image." And he grins, breaking character almost immediately. He twists around to answer Dorian. "An impressive sister! My congratulations! My siblings are not half as impressive-- they could not train a rabbit to eat a carrot!"
Cassandre Lavigne smiles warmly at Blake and tucks the bananas under her arm. "Yes, thank you, I've certainly got them now. Did you come up with the jingles all on your own?" Hearing Dorian, who answers the question she did not ask, her attention shifts. "Oh, how...wonderful. I am curious, does your sister deal in such works often? Yes, as she says. Impressive." Gonzo gets a smile that's much thinner than the other's, but more amused rather than warm before the smiles vanish and Cassandre folds her hands together. "Ah, well, life or death situations are not exactly the same as selling bananas on the docks, no?" Now she goes to move past, having deemed the rabbit as not dangerous at the moment and curious enough to crouch down to study Hunter closer. "I noticed you'd been trained to speak as well. Or was that something you learned all on your own?"
Aelwyd Cyrnos had spent all week baking up a storm and had continued to do so up to several minutes ago when she slips from the Manor with yet another banana themed treat. The tin she held was still hot, though it didn't harm her ceramic tipped fingers, so when she set the fresh banana tart on the wood, it would let off a lovely banana scented steam to catch in the breeze from the water. She brushes her skirts down as she nods to all the confections on display and smiles, seemingly pleased with herself. Only then would she clasp her hands before her and turn those strange clockwork eyes to those gathered. She sees Gonzo first, an unfamiliar face to her eyes, so she simply offers him a smile. She hadn't seen Blake since their meeting in the brothel, so she was quite delighted to see him up and dancing, she cocks her head to look him over with some amusement. She too had her own set of changes since he saw her last. A completely different form to inhabit, the gears clicking softly as she looked to Dorian. Ah! A face she waves to, and Dinah as well! There was almost a wildness to her eyes as she saw them, a conversation she would keep for later. She hears Cassandre and looks to her as well, curious, as ever, of the inhabitants here on the island. Then there was Hunter... The rabbit? She presses her lips together and glances around the square before nudging one of the pies away from the edge of the table, juuuust in case.
Hunter had been mildly alarmed by the stumbling lady by the barrels. He stared after her in concern, the bunny ears twitching and alert, two beady bunny eyes hopping from Cassandre to Blake and back as if uncertain if he'd attacked her or not. But... she seemed okay, and as she came to crouch and study him he blinked at her. His body kept attempting to mimic Gonzo's dancing despite his head staying gyroscopically stable, likely banishing any doubts as to who or what the little black rabbit with slightly purplish fur and sometimes more eyes than two really was. When he answered Cassandre it was telepathically, garbled and jumbled more than usual with the Hounds still present in the area. It tended to revert him to his more natural speech patterns and instincts. /Y' ai ehyeeog tongues. Speak many tongues. I speak. Ph'nglui ai lloig hai. But you. Hounds? Hound. Hounds ph'nglui ymg' lloig./ There was the sense of curiosity, of hunger... but not for Cassandre, for the thing that was haunting her, it seemed. And when Aelwyd appeared he seemed to sense it, his ears swiveling around to put their hearing-bits backward toward her, another little surreptitious eye opening up to peer at her as he waved a little paw at the golden woman mid-dance.
Dorian snapped up to peer at Gonzo, and found a way to address them, with a question, "Did you call him a coney? A coney-etto?" Dorian rang out with laughter, nearly missing a catch and having to stop juggling to bend his banana form over once all the balls were in hand again. It was so wonderfully absurd that his sister was right. All things were possible, and they needn't all be sensible. Charles might have disapproved of dancing bananas and rabbits and people of all colours and shapes on a pier, but to Dorian, that was a fanciful glory of a day. While doubled over he did bend to catch sight of the bunny again, and of Blake. The latter got a ring-bedecked thumbs up as certain signal of a job fully done, or a friend making clear in language that needed no words to bridge chasms of vernacular, that he was glad for the joy brought into his life. He'd not meant to open up his sixth sense, it just happened, because he was experiencing a moment of unbound joy, of uncommon whimsy. Thus, yet chuckling he tried to answer Cassandre, "Begging your--ahahaha---pardon---hahahahaha No... she-hahahahaha--- my sister-- ahahahahahaha!"
He was still laughing full throatedly, full-heartedly when he felt a familiar prickling, the certainty of better time ahead like a zephyr of fresh air. It could only mean one thing he'd dare not look for until she made herself known. Unwittingly though, his hand with three free fingers did brush through his hair while he was doubled over to straighten it. He'd surely address both women he knew when he'd control of his faculties again, and he promised to have a hold of himself, just as soon as his chuckles subsided. He'd surely address either of the women he already knew when he was not bound up in laughter.
Dinah (dollihead) had finished up some of her business and had sauntered down towards the docks, fully expecting to see Dorian clowning dressed as a banana... but seeing a small crowd of people, and not one but TWO banana men, she laughed aloud as she approached. She wiggled her fingers in a wave to those around her, sidling up towards her own preferred banana.
"well, isnt this splendid? Everyone seems to be having such fun, Dori" she smiled, glancing down towards the 'bunny' with a smile of realization... only to notice that dorian had been talking about his sister.
"oh. Should my ears be burning? good afternoon, everybody"
Blake Jermyn seemed an endless fountain of energy as he just kept dancing and singing. "Tasty in a pudding, pie or cake, now break it down and FREEZE! Bananas are wonderful things to bake, now break it down and FREEZE! Grab 'em by the single or the bunch, now break it down and FREEZE! They'll make a sweet end to your lunch, now break it down and FREEZE!" A relieved fingergun is pointed towards Cassandre as she seems... mostly, fine. "Dorian there wrote most of it, I just, y'know, added a little of my own special flair." Not that he could truly take credit for the absolute musical masterpiece known as Peanut Butter Jelly Time.
A little wave as Aelwyd steps up, not quite recognizing her at first on account of the whole 'being a doll' thing. "Hey there! Want some bananas? They're on special today, as well as being super awesome delicious all the time!" He grinned, twirling and dancing and only pausing long enough to catch Dorian's eye, give him a bright, beaming smile and two thumbs up right back at him. It was more than clear that the appreciation, as well as the friendship, was reflected tenfold. He nearly opened his mouth to respond when he saw Dinah approach on her delicate heels. He gave her a cheerful wave and a "heeeeey there," but then tossed Dorian a wink, as if to silently say, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone.
Gonzo Giustizieri just keeps shedding bananas-- she's down to the last one of the three, and it's balanced on the back of her neck like a boa. She wiggles until the banana slides off her shoulder and down her arm, pops up an elbow and snags the banana out of the air. Thank God it's a very firm, green banana and not an overripe one. Cassandre passes him by, and he just continues grinning, especially when she mentions life or death. "You are speaking the truth about that, my friend!" He laughs, but heyyyyy, what's that? "Something smells amazing!" She bounces over to inspect Aelwyd's tart, looking absolutely delighted. "Did you make this, beautiful? If it tastes only half as good as it smells, I will be in heaven with the first bite!" The beaming, megawatt smile in Aelwyd's direction is distracted by Dorian's comment, and he turns, tilting his head. "Conigliett'! Like a rabbit, but smaller! Cuter, too! WHOA, speaking of cute!" She waggles her fingers at Dinah as the woman approaches. "Welcome to the party, baby!" As Blake ge
Gonzo Giustizieri into the next verse of the song, every time he says FREEZE, she...freezes in place for a second, then keeps going like nothing happened.
Hunter nods enthusiastically when the lady mentions a hunt! "Hunter," he confirms aloud, which is about the straw the breaks the camel's back for his breaches of masquerade. There's a sizzle and a seizing in the little bunny body, forcing the Eldritch entity into.... an actual proper rabbit body, fluffy and black and completely unable to do things for a bit but blink and twitch his little nose. Mentally though he shoots a thought at Cassandre, promising the feeling - or notion of him hunting the Hound haunting her. Even if he can't seem to make himself too horrific right now. He does HEAR Aelwyd offer some pie though. That has him bapping his feet against the ground once or twice before turning to the doll and hopping over to rear up on his haunches for a slice.
Dorian was keen to listen to Gonzo until such time as they seemed to notice his sister's beauty. The quickest and most honest way to divert from that was to answer, quickly, and with a smile pulled tight over his teeth, with turning to nod his head in the woman he spoke of's direction and hopefully the remarking person's attention too, "Mistress Aelwyd there is among this isle's best bakers. She has immense and obvious value beyond that and--" He had flicked his gaze upon his sister by the time he finished and his teeth showed in most gladsome grin to her as his head followed that way, and though it was rather absurd, clad in a banana suit, one sewn to completion by the woman with the key protruding from her back, bearing baked goods, "her radiant shining beauty is beyond compare."
Presuming his sister would let a clown do so, he'd bend his bananaform to kiss her ring finger. Not above it, as a gentleman with no claim upon her might do. Only when he rose again, gazing with besotted eyes that could hardly be turned from setting upon Dinah with rapacious attention having snapped to, not unlike the eldritch trick bunny, did he finish speaking the full complement of his remarks, "I think my sister should answer for herself, I present The Lady Dinah to our glad company."
Dinah (dollihead) very nearly didn't recognize blake.. he was far TALLER this time than the last time she'd seen him. "Ah, young master Jermyn. You are looking terribly well" she beamed, though she turned owlish, surprised eyes onto Gonzo as the stranger called her 'baby'. "I... well, thank you" She tittered, though she gave Cassandra a friendly smile, and as Aelwyd curtsied, she bowed her head respectfully
"Good afternoon, indeed." she greeted politely, reaching down to pet Hunter on the ear as he fully transformed into a fuzzy bunny and she laughed gently. "Behaving, I hope?" she asked aloud to...basically all of them, to be honest. she let Dorian take her hand and she grinned, leaning in to press a smooch to his cheek.
"I am required to answer something? I am an open book, of course."
Blake Jermyn kept up the joyous dancing and singing as Gonzo put the moves on Aelwyd, after all, that's just what any red-blooded man or woman would do with a girl so fine, but as soon as her attentions moved towards Dinah, Blake immediately danced his way over to gently elbow Gonzo in the ribs, giving him a wide-eyed, desperate glance as he tried to ventriloquist-whisper "DUDE. She's /taken./" Thus, his duty at preventing calamity well done, he went back to his song and dance. Luckily, neither of the lovestruck twins seemed to take it too hard, so, phew, crisis averted! "Yeah!" he called out to Dinah as she greeted him, "thanks, and thanks for bringin' over all these bananas! Gotta be my favourite plant I ever sold!"
As poor Aelwyd struggled to explain her situation, he blinked at her for a moment even as he kept up his dance, before a lightbulb went on in his head and his expression at last brightened to match. "Oh! Yeah! I remember you now! Nice... Key?" He hadn't expected people he knew to just, up and turn into robots, or dolls, or whatever she was, but he hoped it was a nice enough change for her. His head cocks as he hears the little rabbit straight up /talk/, but at this point he only grins at the thing. "That your name, little guy?" Well. Blake coming to the RIGHT conclusion for once. Good job. However, as the little creature sizzles on the ground, he frowns. "I think the poor lil dude ate too many bananas...."
Gonzo Giustizieri is unbearably wiggly, always in some sort of motion-- aside from when Blake is saying 'FREEZE', of course. He shoots Cassandre a smile from his spot near the cart, and for once, it's not over-the-top and exaggerated, just friendly and warm. "I had enough of being serious back home. Now I am seizing the day every day, yes? Enjoying myself before I return! It is not so strange to have fun, I think." His face scrunches up in happiness, and he bobs his head at her. "I hear exuberance is infectious. Maybe you will catch it, one of these days." He finishes the statement with another laugh, and then...finds his path blocked by a Blake.
"Wh-- she is not married, is she?!" He tries to sneak a look at Dinah's ring finger, but to no avail. He gives Blake a suspicious look, but it only lasts for a second before the temptation of banana tart is too much. He turns to Aelwyd, and the smile's back on his face. The woman's voice is a little weird, but not enough to throw him off. "Aelwyd, right? Aelwyd, I would love a
Gonzo Giustizieri slice. How much do you want for it?" First he offers a coin, then increases the amount until it's a proper handful, and he makes one of the coins dance through the fingers of his other hand, up and down and around. Unfortunately, the bunny's plight goes unseen.
Cassandre Lavigne nods to Hunter, the sizzling not seeming to disturb her any more than the contortions had already, and rises. "I am glad to have met you, Hunter. If there is something I could provide you with in return, I would be glad to know of it. " Unwilling to stand between the eldritch horror and pie, she steps back, finally catching both Dorian's words and the display between him and Dinah. She pauses with that, taking a moment before nodding to Dinah. "Some of your work was mentioned, and I have some interest in similar topics." She steps towards Gonzo, shaking her head. "It is good to enjoy life while you can, but I wonder..." She shakes her head cutting herself off. This is not the time nor the place. "if your working at the cat cafe is part of that? I would not think you would want more work on top of that, but perhaps it was the uniform which drew you to it instead? "
Aelwyd Cyrnos had already drug the pie over to her side, the knife appearing in her hand to cut it into pieces, when she felt something at her feet. The pie had just cooled down enough to hold it's shape, but the center was still curling steam as she pulled the first slice to the plate. She glances down, over her shoulder as she divvied up the portions, a small smirk curling those pink lips as she sees the bunny. She swipes her finger on the pie pan, gathering up some lose banana pudding and boops his nose with it before straightening to lick the rest of the pudding from her finger. She looks up to Dorian with a small laugh as he mentions her, shaking her head with mild embarrassment. She returns to dishing up the pie, "Try a bite before you make such grand claims, Sir." she sets the plates on the edge of the table for anyone to take as they wished. "I also have a banana shake, banana bread... The cake is delicious..." it was missing a slice... how telling. "Ah..." she wrinkles her nose a bit then hmms softly, "Ms. Windgrace? Would you care for a bite?" she smiles. She offers Blake a smile as he finally remembers her, reaching for the cake to cut it next. "Thank you." voice dripping with laughter. "Bit of a fashion statement, but I do believe I pull it off rather well." was she... teasing him? She waves away Gonzo's offer of money, "If payment is to be made, it is to be made to the Windgraces. I just cook the sweets." she sets a fork on the lip of the plate and holds it out for him to take her smile growing more honest the longer she was here. A glance at Cassandre as she speaks to Dinah, her attention is on the serving.
Dorian bent to receive his cheek kiss, in a dance that had lasted for centuries, and even so, his face flushed from it. The banana suit hadn't felt hot before. Somewhere between her lips on his cheek and taking in the rose-milk shade of her shapely legs, though, he fanned himself with the handful of balls and then began to juggle again, awaiting an appropriate moment to give breath to his voice again, barking, once more, "Bananas are--"
He'd not find the following pre-written text, but instead took a page from his friends book, ad-libbing "bloody great! As is the colour yellow! One has to only open their eyes to see. And sweet! The FINE MISTRESS AELWYD CAN TELL YOU THE REST! She and Mister Blake Banana shall negotiate the proceeds." Once he'd set his juggling balls aside upon the counter in favor of taking his sister's hand, he was all out of matching couplets. And into silent voice, to confirm what was obvious, [I am afraid I did not know what to say about him. He likes bananas. I am with you.]
Dinah (dollihead) cocked a brow at Blake's words with interest "..are you much of a botanist, mr. Blake?" she asked innocently, though the interplay between Blake and Gonzo went, perhaps intentionally, unnoticed. She didn't, after all, have a ring on her finger beyond the large rose gold leaf on the middle finger of her right hand. Cassandra talking of her work had her perk with interest.
"My work? at the academy?" she asked curiously, though she smiled and shook her head at Aelwyds' offer.
"No thank you, dear. I don't tend to eat in public out of habit but if i'm fortunate enough for there to be any left, perhaps later" she took Dorian's hand and wrapped her hand around his bicep with a warm smile. "It's been a while since i've seen you juggle, dear heart. I had almost worried that you might have forgotten how." she admitted, leaning against the side of the banana man, giving his hand a squeeze at his unspoken words.
Blake Jermyn facepalms as Gonzo answers him at normal volume, trying to sing louder to cover it up. "IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME, PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME, BANANAS ARE FINE! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME, BANANAS ARE SWEET! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY PEANUT BUTTER JELLY PEANUT BUTTER JELLY COME GET YOURSELF A DELECTABLE TREAT!" THANKFULLY, Gonzo seemed distracted well enough by the other pretty girl who was holding dessert to boot. Good choices, good choices all around. If Blake had the option of a hot girl and a hot girl with baked goods, he'd pick the second one every time too.
Speaking of which, he was just starting to get a bit out of breath from all the singing and dancing, and that pie did smell awfully good... "Hey, can I get some of that? Call it my lunch break," he said, his dancing slowling to a stop as he drooled over the pie and the shakes. "And yeah, ya pull it off great," he said, and whether or not she was teasing, he was just going to join the game with a good old yes-and. A wink and a fingergun to Dorian as he handed off banana sales duty to him, more than willing to take up the mantle to allow Dorian some time with his lady love. He shrugged as Dinah asked him about Botany, answering with a simple "Used to farm a bit, sell what I grew, y'know." A simple enough background, and not EXACTLY a lie...
Hunter scrunches his little bunny nose at that boop and proceeds to start cleaning himself, paws scrubbing at the pudding before he licks it from his fur. He seems constantly irritated by his temporary inability to morph himself, the covenant's backlash having locked him in bunbun form for the time being. It does make it less disconcerting and more simply cute when he bobs himself around to Blake's song, sitting and chomping on the rest of his banana box... which is significantly harder with standard bunny teeth.
Gonzo Giustizieri raises an eyebrow at Cassandre. "I am trying something new with it! Very different from my work back home, and what I am pursuing at the academy. Besides, the roller skates, THOSE are fun. But the rest of the uniform," and she makes a face, wobbling a hand from side to side. "I am not one for dresses. Or cats. Sacrifices must be made for several hours on wheels." She's aaaaaalmost disappointed when Aelwyd turns down the offer of money, but it doesn't last long. "Cooking is all of the work! There is no 'just' about it! And to create something so wonderful with your efforts? If you will not take this in exchange for the tart, then take it as payment for the art!" She sliiides several of the coins toward Aelwyd, a little too pleased with the shitty rhyme she'd made. Then, when Blake comes up next to her, she slides the other half of the coins in front of him. "You take this, and I will talk to you later about your song. I am having some ideas for it. Big ones." The words are paired with an evil grin.
Cassandre Lavigne nods to Dinah. "Yes, though I am afraid I should head out soon. I have a shift and simply wanted to pick up these for patients who cannot make such a trip themselves, but it was a wonderful to meet you and I do hope we can speak more in the future." With Hunter distracted, she digs into her pocket for a calling card. "If you'd like to contact me, I've been lodging in town and do let your... Hunter know where to find me there as well. " The card has a name and address written out. Blake and the stranger seeing to the pies both a get a wave goodbye and Gonzo gets a chuckle. "I had hoped the skates would entertain. Perhaps we can talk about the uniform later. I'll stop by the cafe soon. Do excuse me, however."
Aelwyd Cyrnos squeaks softly as Dorian lays the next round of calls on her. She flashes him wide panic filled eyes. "Get some... bananas!" she bounces to try and mimic the energy of the two men, but ends up just looking more out of her depth, "You can use them in breads and cakes... uh... I have smoothies if you are thirsty." she blushes crimson, the doll still apparently able to show embarrassment and shakes her head, sales not exactly her forte. When Blake does such an outstanding job of calling she is glad to leave it up to him. Turning her attention to setting forks on all the plates. She smiles and passes Blake some pie and a cool shake. Looking down at the coins Gonzo passes her she blushes even harder, but being overly polite as she was she simply bobs a curtsy and pockets the change. "Thank you." she murmurs, to flustered to truly appreciate the rhyme. She looks down at Hunter as he cleans himself and takes a moment to reach out to pet him with those shimmering golden hands, again, the warmth of her power whispering comfort and home at her touch. This allowed her to collect herself a moment, far to easily flustered. She lets out a soft breath and gives Hunter a cheeky wink before straightening once more. She catches Cassandre's wave and returns it with a smile. "Take care!" To Dinah's refusal she simply nods. "I have a few bits still back at the mansion, you are welcome to them if you find yourself hungry this evening."
Dorian would coo to his sister, braggingly, "Forget how? You were the one whom I learned to do it for. Next time I shall bring the axes. Render my lady fully impressed. As I did Drystan. I even got a few laughs out of him, with that particular skill." He waggled his brows knowingly her way, given their ascendant brother was hard to elicit such a reaction from. But it was possible with the elder brother, with the lupine sister as it wasn't with the missing Charles Windgrace who would never have approved of even his secondborn clowning. He'd lean just ever so slightly back against his sister's side, and begin to make less of a spectacle of himself by quieting down.
Afterall he'd put in a day's work, and deserved the reprieve of being an accessory to accompany true glory. She and Drystan were the denizens, the significant bearers of the family name. He was well and truly the spare, and enjoying it properly for the first time, with unshy eyes upon his other half.
Dinah (dollihead) let out an 'aaah' at Blakes' implication that he was even something of a farmer. she grinned at the former squiddly bunnny and she reached to pet Hunter again with a quiet laugh. As she was offered the business card she carefully took it between her fingers and she nodded once more, examining it with interest and turning it between her fingers.
"of course. I haven't a card on me at present but I can be reached either at the academy, at the store over there, or the house atop the cliffs there. a pleasure to meet you" she bobbed her head, though she chuckled quietly, rotating the card between her fingers as the boys put poor Aelwyd on the spot.
"Don't fret, dear. you are doing splendidly" she reassured her, giving Dorian's arm another squeeze.
"Axes? I always enjoyed the bottles. the light caught on the glass very prettily, and I thought mummy would have a fit at the risk of wine spilling"
Blake Jermyn happily reached for the coins, turning to deposit them in the Windgrace coffers, knowing plenty of them would come back to him soon enough. "Oh HELL yeah, glad you recognize my musical genius over here," he said with a smile that matched Gonzo's own. He waved as Slenderlady headed off, his opinion of her somewhat raised by the slow, stately way she had joined in his 'break it down and freeze' game.
"Aw thanks mate," he said as Aelwyd handed him the pie and shake, immediately pounding it down with all the gusto of a starving orphan, mouth momentarily too full to promote banana sales. However, as Dorian spoke, he couldn't help perking up. "Dude AXES? Soooo count me in on that one, I'd love to learn how to throw an axe," he said, half a mouthful of pie still in one cheek before he washed it down with milkshake.
Gonzo Giustizieri waves at Cassandre as she leaves, then glances up at the sky. "Shit," he grumbles, but quickly brightens up again and applauds Aelwyd's sales call. "Wonderful job, wonderful! You are a natural at this," he cheers, and scoops up his plate of banana treat. Blake's comment about musical genius gets a wink, and then he spins on a heel and waves as he trots away from the hubbub, first at a leisurely pace, then breaking into a dead sprint as he realizes what time it is.