The family Windgrace could access end to end security insofar as the times allowed and not doing so themselves. One trusted man aboard a certain ship will put a parcel into Charles the family patriarch's hands on the distant shores of England. Dorian's most recent missive read as follows:
To my dread father, wise as you are able and to whom I owe all I possess,
I write to you with good tidings of our venture on the isle of Callisto. The place is all you said and more, ripe with opportunity. It is a strange frontier, with a milder clime than home and an astonishing array of types of people. Drystan is making a strong impression, as I am sure you knew he would. He carries himself with your vigour and authority. We have the business quite in hand. Delilah helps us with this with a weather eye on the men in the field, or surf, rather when we are not around.
Dinah has made our home here bright, lively and rules the house with an iron gauntlet that you could only admire. Drystan and Delilah have already taken to enjoying the game rich landscape, and the wildlerlands. We have not struck gold, despite the token included herein. This is just a metaphor for what this place has to offer. A new friend brought us this gift upon paying our modest homestead a visit. Her name is Arix and she is comely as she is tall, bringing to mind visions of amazons from times of yore.
We made a tidy profit on those avocado pears as you shall see on the balance sheets following. Things go along apace and your clever daughter is seeing to it that our divers are the islands most productive by her craft.
Please give mother and our cousins our warm regards. We shall keep you and Their Majesties in our prayers. I have the honour to be, humbly in your service,
Dorian Windgrace
Later that night, he'd admire what he dared not write about: