Callisto Times 0 0 1
Nov. 10, 1942 Typhoid Outbreak on Callisto?! For the first time in this writer's lifetime, the Sanitorium has lashed its gates shut with padlock and key. Rumors abound of a typhoid outbreak in one of the wards. It has been a full week so far with no entrance or exits - not even staff. Families of sanitorium workers and those with loved ones currently under going treatment have expressed some concern - reasonable enough.
And what if an individual comes down with a fever or palsy? Where are we to go for treatment for our ills since the local sawbones shuttered his practice? Callisto Harber wants answers!
Khymeia Welcomes First Co-Ed Cohort
We may be seeing skirts and bows mixed in among the black and silver of Kymeia Academy's populace. The school is apparently welcoming its first co-ed cohort at the elite academy. One can only imagine how an institute that is not known for embracing change will handle such a shake up. Can men and women really coexist in an environment and actually learn or will the girls prove a fatal distraction.
Will this first coed group also be the Academy's last?
The Great War Continues to Grind Across Europe As Europe heads into winter, the Great War continues to churn at the front with neither side managing to make any real gains for territory. Communications have been especially slow to reach through the trenches to those on the front lines. What has trickled out are rumors of a brutal early cold front settling across much of the contested territory and slowing any gains to a painful crawl.
Letters to the Editor
Swan Attack Again
Dear Editor,
Someone needs to do something about these dang swans! There's a big brute that waddles up from the rivers to splash about in the lovely park fountain. Instead of being able to enjoy the beautiful square that our taxes pay for, we deal with the honking and chasing every single nice weekend morning. Someone needs to find whatever nest he's guarding and relocate it!
Or put the thing out of its misery. It's a menace!
-Edith Wackerbottome
Missing Teahouse Girl
Dear Editor,
Please, please post this letter in your column. I don't know what else to do. My favorite girl at the Sakura Tea House has been missing for almost a week. Before anyone writes back that she's just hiding from me - our connection is real. She would never disappear without a word to me, even if she was going to find new employment.
I even found the necklace I gave her by the road to the Wilds; if that doesn't say 'snatched by a wild animal', what does? Every attempt I've made to the constabulary has gone on deaf ears. You're my last hope. Please, if anyone knows anything. I'm desperate!
-Nathaniel Burke
Cool and clear weather expected according to Nana Bates, under a waning moon.